
In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

When Japanese spies are mentioned, people's minds always think of that humiliating history that cannot be looked back.

With the intelligence provided by many spies, the Japanese army carried out devastating strikes against the Chinese army and carried out varying degrees of destruction in agriculture, commerce, and industry.

It can be said that the Chinese people at that time were eager to swallow every Japanese spy alive and peel him alive.

However, there are some Japanese spies who make the country and the people admire them, and they disregard the danger and sacrifice themselves to provide important intelligence for our army, and even changed the world pattern of World War II.

The people who cultivated these "red Japanese spies" were Wang Xuewen, a member of the Chinese Communist Party who was personally invited by Japanese radicals to be teachers.

If the Japanese government at that time knew Wang Xuewen's identity, it would certainly not have let him come at all, because it was such a oolong that caused a large amount of important Japanese intelligence to fall like snowflakes on the table in our army's war room.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

Wang Xuewen, real name Wang Shouchun, alias Nian Xian, Si Yun.

In May 1895, he was born in the house of a medicinal material merchant in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province.

Because his father traveled south and north for many years, his vision was old and spicy, and he felt that in that era, children could obtain higher achievements when they returned from studying abroad, so Wang Xuewen, who had attended private school in his hometown for two years, was arranged by his father to go to the Tongwen Academy in Tokyo, Japan for further study in 1910, and two years later transferred to the first higher preparatory department, and Became a classmate with Guo Moruo.

After graduating in 1915, he entered the Fourth Higher School, and Wang Xuewen was also 20 years old at this time. According to Chinese customs, Wang Xuewen should start a family, so his parents in his hometown set up a family affair for him.

Liu Jingshu, who has a small family of jasper, became Wang Xuewen's lifelong companion and a good comrade on the road of proletarian revolution. The two simply got married in their hometown and went to Japan to settle down together.

From 1921 to 1927, Wang Xuewen studied for an undergraduate degree at Kyoto Imperial University, because the tutor was the famous Japanese Marxist propagandist Kawakami Zhao, so Wang Xuewen had a good feeling for Marxism, and believed that Marxism was science, especially the theory of expounding the basic principles of historical materialism, which greatly inspired Wang Xuewen's life thinking.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

While studying professional knowledge at Kyoto Imperial University, Wang Xuewen also participated in many social science research societies organized by progressive students in his spare time, and his thinking on Marxism rose to another stage.

After each discussion of many conclusions, Wang Xuewen will take notes and think about it continuously afterwards, and will also buy many books for reference and verification. But Wang Xuewen was living on a tight budget at that time, and the living expenses sent by the family every month were completely insufficient for a family of five to maintain their lives and pay rent (at that time, Wang Xuewen had raised 3 children), let alone buy books.

Fortunately, thanks to Wang Xuewen's wife Liu Jingshu Xianhui and good relations, the monks of The Zhenru Temple in Kyoto took good care of them, received their family when Wang Xuewen's family had no money to pay rent, and arranged a house for them at kek Lok Si Temple to let them live for free.

After the implementation of the house, his wife Liu Jingshu also took over some manual work, and since then, her wife has been able to squeeze out 10 yen per month from her living expenses for Wang Xuewen to buy books.

In 1927, the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup broke out, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the hunting and massacre of a large number of progressives and Communists, and the Chinese proletarian revolution suddenly entered a trough. Wang Xuewen, who heard about this incident, did not wither away, but went against the tide, resolutely joined the Chinese Communist Party at Tokyo Imperial University, and gave up his doctorate to prepare to return to China to participate in the great revolutionary movement.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

However, Wang Xuewen, who was in financial difficulties, did not even have the cost of returning to China, and after his mentor Kawakami Zhao knew Wang Xuewen's heart, he reached out and gave him 200 yen as a fee for returning to China.

In this way, at the end of May, Wang Xuewen finally returned to the motherland he had in mind with his wife and children, and then went all the way from Shanghai to Wuhan. He was also hired by the minister of overseas affairs jointly organized by the Communist Party and the Kuomintang as the editor-in-chief, responsible for compiling the Overseas Weekly.

Then the July 15 Incident broke out, the Kuomintang split, Wang Xuewen had no intention of compiling news, and when he heard that Zhou Enlai was preparing to revolt in Nanchang, Wang Xuewen rushed over to participate, but because of the delay on the road, he did not catch up with the troops and returned without success. Immediately lost, he was ready to return to Kyoto Imperial University in Japan to continue to engage in party work, organize more students to study Marxist theory, and add fresh blood to the party's cause.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

While leaving Wuhan for Japan, Yang Chunsong, a Taiwanese member of the Chinese Communist Party, invited Wang Xuewen to Taiwan to propagate Marxist theory. Therefore, in the middle of September 1927, Wang Xuewen came to Taiwan, and unfortunately, when he first arrived in Taiwan, Yang Chunsong was arrested and imprisoned by the Taiwan authorities for holding anti-Japanese anti-rent activities.

Thanks to the warm hospitality of local progressives such as Zhao Gang and cultural associations, Wang Xuewen stayed in Taiwan for nearly a year. During this period, Wang Xuewen traveled to most of Taiwan, and everywhere he went, he held a Marxist theory propaganda meeting, and after the meeting, he would have a long talk with the activists, introduce the revolutionary forms of the mainland and Taiwan, and encourage them to persist in the struggle.

Since Taiwan was still under the control of the Japanese colonial authorities, the number and number of gatherings were not large. However, Wang Xuewen's theoretical knowledge is profound, his explanations are simple and simple, they are easy to understand, and he is a decent person, so Wang Xuewen was affectionately called "the central representative" by Taiwan activists to show respect.

It can be said that Wang Xuewen was the first to propagate Marxism in Taiwan, and it is not an exaggeration to call him an enlightener of Taiwanese Marxism. Of course, with his encouragement, many young people with lofty ideals in Taiwan threw themselves into the struggle for national liberation and embarked on the road of revolution.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

After the Meiji Restoration, Japan at that time had unprecedented ambitions to annex China and expand the territory of the Japanese Empire and create a new pattern of Asia Minor. Therefore, the Japanese Chief of Staff Kawakami Furoku and the Arao Seiko, who is in charge of espionage work, planned to open the "Nissin Trade Research Institute", a school that is clearly a sino-Japanese friendly exchange, and behind the scenes, it is an institution that trains young Japanese spies.

The purpose of the establishment of the institution is self-evident, trying to make the young Agents of Japan lurk in all walks of life in China from an early age, disintegrating and splitting from within, and making it more convenient for the Japanese Empire to encroach on China.

In June 1893, 150 young spies officially graduated from the Nissin Trade Research Institute as the first batch of students. At the graduation ceremony, Nezuichi, an educator of Japanese right-wing forces, expressed to the trainees the ambitions of imperialism: "The Battle of The Japanese Qing Dynasty is imminent, this war is the first battle of the rise of the empire, the kings are fluent in Chinese, how many are familiar with Chinese affairs, so I hope that the kings can secretly observe the military and people's feelings of the enemy countries and serve the empire." ”

The 150 Chinese-speaking spies felt what the Empire expected of them and were encouraged. They wore braids and pretended to be Chinese infiltrated all walks of life in the Qing Dynasty, and regularly summarized their observations into papers to pass on to Arao Jing.

In this way, because of the transmission of spy intelligence, Japan easily found out the weaknesses of the Qing Dynasty and gained huge benefits from it. The Japanese military, which has eaten the sweetness of spy intelligence, is also aware of the importance of spies.

Therefore, after the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, when Liu Yikun, the governor of Liangjiang, proposed to the Japanese General Staff Headquarters that he hoped to hire Japanese experts to cultivate new-style talents in China, the Japanese General Staff Headquarters hurriedly agreed like chicken blood, not only paying for people, but also providing many equipment and technology.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

East Asia Tongwen Academy

In May 1900, the Nanjing Tongwen Academy was born in such an agreement, ironically, and It is the second director of the academy who threatened to destroy China with spies.

Later, for political reasons, in 1901, the college was relocated to Shanghai and renamed "East Asia Tongwen Academy". And this school that gave the Qing Dynasty high hopes could not bring strength to the Qing Dynasty, but the Japanese spies of the school infiltrated the Qing Dynasty under the slogan of Sino-Japanese friendship, waiting for the opportunity to give the Qing Dynasty a heavy blow at the most critical time.

In order to let students know more about Chinese culture, the dean of Dongya Tongwen Academy decided to recruit a group of teachers from Chinese who were deeply influenced by Japanese culture to teach at the college.

Wang Xuewen, who has a long career in Japan, became one of their recruitment targets. What they did not expect was that Wang Xuewen, who had settled and lived in Japan for more than ten years, had already joined the Communist Party of China early on and was always running around for the party's cause.

When Wang Xuewen learned that he had been invited to teach by this spy school, he was very excited in his heart and submitted to his superior Comrade Zhou Enlai his plan to enter the academy and plot against some Japanese spies to serve the party. After careful discussion by Zhou Enlai and others, Wang Xuewen's plan was approved and he was told to act carefully, and the situation was not right to retreat in time.

In this way, Wang Xuewen successfully entered the college, because he was knowledgeable and had a deep understanding of Japan and Chinese culture, so the college attached great importance to him, not only promoting him to professor of the institute but also giving him a lot of privileges.

With his status and rights, Wang Xuewen easily attracted a group of students who were interested in Marxism, and also pulled some students who were usually disgusted with the behavior of the East Asian literary schools. Slowly, Wang Xuewen developed these people step by step into the "Zhonggong Spy Regiment", and the members of the regiment were represented by more than 10 young people such as Zhongxi Gong and Xili Longfu.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

If the Japanese government knew that Wang Xuewen had carried out the "spy-in-the-spy" program in their spy academy, it would have regretted hiring Wang Xuewen to teach, but heaven always likes to tease people, and this school that specializes in training spies for the Japanese imperialist government has been developed by Wang Xuewen into a academy for providing intelligence for China.

In particular, the CCP spy regiment headed by Zhongxi Gong made great contributions on the hidden front.

The revolution can never be smooth sailing, and the high-profile activities of Zhongxi Gong and others have long been targeted by the special high school, and Zhongxi Gong and others have been arrested and imprisoned for 9 days and suspended from school for one year. However, after seeing the day again, Nakanishi Gong did not "get lost and returned", but returned to his old business, waiting for an opportunity to obtain confidential information of the Japanese army.

In the same year, the Japanese army launched the "128" incident to invade Shanghai, but unexpectedly suffered a heavy blow from the Chinese army, the invading troops were completely lost, and the Japanese army mobilized Japanese expatriates in Shanghai to participate in the war. Nakanishi led the Japanese allied regiment to collect intelligence while carrying out the "non-participation campaign" of Japanese students. Thanks to their efforts, the Japanese government was persuaded to arrange for the students to evacuate and return home.

On the ship returning home, the appearance of a person affected nakanishi's life, and he was Hidemito Ozaki. This man had a great deal of potential, not only as an intelligence officer from the Far-Range Bureau of the Communist International, but also as an aide to the famous "Red Spy King" Richard Sorge.

After returning to China, the two became close friends because they had the same belief and cultural background, and then carried out a series of espionage work according to their own advantages.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

A student of the East Asian College of Literature

Because Ozaki Hidemi was familiar with Chinese culture, he was recruited as an assistant by the head of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters in his early years, so he used his power to get Nakanishi Tokusatsu to join the Manchurian Railway Corporation. Entering the agency's Nakanishi Gong, because of the position, it is more convenient to browse a lot of intelligence, and even go to the secret file library to retrieve the top secrets of the Japanese army.

Every day, Nakanishi copied some information and passed it on to Hidemi Ozaki and Sorge. After this information has been screened, analyzed, and summarized, the valuable part will be sent to Moscow by Sorge on the one hand, and to the Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China through the Sino-Japanese Struggle Alliance on the other hand.

In 1934, Nakanishi gong moved to the Shanghai office of Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. due to his transfer. Shanghai can be said to be the "second home" of Nakanishi Gong, and with its vast network of connections, Nakanishi Gong soon established an intelligence system against Japan. Because the intelligence system was properly used, the political, economic, and military intelligence of the Japanese army in southern China and northern China was sent from the Shanghai Bureau to Yan'an in an endless stream.

Of course, in order not to expose himself, Nakanishi will compile some papers based on the intelligence he has collected, based on the analysis of the trend of Sino-Japanese relations, Japan's China policy and international influence, etc., in order to gain the trust of the Japanese high level.

Because of his solid writing, the papers he wrote were full of feasibility, so he received the attention of the Japanese high-level. Coupled with Hidemi Ozaki's interpersonal relationship, Nakanishi successfully entered the secret service department of the Chinese Dispatch Army Headquarters of the Japanese Army and became a "red agent" of the Japanese imperialist spy agency.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

Nakanishi Gong

Zhongxi Gong used his authority and means in the organization to easily obtain a lot of information from the Japanese army's top-secret database, including the deployment of military forces in the occupied areas, the formation of puppet armies, and the top-secret archives that could not be known by normal information such as plotting and plotting against the generals of the anti-Nationalist army, and sent them all to Yan'an through excerpts and photographs.

Li Yun, a senior agent who had worked in the Central Special Branch, confirmed the importance of Chinese and Western intelligence. He said: The information transmitted by Nakanishi Gong is so detailed that people feel that they personally participated in the meeting of the japanese military high-level. As far as the distribution, weapon allocation, command system, and course of action of the Japanese puppet armies in various theaters, as well as the assassination of officials in the special high school against the Japanese regime and the large rear areas, they were also clearly understood.

It can be said that the intelligence of Zhongxi Gong allowed the people's army to operate safely behind the enemy's rear, and played a crucial role in smashing the sweeping and encirclement and suppression of the Japanese and the fake on several occasions. The intelligence value brought by Nakanishi Gong is immeasurable credit, he let the Japanese army sink deeper and deeper in the quagmire of the Chinese battlefield, and finally forced the Japanese army to launch the Pacific War in order to obtain more war resources, so that Japanese militarism will be destroyed.

Good luck does not always favor a person, and in May 1942, Nakanishi Gong was finally discovered and arrested by the special high school from the clues. With the arrest of Nakanishi Gong, it was difficult for our army to obtain high-level intelligence for a while.

As a result, in the second half of 1942, the Eighth Route Army lost 64,000 people in the battle alone, equivalent to the total number of the two Nationalist full formations, and the average number of two companies per day was sacrificed, and even senior generals such as Zuo Quan were not spared. These huge sacrifices can reflect the importance of the intelligence network of Zhongxi Gong to our army.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

The time has come to 1945, because of the crazy actions of the Japanese army, the US military declared war on Japan, dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Japan surrendered. U.S. Military General MacArthur moved into Japan to carry out a series of reforms to Japan's political economy and ordered the release of all political prisoners in custody. As a result, Nakanishi gong was released before he could be sentenced to capital punishment, and after his release from prison, Nakanishi gong lived in anonymity until his death in 1973.

And this Wang Xuewen, who led them onto the road of proletarian revolution, has been engaged in continuing education in the school for a new "red agent", constantly providing new information and new "agent blood" to our army.

In 1901, Japan founded a spy school and inadvertently recruited a Communist Party, and most of the trainees were plotted against

Zhou Enlai and Wang Xuewen

Until 1938, he was ordered to evacuate Shanghai to the rear area of Yan'an. After that, he served as the vice president of the Marxist-Leninist College of the CPC Central Committee and the director of the Academic Affairs Office, and while presiding over the affairs of the academy every day, he did not forget to personally explain Marxist theory and political economy to the students, and cultivated a group of talents with solid knowledge and theory for the party.

In 1940, Wang Xuewen was transferred to the Central Political Enemy Work Department and concurrently served as the principal of the Enemy Army Work Cadre School. He organized a group of leading institutions to secretly win over the officers and men of the Japanese army and to carry out ideological education and reform of Japanese prisoners, and to guide the progressive young people of Japan who came to the base areas, hoping that their return to China would influence more people.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Xuewen served as the deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, taught his profession, political economy, at the Central Party School, and devoted himself to the study of Capital and financial and economic issues, and wrote academic treatises, which had a deeper impact on the development of China's economy.

Although, Wang Xuewen's academic views have been unfairly criticized for some time. But in May 1982, the capital took his name and held a grand commendation meeting.

He died in Beijing on February 22, 1985 due to illness.

Looking back on the present, students can live in classrooms with peace of mind, social elites can think safely about the future in their offices, and the country can be tough enough to say no to injustice, all thanks to the selfless dedication and heroic sacrifice of revolutionary martyrs.

Without their blood on the battlefield, there would be no victory; without their hard work we would have lived and worked in peace and contentment.

They shed the last drop of sweat and the last drop of blood for peace and the strength of the motherland, so the happiness now is not easy to come by, and in the new era, we must carry forward the heroic spirit of the revolutionary martyrs and cherish today's happy life even more.

With this article, I would like to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China!


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