
【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

Author/Zhihua Wang Editor/Rose Image/pexels

Capricorn Crescent Moon

At 2:33 on January 3, 2022, Beijing time ushered in the New Moon in Capricorn, and the sun and moon accurately converged at 12°20′ Capricorn.

The first new moon of 2022, capricorns "born in the cold winter" announced to us that spring is not far away, and now is the time to make long-term plans, establish development goals, and run to spring.

Here, I wish all readers and friends a Happy New Year 2022! Together through 2021 and all the way to 2022 with the little friends, rush!

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

The Capricorn Crescent focuses on influencing people

Refer to the number of rows of each planet during the impact of the new moon peak, as well as the trajectory influence of retrograde planets; the conventional tolerance, individual planets in phase 3°, out phase 1°; non-personal planets in phase and out phase are 3°.

In the birth chart, there are people with planets, quadaxes, and north-south nodes falling into fixed constellations (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) 0°-17°, 27°-30°.

In the birth chart, there are planets, quadricopes, and north-south nodes that fall into the changing constellations (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) 0°-4°, 11°-23°.

In the birth chart, there are people with planets, quadricopters, and north-south intersections that fall into the basic constellations (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) 6°-30°.

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

"Immortal longing" creates "long-lasting ideals"

I believe in the immortality of the soul because I have a desire for immortality.

—Helen Keller, "If You Give Me Three Days of Light"

celestial phenomena

· The crescent moon intervenes in the "earth and sky four points": Capricorn crescent moon three points Taurus Uranus, 30 ° Aquarius Saturn.

· Crescent Four Chiron Stars: Sun and Moon Four Aries Chirons in Capricorn.

· Wood-sea mutual tolerance: Jupiter Pisces and Neptune Pisces form a mutually tolerant structure.

From the fourth quarter of 2021, various "relationship issues" seem to have been lifted and broken out of the wall, and in December, with a new year's Venus retrograde Capricorn (December 19, 2021 - January 29, 2022), the two "golden and meditative phases" structure has intensified the sadistic drama of "relationship issues" (December 12 and December 25).

2021 is stressful and challenging, but 2021 also leaves a lot of gifts for everyone. Our pace of progress has not stopped, the soul's willingness to evolve is immortal, and the desire for growth of life never stops.

On December 29, 2021, Jupiter, which "represents spiritual beliefs and has expanding energy", officially changed seats into the Pisces of "symbolizing the ocean of consciousness and creating ideal dreams", and built the background of the 2022 "Muhai Mutual Tolerance" universe with Neptune, which "represents the channel of consciousness and has healing energy".

2022 will be a year of "illuminating ideals and bursting with courage", but also a year that needs to be careful about "blind expansion, feet on the ground", 2022 prompts "ideals need a global view, but also need a sense of reality";

In 2022, we will feel the unity of the "community of human destiny" more strongly, and we need to make a more pragmatic and effective self-growth plan in this Capricorn New Moon to become part of the community.

The New Moon of Capricorn, the newly formed "Muhai Mutual Tolerance" cosmic background, leads us to look at ourselves and others with a positive and optimistic attitude, to soothe the current tiredness and pain with the energy of kindness and kindness, and this "generosity and compassion" by ourselves and others connects the moment of "love and happiness".

The crescent moon is where dreams begin. The Capricorn Crescent intervenes in the annual blockbuster celestial "earth-sky quadritic" structure, and at the same time forms a quaternary structure with Aries Chiron, and two sets of structures prompt us to-

Start a long-term life plan for yourself, set an ideal goal that you can continue to work towards, and examine before you make a vision and start taking action – have you prepared enough courage and strength? Can you face the frustrations and hurts of the past?

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

Heaven and earth, not "big melon", but "big action"

Since there are no shortcuts to the path of life, I must take every step on the winding path.

· Earth-Earth Quad: Aquarius Saturn four points Uranus Taurus.

· Gold-Pluto conjunction: Venus and Pluto converge in Capricorn.

This time, the Capricorn Crescent intervened in the structure of the "Earth and Heaven Quadripartite", in which Saturn (Saturn guardian Capricorn), which accepts the two energies of "Capricorn Crescent + Golden Meditation Capricorn", deservedly stood on the C position of the current overall celestial phenomenon.

1. Saturn's mission and gifts

In ancient Greek mythology, the "first generation of gods" in the family of gods is Uranos, the mythological prototype of Uranus.

Uranos rules the sky and the stars, the supreme being, the infinitely open field of vision, so that it can only accept "perfect" things.

He disgusted and disgusted with the "earthy" children born to himself and Gaia, the "Mother earth", and pushed the children back into Gaia's body and imprisoned them;

Uranus represents the perspective of the universe, the supreme idea, and the high-dimensional insight, but these exist between the unconscious "superb and perfect" and "limited, disappointing" real life is also full of "expectation gaps", resulting in Uranus energy sometimes showing low-order "rebellion and madness".

The mythology of Saturn is based on Kronos, the "second-generation god" who overthrew his father Uranos.

Kronos was a great political figure, he was in charge of the earth, body and matter, formulated the flow of the four seasons and the birth and death of all things, planned the laws of time and the rules of reality, and created a mature, orderly, rich, and harmonious "golden age".

Saturn represents the rules and order of the real world, that is, maturity and responsibility under the laws of time;

But under the order of everything, nature inevitably carries restrictions. Fearing that he would repeat what his father, Uranos, Kronos swallowed in his stomach to avoid the risk of being deprived of his power and ending his rule. Thus, Saturn teaches us to see inner unconfidence through the limitations of reality.

Rules and order are both the products of time and the crystallization of wisdom; time records the practice and precipitation of the human world, and wisdom follows the rhythm and operation of the Tao.

Kronos (Saturn) comes from the celestial family, but has the responsibility of ruling everything on the earth, and he wants to speak the "Tao of Heaven" to the "people on earth" - the "intermediate planet" Saturn, and the mission of translating the language of the "superpersonal planets" (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and speaking to the "personal planets" (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars).

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

Saturn must first pass through the challenges and difficulties, pressures and setbacks of reality, perceive the inherent lack of self-confidence, and break through its own limitations, so that the energy of the "superpersonal planet" as a special envoy of the universe and beyond the human mind can be transmitted to the "personal planet". So it's a very tough job that requires strength.

Saturn is a responsible and responsible god, he will not give up the mission because of difficulties, nor will he take shortcuts to do regrets, he always completes the work successfully through continuous efforts, and through strict tempering, he obtains a breakthrough in himself.

Therefore, Saturn is a strict teacher with gifts, and when we pass the level, we will receive his reward - a maturity from the inside out, a strength of our own.

2. Cycle change, dry and finished

In recent years, it is in the midst of a landmark epochal process: the collective power of the Three Kings, the "third generation of gods" Zeus (Jupiter) to fuel the waves, saturn old people's workload explosion, we feel "too difficult".

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

On December 22, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn converged in the constellation of Aquarius, and a major moment across the ages arrived – 2020 became the last year of the "Earth Elemental Cycle" that affected the past nearly 200 years, and 2021 became the initial year of the "Wind Elemental Cycle" that affected the next nearly 200 years.

From 2019 to 2026, Neptune and Pluto are approaching the end of the current constellation, and Uranus is also accurately stepping on the time point to make a scene, and the collective shot of the three kings is never to be underestimated!

Therefore, a huge wave of "cycle transformation + era change" swept through real life - the "crazy dream + shuffle prelude" in 2019; the "complete reshuffle + global epidemic + end of the old cycle" in 2020; the "new cycle began + the new and old conversion + not broken and not standing" in 2021; 2022...

The saturn old man in charge of the "law of time" knows that this "cycle transformation + era change" takes a long time; but the saturn old man who is also in charge of the "law of cause and effect" knows that only by reading the past can the future be upgraded.

Well, since there are no shortcuts to the path of life, let's take every step of the winding path! Saturn Old Man teaches: 2019-2026, hold on, hold on! Gossip less, just do it!

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

3. Let go of attachment and plan for the long term

The 2021 blockbuster celestial phenomenon "Earth and Sky Quad" structure is equivalent to the confrontation between the "second generation god" Kronos (Saturn) and the "first generation god" Uranos (Uranus).

Saturn's traveling Aquarius and Uranus are one and the same, and the "innovative" willingness of this set of structures is actually quite consistent.

But Uranus's "power of change" to liquidate Saturn's "historical accumulation" undoubtedly triggers Saturn's fear of being "deprived of past achievements", generating frustration and triggering unconfidence. And that's what we're really going through in 2021.

Saturn needs time, and we need time.

In 2021, the process of "transformation of old and new", the run-in of "tradition and innovation", is quite a bit of a three-step, two-step back feeling: the old experience is no longer suitable for the present, the new attempt has not yet obtained the certificate, whether it is the world that is opening up in a new way, or we are constantly making changes, it is like being rubbed back and forth according to the timeline.

This wave of "Venus retrograde + gold-meditative conjunction" Capricorn in the 2021-2022 New Year's Eve has hammered hard to "hyper-edge relationships and transboundary patterns", prompting us to look back at history and reflect inwardly-

The current incident of "truth exposure and collapse of human design" reveals the lesson of "trying to escape and confusing" in the past, and the story of "love and hate" rolls over the persistence of "greed, anger, ignorance, and slow doubt".

At the end of 2021, I always think of the song called "Understanding":

"Ah, what a painful realization, you were my whole",

Yes, that's how it feels!

The collapse of deep trust, the loss of what you think you have,

Helplessness, loneliness, shackles, bondage,

Break free, comprehend, and stop suffering.

On December 23, 2021, the north-south intersection that revealed the "karma homework and evolutionary goals" switched seats into the "South Scorpio-North Transit Taurus" axis, hammering again to the "Golden Hell" structure (Pluto guardian scorpio, Venus guarding Taurus), revealing the evolutionary path of this wave of "relationship issues" - instead of clinging to pain in the heart, it is better to return to simplicity and live in the present.

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!

No planet is here to torment us, and the universe is helping us dig out decay and liquidate sediment in order to move forward better in new cycles.

This Capricorn crescent, whether it is the homework of the relationship or the test of the environment, we need to make long-term planning with a transcendent perspective and set the ideal goal with a mature attitude.

In addition, during the Capricorn Crescent, Pisces Jupiter and Mercury Aquarius form a "Mizuki 30°" structure, Pisces Neptune and Capricorn Venus form a "Golden Sea Six" structure, and Mars Sagittarius and Aquarius Form a "Fire and Earth Six" structure:

Several sets of energy trigger a wave of personnel changes, structural adjustments or team streamlining in the workplace, while the market side will also present a wave of subtle changes in the technology sector, the pharmaceutical industry and the financial stock market.

It is worth noting that the first wave of Mercury retrograde in 2022 has entered the pre-retrograde impact period on December 29, 2021, and the excitement of the New Year's Eve has also made everyone feel emotional and eager to get together, it is recommended to do a good job of protection and minimize the gathering, because this wave of Mercury retrograde in January will still have a certain impact on "liquidity".

【Capricorn Crescent】The first heavyweight new moon in 2022, make a wish, just do it!


If I were given three days of light, what would I most like to see? I will look at those cherished things as much as I can so that I can remember them one by one before the darkness is about to come.

In the last two years, the universe has been helping the world and helping us slow down in various ways: if you run too fast, you have to slow down; if you run too long, you have to look back.

In fact, nothing is absolutely stable and eternal; for that would only mean that there is no growth. Please look at the current process with a developmental eye, and please use a constructive mindset to innovate the future of life.

In 2022, be more compassionate toward yourself, for others, for the world, and look as much as possible at the things that are cherished, such as health, food, sunshine, warmth and love in every moment, and we are having them and they are giving to us.

Here, I would like to thank every friend for their companionship and energy resonance along the way, and wish every soul well.

How does the new moon make a wish?

Wishing time: After 2:33 Beijing time on January 3, 2022, it will be valid for 48 hours and the best within 8 hours.

Wishing Crowd: Everyone.

Number of wishes: up to 10 per person.

Ways to make a wish: meditation, mind-body prayer or record collection.

Wish Format: Please give me energy from the Almighty Universe, and I will attract ** (what) to life with my energy...

The principle of making a wish: to be sincere and good to others.

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