
He wiped out 200,000 people in Japan that year, and Japan repeatedly asked for an apology, but he said that he did not apologize and did not regret it

When it comes to the war in history, everyone is impressed by the Second World War, it is the world's largest war, there are 64 countries involved alone, when the Second World War began, the world basically fell into the smoke of gunfire, very terrible, and our country is even more in the water, the people of the whole country are enduring persecution, Japan's ambitions are expanding, for our country's resources and land coveted for a long time, so take the opportunity to start running to Chinese land to clamor.

He wiped out 200,000 people in Japan that year, and Japan repeatedly asked for an apology, but he said that he did not apologize and did not regret it

At that time, many Chinese warriors united and stood together to resist Japan's aggression, at that time it was not only our country that was fighting, many countries in the world suffered heavy losses because of the war, but in the end Germany and Italy still chose to surrender, the road of fascism was blocked, the war also began to become less, things began to have a good turnaround, but at this time Japan still did not give up, and even planned a hundred million jade crush plan, if people who understand this plan know how terrible it is, it is not to surrender, On the contrary, it is still a very crazy battle.

He wiped out 200,000 people in Japan that year, and Japan repeatedly asked for an apology, but he said that he did not apologize and did not regret it

At this time, the United States also began to be unable to sit still, so it sent people to Hiroshima Nagasaki, Japan, to drop two atomic bombs, after the atomic bomb broke out, a mushroom cloud rose in the sky, and these two cities instantly became flat, which was what made the Japanese most afraid, so they quickly gave up the plan of one hundred million jade fragments, and no longer fought with China, conceded defeat and surrendered, and Japan's surrender also represented the complete end of World War II.

He wiped out 200,000 people in Japan that year, and Japan repeatedly asked for an apology, but he said that he did not apologize and did not regret it

At that time, the person sent by the United States to drop the atomic bomb was a man named Paul Tibbetts, who knew from the beginning how much damage his atomic bomb would cause when he put it down, and if one was not careful, it would definitely have very serious consequences, so when his superiors gave him the task, his heart was more nervous than anyone, so he also trained for a long time, and he would bring poison with him when carrying out the task, and if he really executed it wrong, he would drink poison and commit suicide.

He wiped out 200,000 people in Japan that year, and Japan repeatedly asked for an apology, but he said that he did not apologize and did not regret it

In 1945, he drove a bomber to the sky of Japan with an atomic bomb, at first flew several times in the sky, and finally dropped this devastating atomic bomb, which became a historic moment, all 140,000 people in Japan lost their lives, and some people survived, but they were also tortured to death because of radiation, so in the end, 200,000 people died, which was worse for Japan, which has a small population itself.

He wiped out 200,000 people in Japan that year, and Japan repeatedly asked for an apology, but he said that he did not apologize and did not regret it

So at the end of the war, as a duty officer, he was sued to go to court-martial, hoping that he would apologize for the harm the Japanese had suffered at that time, but he did not mean to apologize, but instead said a word, so that the Japanese present did not know what to say, he said: Compared with Nanjing, I do not regret it.

He wiped out 200,000 people in Japan that year, and Japan repeatedly asked for an apology, but he said that he did not apologize and did not regret it

Therefore, before he died, he was interviewed about Japan, and he never apologized or regretted it, after all, everything that Japan did to our country in those years was seen by the whole world, so some people said that there was no unjust soul under the atomic bomb.

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