
Chaoyanggou | Author: Zhang Xiaofang

Chaoyanggou | Author: Zhang Xiaofang

"The two of us spent three years in school, and we talked about everything we talked about..."

As the most representative Yu opera work, "Chaoyanggou" can be called a household name. This drama masterpiece, which was born in the 1950s, is rooted in the profound folk culture of the Central Plains, with a strong atmosphere of life and a language full of personality characteristics, all of which are marked by the times.

I vaguely remember that when I was young, whenever it was busy farming season, the youngest of me, because my brothers and sisters in the family were much older, so the farm work in the field was always not involved. Occasionally on a whim to the field to be a small helper, but also always clumsy to help, for this time repeatedly by the brothers and sisters ridicule, "Oh, our family's 'Wang Yinhuan' went to the countryside!" "Special times, different kinds of pampering. During the hot harvest season, the fields often leave us with the laughter of a large family.

Nowadays, if you think about it, in the period of "Agricultural Dazhai and Industrial Science Daqing", women who are insufficient in farmland labor are usually humorously called "silver ring" by the people. This name is like the evening breeze blowing from the summer fields of ancient times, exuding a simple atmosphere of life, and also engraving an enduring drama in the hearts of the audience.

Who is "Wang Yinhuan"? As a Henan native, I am afraid that no one knows. Perhaps because I was heard in such an environment since I was a child, when I was in elementary school, I seemed to understand that the city girl Yinhuan, under the call of national policies, threw herself into the movement of intellectual youth "going to the mountains and going to the countryside" without hesitation, and after graduating from high school, she went to Chaoyanggou Village, her hometown, to participate in agricultural production and labor, and was determined to take root in the rural life for a hundred years. In those passionate years, they bravely dedicated their spirit and determination to the construction and development of the new countryside, which had infected and inspired generations.

The Yu opera "Chaoyanggou" is catchy, easy to understand, and has strong local characteristics. "Mother, you sit down, let's talk about the heart", these well-known and popular classic excerpts and the character images in the play have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and women and children are well known.

During the National Day holiday, we were invited by friends to visit the "Chaoyanggou" village located in Daye Town, Dengfeng, and the large-scale performance of "Chaoyanggou Reappearance" that was originally planned to be watched was cancelled due to the impact of the epidemic. Our group only visited the "Founder of Modern Chinese Opera" Yang Lanchun Cultural Park, Dengfeng Chaoyanggou Cultural Park, Yinhuan Pavilion, Silver Ring Bolt Treasure Pond, Chaoyanggou Reservoir and many other attractions.

In the past, the seven roads and eight beams of Chaoyanggou were ditches, and the droughts in ten years relied on relief, and poverty and backwardness. Today's Chaoyanggou, reform and opening up are racing against the wind, all avenues are changing paths, the party's "three rural" policy is good, the villagers have embarked on the road to prosperity, and families have built new buildings. Everything here is like the scene reproduction of Mr. Yang Lao's script "Chaoyanggou". Especially in the Chaoyanggou big stage just west of the square, the three big characters of the red Tongtong "Chaoyanggou" are impressive, at this moment it seems that the Yu opera "Chaoyanggou" is slowly opening the prologue, the light and clear instrumental accompaniment is ringing in the ears, and the protagonists Silver Ring and Bolt Treasure are about to debut. At this moment, looking at this big empty stage, I can't help but feel excited. At the instigation of our friends, Lao Wang and I stood in the center of the stage with great joy, improvised a classic excerpt of "Chaoyanggou" than a gourd painting scoop, which was also a dream of childhood, and truly made a "Wang Yinhuan".

Under the strong sense of substitution, I seem to be in the middle of the plot, and the scene of "walking a ridge to turn over a ditch" when the silver ring goes to the countryside is constantly in my mind. Here, we also seem to have become a member of Chaoyanggou, which is dazzling with its unique temperament and rich cultural atmosphere, like a pearl hidden in the mountains. Here, I have regained the yin of my childhood. Beautiful mountain villages, familiar faces, and harvest scenes can't help but make people think and think.

"Chaoyanggou, Chaoyanggou, Chaoyanggou is another great harvest this year", listening to the familiar melody of Yu opera, I suddenly found a special tone from it. When I was a child, listening to Yu opera always felt too wordy, squeaking and singing a sentence endlessly, and occasionally listening to it was only to pick and choose the paragraphs I liked, and there was no feeling to speak of. The years have passed, the times have passed, and now I appreciate the singing voice of the old times, and I am even more impressed by its sincere emotions and full of characters.

"Chaoyanggou" is a record of the times, with strong vitality, and has decisive publicity and appeal significance in the historical environment. "Chaoyanggou" not only has a good script, a good melody score, a good actor performance, and even in the decades of different historical periods, it can adapt to people's appreciation level and aesthetic value. At that time, although the people were not rich in life, they were optimistic and positive. What is most worth learning from us today is their high morale and passion.

New era, new journey, new tomorrow and new pursuit, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream, and the all-round well-off are ahead. Now Chaoyanggou has long become a well-known tourist attraction, and this group of lovely fathers and villagers is the epitome of the hard-working and hard-working people of Henan in the new era. They are enthusiastic, simple, kind, dare to speak and dare to be bold, dare to love and dare to hate, and write a new chapter of struggle in the fertile soil of the Central Plains.

On the occasion of parting, I hope that "people also stay in the land", be a "Wang Yinhuan" that keeps pace with the times, let the classic stories of Yu opera be passed on from generation to generation here, let the characteristic agricultural products here and Henan Yu opera hitch a ride on the Internet "hitchhiker", go out of Henan, and go to the world.

Chaoyanggou | Author: Zhang Xiaofang

About author:Zhang Xiaofang, a native of Jiyuan, Henan, is a lover of literature. Worked for Jiyuan Beidou Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Editor-in-charge: Wang Fang Yuanxiu Ruogu | Editor: Chen Li | Photo: Zhang Xiaofang

The content of this article is original, please indicate the source: "DaheLiterature" (ID: daheliterature)

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