
Wen Wei Po editorial| vigorously! Together towards the future
Wen Wei Po editorial| vigorously! Together towards the future

Today, when the warm sun awakens our red city, 2022 has come, and a new journey of struggle has suddenly begun. At this time, as many hopes and blessings as there are sent from the fingertips, how many dreams and pride rise in the heart; how many dangerous shoals and difficulties are on the way forward, and how many "intruders" and "pioneers" are fighting on the cusp of the storm. Forge ahead in a new journey, build a new era of merit, and create a better life with struggle, the time is not waiting for me, only the day.

The green pines are not falling, and the blue sea is wide and clear. In 2021, Shanghai will plan to move fast and exert its full strength to achieve a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan". This year, the in-depth implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shanghai and the important instructions and requirements for Shanghai's work are the distinct themes of all work and the prominent main line that runs through the whole process; this year, celebrating the centenary of the founding of the party, carrying out party history study and education, and further condensing the majestic strength of the people of the city to always follow the party and forge ahead in a new journey; this year, strive to build a "Shanghai model" for the people's city, vividly interpret "everyone is soft power", and digitalization has become the core driving force for promoting urban development. The vitality of science and technology bursts out... In the rich and colorful pages of history, the exciting "breaking of defenses" again and again, the "shows" of counterattacks everywhere, and the warm expressions of the city all show the value pursuit of "leaving the best resources to the people", and all of them are engraved with the charge of only fighting for the day and night, and the struggle of not living up to Shaohua.

Smooth the bumps into the road, fight off the hardships and set off again. In the face of the intertwining of the epidemic situation and the century-old changes, and to hedge the uncertainty of the external environment with the certainty of development, it is necessary to look at the changes in the current situation in Shanghai with a comprehensive and dialectical vision, not only face up to multiple practical difficulties, but also see multiple evolution possibilities, always maintain the strategic determination of "chaotic clouds flying through the clouds and still calmly", and grasp multiple opportunities and challenges. It should be noted that playing a good "big chess game", opening a stable "top wind boat", gnawing down "hard bones", challenging although difficult, hope is particularly strong, determined to struggle, towards the future, the time and the situation are still in me! Because China has institutional advantages, market scale advantages, and strong economic resilience; because Shanghai has advantages in national strategy, reform and opening up, comprehensive strength, etc.; and because the basic situation of Shanghai's sustained economic recovery and development will not change, and the resource factor conditions that support high-quality development will not change. The strong support of these "fundamentals" is precisely where the glorious city shouldering special missions and expectations lies in the determination and confidence to play the role of pioneering, exemplary leadership, and breakthrough in tackling tough problems.

How many things, never urgent; the heavens and the earth turn, time is pressing. Ten thousand years is too long, only to fight for the day. A new dawn jumps from the horizon, embarks on a new journey, answers new exam questions, and the second centenary goal is calling us to strive in a new state. The collection of clothes has not been solved and then the saddle has been carried out, and there are thousands of pieces of work, but development is the first priority that can never be forgotten or changed. It is necessary to grasp the new trend, lay out new tracks, and strengthen new kinetic energy; we must move steadily toward new goals with a more comprehensive "stability" and ensure higher quality "advancement"; we must strive to make contributions to the new era, and we must constantly seek impetus for deepening reform, vitality for expanding opening up, and potential for innovation and breakthroughs. This is an era of tribute to struggle and call for struggle, which is a new journey for everyone. "Super startups" do not have passengers who enjoy their success, spectators who do not care about themselves, you, me, him, everyone is a strivers, everyone can shine. Everyone's struggle, like a trickle, will eventually converge into a magnificent tide of the times!

There are dreams, opportunities, struggles, and all good things can be created. Let us work hard, do not slacken off, know the weight of the burden, catch up with the study, use the struggle to light up the light of hope, use the struggle to write the story of Shanghai, achieve the dream together, work together to the future, and run out of the good results of our generation on the new road to catch up.

Author: Commentator of this newspaper

Image: Fan Jiale

Editor: Fan Jing

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