
drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

The years do not live, the seasons are like a stream

All the past is the prologue

A new year has begun

How will the pebbles welcome 2022?

Let's take a look!

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

From the beginning of the morning sun to the afterglow of the sunset

From miles high above the horizon

Travel through time and space

Wait for a twilight

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

Enlightenment is not in the past

Those who know the coming can be traced

With love

Rush to the next mountain sea

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

Stand in 2022

Review 2021

Will you see a change in yourself too?

New year

And a better version of yourself

Let's go to a better future together!

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

Seasons are like flowing water

Winter snow fills mountains and rivers

The New Year is coming with a song

Goodbye, 2021

Hello, 2022

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

If there is a song

As soon as the prelude sounds, it makes people feel joyful

That must be good luck coming!


Lots of luck, lots of good things!

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

The little things in life

It is also a bit of happiness

Live in simple happiness

May you in the new year

Continue pressing the shutter key

Love and record life

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

Ordinary days also have a joyful meaning

Just be serious and work hard

Everything is different

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

We're all learning to be better versions of ourselves

In the new days

Looking forward to a better tomorrow

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

Snow that has not yet melted

The warmth of the coming year is brewing

We are heading towards 2022

Write the Psalms of your heart

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

Bye 2021

Hi 2022

Let's start a new encounter together!

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

The long road is mighty

Everything can be expected

Wait for winter to leave

Snow melts grass green

I believe that there must be a new encounter that will continue the warmth

Good things will come in 2022

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

Text: Chen Kepan

Editor: Huang Yuchen

drip! Punch in the first circle of friends of the New Year

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