
Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

In the Kuomintang's secret service system, Shen Drunk is a very unique existence, he is not very old, but his seniority is very old; although he is also fierce when performing tasks, he does not lose his human touch overall;

The most interesting thing is that he obviously signed the telegram of the uprising, and also ordered his agents to lay down their weapons and wait for reception, but they were treated as war criminals and stayed in Gongdelin for several years.

During this period, Shen was full of thoughts that his wife Li Yanping, who had been very loving and gave birth to six children for him in the past, would wait for him, and also wrote down a lot of words of thought, only to find out after regaining his freedom that Li Yanping had already married someone else.

Now a lot of materials about military unification are from the hands of Shen Drunk, and the story and emotions of Shen Drunk itself are equally wonderful!

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

First, young and high-ranking, he was ostracized by Mao Renfeng

Born in 1914 in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, Shen Drunk was also a hot-blooded young man in his early years, and in 1932, the Japanese Kou provoked the "January 28 Incident", and he ran to Shanghai to join his brother-in-law Yu Lexing.

Yu Lexing was in charge of the work of the Revival Society in Shanghai under Dai Kasa at the time, and through this relationship, Shen Drunk became acquainted with Dai Kasa, and he quickly got dai Kasa to use it with his flexible mind and excellent ability.

In 1942, at the age of 28, he became the chief of the General Affairs Office of the Military Command, and many people regarded him as the third military command agent after Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng. The brother-in-law Yu Lexing, who took him to the "entrance", was far behind him at this time.

However, shen's rise has a lot to do with Dai Kasa's trust, and after Dai Kasa's plane crash in 1946, his situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

The successor Mao Renfeng was a vicious man, and before Dai Kasa's death, Mao Renfeng behaved quite docile, but after he seized power, he wantonly ostracized Dai Renfeng's cronies, and Shen Drunk was arranged to become the director of the Yunnan Station of the Secrecy Bureau in 1947. There seems to be no change in the position, but it is also equivalent to the ancient distribution frontier, far from the core of power.

In the following years, Shen drunk had little chance to show his face, until the Luhan Uprising in late 1949, he signed the telegram or was pushed out by LuHan, so he was imprisoned in kunming army model prison, Chongqing Geleshan White Mansion, Beijing Gongdelin and other places, until 1960 was pardoned.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

2. The first wife, both husband and wife use pseudonyms

In 1932, shortly after Shen Drunken joined the Revival Society, in order to disguise his identity as a spy, he pretended to be a reporter of the Central Daily on weekdays to carry out activities, and during this period, he became acquainted with his first wife, Moye.

Moye's original name was Chen Shuyuan, later renamed Chen Ye, the pen names used are Bai Bing, Coconut, etc., the name of Mo Xie was changed after she went to Yan'an, and the famous revolutionary song "Ode to Yan'an" was written by her. However, at that time, Moye assumed the pseudonym "Baiyun" and worked as a reporter and editor for the Shanghai Progress Magazine Women's Monthly.

Shen Drunk, who assumed the pseudonym "Chen Cang", was also a journalist and often got along with Mo Ye, and the two gradually developed feelings, and Mo Xie also gave birth to a child for Shen Drunk. Shen Drunk hoped that Mo Xie would quit his job and take care of the family wholeheartedly, but was rejected by Mo Xie.

The combination of the two is very strange, one is a spy who is trying his best to arrest communist elements, and the other is a progressive youth who sympathizes with the CCP for popularizing revolutionary ideas, and there should be nothing more like this.

In October 1937, Mo Xie joined the "Shanghai Anti-Japanese Rescue Drama Fifth Team" to go to Yan'an, she originally wanted to take Shen Drunk with her, but Shen Drunk's identity was doomed to be afraid to go, so the marriage was declared over, and contact with each other was broken.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

Both have done a very good job of concealing their identities.

In 1960, Mo Xie saw the news of the amnesty of shen drunk, a former military commander, from the newspaper, and after careful identification, she found that this was her former husband, and she said in disbelief: She really did not expect that he would be a spy and an executioner who persecuted the Communists.

Similarly, Shen Drunk did not know that his first wife was a famous red female writer, or in 1967, the relevant personnel of the Lanzhou Military Region found him to inquire and investigate, and Shen Drunk suddenly realized.

However, for this matter, in order not to cause trouble to Mo Xie, he has not talked much about it, even in his autobiography "My Thirty Years".

Until the death of Mo Xie on May 7, 1986, Shen Drunk wrote an article entitled "Mourning Mo Xie" and published it in the People's Daily, which was the first time to publicly talk about his ex-wife.

In 1987, the "Magic Cave Career" dictated by Shen Drunk and compiled by her daughter Shen Meijuan was published, which recorded the story of Mo Evil.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

Third, from the teacher and student, the wife who is imprisoned remarries

Li Yanping, mentioned at the beginning of this article, is Shen's second wife, and the two can also be regarded as a teacher-student friendship.

In 1938, Li Yanping was admitted to the Central Military Academy, and was assigned to the special agent training class in Linli, Changde, Hunan Province, where Shen Drunk happened to be the instructor of the special agent class.

At that time, in order to make his subordinates concentrate on resisting Japan, Dai Kasa strictly forbade members of the military command to marry, and Shen Drunk also had a way, he lied that he and Su Yanping were "doll relatives", and Dai Kasa, who was already very fond of him, turned a blind eye. Since then, Shen Drunk and Li Yanping have lived together for more than 10 years, giving birth to five daughters and a son, and life is very loving.

In 1949, when the Kuomintang was in a state of flux and many people began to find their own way out, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Renfeng, in order to strengthen their determination to resist drunkenness, specially arranged for Shen intoxication to assassinate progressives Yang Jie, Chen Fuguang, and others. Shen Drunk did not do anything for his own future considerations.

However, considering that the situation was changing rapidly, he sent his wife Li Yanping and several children to Hong Kong first, and he continued to stay in Yunnan to wait.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

On December 9, 1949, in order to reduce the resistance to the uprising, Lu Han detained most of the high-ranking Kuomintang officials in Kunming, including Shen Drunk.

Shen Drunk immediately negotiated with Lu Han after being detained, expressing his willingness to participate in the uprising, and at the same time he asked his subordinates to cut off contact with Mao Renfeng and lay down his weapons, which won Lu Han's trust, so Lu Han added Shen Drunk's name to the uprising telegram.

Originally, Shen Drunken thought that everything had been arranged properly, so he sent a telegram to his wife Li Yanping on December 21: He has participated in the Yunnan uprising, and we will be reunited soon. However, Shen Was soon imprisoned by Lu Han.

Speaking of drunkenness, it is also a "top pot", because Lu Han initially detained Zhang Qun, director of the Kuomintang Southwest Appeasement Office, but he was worried that the Nationalist army would frantically counterattack, so he sent Zhang Qunli out of the country. However, he was worried that he would not be able to explain it to the People's Liberation Army, so he decided to push out the powerful military commander Shen Drunk to atone for his sins.

Shen Drunk knew that he had made too many mistakes before, so he did not argue, which was painful for Su Yanping, who was far away in Hong Kong. She took a few children and waited left and right, and when she couldn't wait for her husband, she asked someone to go to the mainland to inquire about the news.

When she learned that Shen Drunk had been arrested, Su Yanping's heart was like ashes, remembering the past, she mistakenly thought that Shen Drunk was either shot or locked up to death, so in order to raise her children, she was introduced in 1951 to marry Tang Rushan, a deputy regimental commander of the former Nationalist Army.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

For all this, Shen Drunk had no idea, and his wife would definitely wait for him when he wanted to come. In the winter of 1957, it was snowing in Beijing, and Shen Drunk, who was transforming in the Gongdelin Forest, saw this scene and remembered his wife (Su Yanping's nickname Xuexue).

Excitedly, he wrote in his diary: He was very happy to see the sky drifting with light snow in the morning. But a little too little. I'd rather be cold than see snow. Snow! Please go down! Let's go!

Unfortunately, this piece of obsession, his Xuexue did not know, Su Yanping received news from the Kuomintang in Taiwan in 1953, saying that Shen Drunk had been executed, and Taiwan also placed a spiritual seat for Shen Drunk at the so-called "Martyrs' Shrine", so Su Yanping had begun to devote herself to a new life.

In 1960, Shen Wasun was freed as the second batch of amnesty personnel, and he immediately wrote to Hong Kong to contact Su Yanping. However, Su Yanping was particularly frightened after receiving the letter, she knew that Shen Drunk was not a good kind, and no one would expect the consequences if she was angry.

So even if Shen drunk sent one letter after another, Su Yanping never replied, until Shen Drunk's former friend Ding Zhongjiang came to the door, Su Yanping wrote a reply letter, politely saying that she had remarried, hoping that everyone would be happy.

Shen Drunk was very open to this, he thought that his wife remarried was forced, the two feelings were still there, so he would definitely return to his side, he wrote to Su Yanping again to meet in Guangzhou in 1961, Su Yanping also agreed at first, but after the agreed time arrived, she could not attend the meeting due to fear.

Shen Drunk was very angry at the time, and slowly let go of his nostalgia as time passed.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

Although Su Yanping did not dare to see Shen Drunk, she missed her daughter Shen Meijuan who remained in the mainland very much, and in 1980 she invited Shen Meijuan to Hong Kong to meet.

After Shen Meijuan typed the report up, the people at the Museum of Literature and History believed that Shen Drunk should also go with her. So in 1981, Shen Drunk accompanied his daughter Shen Meijuan to Hong Kong, and on the same day, the front page of Hong Kong's "New Evening News" published the news - former military commander and author of "The Secret History of Dai Kasa" General Shen Drunk and his daughter went to Hong Kong to stay, and children from outside the mainland came to reunite.

Tang Rushan and Su Yanping were very nervous, although decades had passed, they were still afraid that Shen Yanping would make trouble if they were drunk, and Su Yanping felt ashamed in her heart, so she first said good to Tang Rushan: He may slap me, you don't return.

On the day of the meeting, Su Yanping was still very nervous in her heart, and for the sake of safety, she also invited a few people to protect the car. What she didn't expect was that as soon as Shen Drunk saw her, he just came over and shook his hand, without the slightest look of anger.

Shen Drunk said: Yan Ping, I am very sorry, so many years have not fulfilled the responsibility of a husband. It was you who raised the children, and I came specifically to thank you.

This remark made Su Yanping very surprised, she did not expect that the change of Shen Intoxication would be so great, so she said movingly: The past is not mentioned, can we come and go as good friends in the future?

Shen Drunk shook his head, "We don't make friends, our two families were originally one family, and we will not distinguish each other in the future", after saying that, he turned to Tang Rushan and said: I have four brothers, the third in the family, you will call me the third brother in the future. After saying that, the three of them hugged each other and cried.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

Third, the companionship in old age is very plain but also very happy

In the more than 20 days in Hong Kong, shen drunk a lot of former subordinates and friends came to him, hoping that he would stay in Hong Kong, but he refused, and once an old friend at a banquet ridiculed him: You have always been a poisonous heart, and you don't know how many people have been beaten with guns, but now you have lost all your former morality. There is a way that the country is easy to change, the nature is difficult to move, you teach me to believe in God or believe in ghosts?

Shen Drunken replied with a righteous and awe-inspiring tone: Don't believe in God, don't believe in ghosts, but believe in people—including me, a person who has been reformed by the Communist Party.

When returning to Beijing from Hong Kong, Shen Drunk specially instructed Tang Rushan to "take good care of Yanping for me", and at the same time left a paragraph for those who had crooked thoughts: "I am glad that I have not lost my way, and I can still know how to return." The bitter sea is boundless, don't dare to jump again! Turning back is the shore, the shore is in Beijing.

His previous two relationships did not go to the end, and the person who finally accompanied him in his later years was named Du Xuejie.

In 1965, Shen Drunk met Du Xuejie at the Guangqiao Street Hospital in Beijing, because there was a "snow" in his name, and Shen Drunk thought that this was a special fate.

Both were very honest before marriage, and Shen drunkenly informed Du Xuejie of his experience as a spy, and Du Xuejie also bluntly said that he had been a nun in the church, and both sides could accept each other's past, so they lived together.

Because the two were old and did not have children, Shen Meijuan understood the difficulties of her stepmother and handed over her son to her stepmother to raise, and the family was quite harmonious. After both sides died, under Shen Meijuan's arrangement, the two were buried together.

Perhaps Du Xuejie is not Shen Drunk's favorite, but she is already the most suitable person in her later years.

Su Yanping met with her ex-husband Shen Drunk and told her husband in advance: He may slap me, don't return your hand

Shen drunk in this life, once did evil, but after accepting the transformation can also wash his heart, no matter how the Kuomintang to win over the coercion, he finally stayed on the mainland, in his later years he said to his daughter many times: The division of the country is caused by their generation, and it should also end in their generation, so that it can be worthy of future generations and worthy of ancestors.

This piece of patriotic sincerity is still very touching.

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