
Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

author:Dr. Yu Rong had an interesting chat
Among the longest-lived animals in nature, the turtle is ranked first. So since ancient history, the turtle is a symbol of longevity, the world's longest-lived turtle, born from the Qing Dynasty, has been 189 years old, identified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest land animal, he was given the name Jonathan.

One might wonder why the turtle's lifespan is so long, while humans who are a hundred times smarter than him can't live. Some people think that it is related to heart rate, because the heart rate of the turtle is about 24 to 30 times per minute, which is about 1/3 lower than the human heart rate, if the human heart rate is also slow to this point, will it be more beneficial to the extension of life expectancy?

The normal range of the human heartbeat

Experts from the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army pointed out that the heartbeat of the human body is the basis for maintaining life, and every heartbeat is blood, which is carried out in order to promote the movement of tissues and organs throughout the body, and each jump represents that some waste products are metabolized, and on the contrary, some nutrients enter. Therefore, the heartbeat is the root of life, and if a person does not have a heartbeat, although there is a possibility of survival in medical theory, it has died physiologically.

Everyone's heartbeat seems simple, but in fact, there is a whole body, and all parts of the system work together, and the atrial ventricles, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, etc. are indispensable.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

If people are in a normal state, the heart rate should reach about 60 to 100 times per minute, and the speed of the heart rate is affected by many factors, such as their own physical condition, age, and physiological conditions, which will have a certain impact on the speed of the heart rate.

People of different ages, the heart rate is fast and slow and there are different situations, such as the heart rate of young people is faster than the heart rate of the elderly, the heart rate of girls is faster than that of boys, and some examples are that the heart rate of athletes is relatively exceptional, and their heart rate averages about 50 times a minute

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

Does "fast heartbeat" have too much of an impact on life expectancy?

After studying nearly 100 physical examination data, professors of China Medical University found that after each normal person lay flat for about 5 minutes, the heartbeat would range from 60 to 80 times a minute, but some people who had smoking, drinking, higher cholesterol and higher blood pressure had slightly different numbers of heartbeats each time.

After this scientist concluded that people with too high heart rate, life expectancy will be suddenly reduced, people with higher heart rate, life expectancy will be shortened, the heart rate of about 70 to 90 people, the shortening of life expectancy is not serious, and if the normal person's heartbeat exceeds 70, it is an overly fast phenomenon, and life expectancy may have a slight impact.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

This shows that there is a certain correlation between too fast heart rate and shortened life, whether as speculated at the beginning, the slower the heart rate, the longer the person, but there is no relevant research results, directly support such theories, but simply prove that the number of heart rates is too slow, which is conducive to the theory of healthy longevity.

It is not good for the heart to beat slowly or too fast

Do not blindly think that the heart rate is too slow, it will have absolute benefits to the body, medical experts show that if your body heart rate is too slow for a long time, can not meet the normal standards, it is very easy for the body to cause hypoxia and ischemia phenomenon, serious cases will even cause sudden death, so if the heart rate reaches less than 50 times, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

According to such theories, scientists have done several experiments, and overall, the overall number of times the heart rate increases, and the overall risk of death increases by a certain amount. Therefore, the higher the risk of death in people with a rapid heart rate, and the same risk of death is not low for people with a slow heart rate, and the heart rate is still the healthiest within the normal range.

The method of calculating heart rate

Maximum heart rate = 220 - age, conservative heart rate = (maximum heart rate - minimum heart rate), through the formula can calculate their own heart rate, so do not blindly think that the heart rate is too slow, you must be healthy and long-lived, whether the heart rate is too slow or too fast, will cause certain harm to the body. So it's better to be within the normal range.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

What are the conditions that can cause abnormal heart rate?

First, emotional abnormalities can lead to abnormal heart rate

Now people have greater pressure in life, greater work pressure, fast-paced life to people often bring trouble and anxiety, which will lead to people's emotional ups and downs, sometimes feel too excited, which shows that your heart rate fluctuations are larger, middle-aged and elderly due to organs and other gradual weakening, psychological function is more fragile, compared to normal people, more likely to occur arrhythmia phenomenon.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

Second, overwork and other adverse stimuli lead to abnormal heart rate

If you usually work more stressfully, resulting in your body overwork, or you usually stay up late, do not pay attention to rest, this is the cause of your arrhythmia, in addition, if you have the habit of smoking and drinking, it will also cause the heart rate to be too fast, because they will stimulate your heart, to achieve blood pressure rise.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

Third, heart disease can lead to arrhythmia

People with heart diseases are about 8% more likely to have arrhythmias than normal people, because their arrhythmias will further trigger a series of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, which is more dangerous.

How do I maintain my heart rate in the normal range?


Regular participation in physical exercise, will make the cardiopulmonary function to be further strengthened, so that your heart rate gradually slowed down, in the process of exercise, the same to pay attention to their own amount of exercise, if the amount of exercise is too large, the same will not play an effect, on the contrary, it will increase the burden. The best exercise time is about an hour, the best effect of exercise is to achieve comfort and natural no fatigue, at least 3 to 4 times a week to adhere to exercise.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

Correct a bad lifestyle

Smoking, drinking, and staying up late will lead to your heart rate to accelerate, which is a bad habit of life, we must maintain adequate rest, develop good work and rest habits, reduce the possibility of arrhythmias, avoid staying up late, because people who stay up late will increase the risk of sudden death, quit smoking or quit drinking, and focus on physical health.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

Maintain an appropriate weight

People with normal weight, normal heart rate, if your weight is too heavy, to reach the standard of obesity, will make your heart burden increase, so that your heart rate times to speed up, so obese people to insist on their own exercise, reasonable diet, to control themselves. In a reasonable way, it is very important to control the weight within the standard range, do not blindly choose dieting, or excessive labor exercise, this is not the right choice, serious will lead to damage to your heart rate, scientific slimming is the first choice.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

Keep your mind at peace

In life, you should avoid your emotional ups and downs too much, reduce the arrhythmias caused by anger, anxiety, anxiety, etc., and if necessary, you can alleviate your excessive emotional ups and downs by listening to music, so that your emotions can gradually return to calm.

Does "fast heartbeat" have an impact on longevity? The results of expert research are published, and it may be advisable to check themselves

drug therapy

Some heart rates caused by diseases are too fast, and you can choose to take drugs according to the doctor's or doctor's advice to achieve the effect and purpose of heart rate slowing, which helps to stabilize heart rate and maintain good health.

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