
During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

The term "lieutenant touching gold" is not unfamiliar to people, and people have been very fond of tomb robbery novels over the years. In history, Cao Cao once organized tomb robbery, and Cao Cao was called a tomb robber by others at that time, but later, Cao Cao was not satisfied with this title and thought of the word "Lieutenant Touching Jin".

Under such circumstances, Lieutenant Touching Gold became a representative word for tomb robbers. Nowadays, people are familiar with tomb robbers and gold lieutenants, and both words are familiar. During the Three Kingdoms period, in order to raise military funds, Cao Cao thought of robbing tombs. At that time, Shu Han also lacked military salaries, so Liu Bei thought of a way, that is, straight hundred dollars.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

The emergence of Zhibaiqian made the people of Shu Han miserable, because the continuous decline in purchasing power led to the people of Shu Han having no room for survival. In order to raise military salaries, Liu Bei thought of a hundred dollars, and Cao Cao was a tomb robber. Speaking of these two methods, Cao Cao seems to be relatively good, after all, Cao Cao did not harm the people.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei gave a sneer at Cao Cao's tomb robbery, "Cao You specially placed the general Of The Commander of the Fa Qiu, the Lieutenant of the Touch Jin, and the turbulence that passed through the turmoil, and no skeleton was revealed." After this sentence came out, everyone in the world knew that Cao Cao had robbed the tomb and was a veritable tomb robber. Where is this that Cao Cao can endure? To put it bluntly, Liu Bei was simply insulting him.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

From this, Cao Cao came up with a word, that is, to touch The Lieutenant Of Gold. Cao Cao invented official positions such as "General of FaQiu Zhonglang" and "Lieutenant of Touching Gold", which were specially used for tomb robbery, and the money from tomb robbery was used for military pay. The first person to say that Cao Cao stole the tomb was not Liu Bei, but after Liu Bei said that Cao Cao stole the tomb, everyone in the world knew about it.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

The first person to say that Cao Cao stole the tomb was Chen Lin, one of the seven sons of Jian'an, and it is recorded in the "Discussion of Cao Cao" that "cao cao's generals, who personally excavated, broke the coffin and the naked body, and plundered the gold treasure." Let the holy pilgrimage weep, and the soldiers and the people be sad! It can be seen from this that Chen Lin is very bitter about Cao Cao's tomb robbery. It was only in order to raise military salaries that Cao Cao carried out tomb robbery.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

Chen Lin and he were contemporaries, and they certainly would not make up lies to frame Cao Cao. The ancients believed that it was safe to go into the ground, and if the tomb was stolen after death, it was absolutely humiliating. However, most of the tomb robbers are forced by livelihood, so that people will choose to take risks, and there are many funerary products in the tomb, if you steal the treasure, you can have food and clothing for a lifetime.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

Robbing a tomb is a kind of thing that does not respect the ancestors, is an act of deceiving the teachers and destroying the ancestors, and digging up the graves of other people's ancestors is a lack of morality. Nowadays, lack of morality is a very heavy curse. Cao Cao scattered his family wealth, recruited troops and horses in Chen Liu, and raised the banner of righteousness for the first time, at this time Cao Cao recruited five thousand soldiers. This is the capital of Cao Cao's family. Wei Zi, the richest man in the Three Kingdoms period, gave Cao Cao great support.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

In the sixth year of Zhongping, Wei Zi knew that Cao Cao had recruited 5,000 soldiers, and used his family wealth to fund Cao Cao's army. Wei Zi was optimistic about Cao Cao, believing that "whoever is peaceful in the world, he must also be this person." "Then Cao Cao's army continued to grow and develop, so that the expenditure of military salaries became larger and larger, and Cao Cao's family was simply unable to pay a huge military salary. So Cao Cao thought of robbing the tomb.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

So whose tomb did Cao Cao steal? What kind of ancient tomb could allow Cao Cao to feed the army for three years? The owner of this tomb was Liu Wu, the younger brother of Emperor Jing of Han, the Prince of Liang. During the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, Liu Wu made outstanding achievements in battle, and after the war, he was heavily rewarded by the Han Jing Emperor. From this point of view, Liu Wu's tomb must have a large number of treasures.

During the Three Kingdoms period, whose tomb did Cao Cao steal to feed the army for three years?

In order to prevent posterity from excavating the tomb, the tomb of King Liang was sealed with a large number of thousands of kilograms of stone. Under such circumstances, the average tomb robber could not do anything even if he found the entrance to the underground palace. Cao Cao was certainly not helpless in this regard. Cao Cao personally took command. The history books record that "the general of the cao commander, personally excavated, broke the coffin and the naked body, and plundered the gold treasure." ”

The "Notes on the Water Classics" also records that "the soldiers were drawn into the stone, the tomb of the filial prince of Liang was sent, the coffin was broken, and tens of thousands of jin were collected." From this point of view, Cao Cao found a large number of treasures in Liu Wu's tomb, and it is not known how many of these treasures are. Later generations only knew that relying on these treasures, Cao Cao fed his army for 3 years.

Since the last century, archaeologists have excavated Liu Wu's tomb. In the tombs that were stolen in the Three Kingdoms era, more than 20,000 precious cultural relics such as golden jade clothes and large jade bi have been excavated, and many cultural relics are of great value. What is unimaginable is how many treasures Cao Cao stole from Liu Wu's tomb, and such treasures are probably unimaginable to posterity.

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