
"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes
"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

Dreams are like sails, faith is an anchor, and struggle is a paddle. At the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, our party is leading China to ride the wind and waves, sail away, and forge ahead towards the new voyage of great rejuvenation.

At 19:30 on December 31, 2021, "Dream of the Orient • 2022 New Year's Eve Festival" will bloom passionately on Oriental Satellite TV and be broadcast exclusively by Baishi TV. With the majestic singing of "Navigator", the magnificent "ship" seems to break the waves.

As the ninth batch of newly created songs on the theme of "Chinese Dream", "Pilot" was first sung in the literary and artistic performance "The Great Journey" celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and was broadcast on July 1, 2021 on the Central Radio and Television Station. At that time, "Pilot" triggered a chorus of the whole audience and became an affectionate tribute to the party in the Chinese literary and art circles. At the "Dream of the East • 2022 New Year's Eve Ceremony", singer Yi Liyuan sang this song again, paying tribute to the pilot force of "for the great cause of the thousand autumns, for the glory of the times, to go forward and succeed and create brilliance".

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

As a cultural dedication at the end of the year and the beginning of the year of Oriental Satellite TV, "Dream of the East • 2022 New Year's Eve Festival" has achieved a multi-dimensional upgrade of theme, internationality, culture and technology. Based on the attributes of the times, the ceremony integrates key annual themes such as the spirit of spaceflight, the spirit of the Olympic Games, the spirit of fighting the epidemic and the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, not only looks back on the unforgettable memories of 2021 with deep feelings, but also warmly looks forward to the beautiful blueprint of 2022, and conveys the rich Chinese spirit, Chinese values and Chinese strength by focusing on ordinary heroes and telling the stories of "strivers" and "dreamers".

Pay tribute to the pilot force and inspire the fighting spirit of the past

Shanghai is the place where the original intention of the centenary party set sail. "Dream of the East • 2022 New Year's Eve Festival" takes "sailing ship" as the main visual symbol, and the strong tribute is about to come out. The shape of the intersection not only symbolizes that the era is at the intersection of two hundred years of history, but also contains the sense of handover ceremony of 2021 and 2022.

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

In the opening performance "Starting Together in a Beautiful New Era", representatives from sports, fire protection, medical services, aerospace, science and technology, literature and art and other walks gathered and ran into the scene to sing the energy group song together. The whole evening party takes "starting a new journey" at the "intersection" as the meaning, and uses vivid and lively literary and artistic expressions to connect a series of major events, important events and happy events.

"Tianwen" and "Zhu Rong" visited Mars, "Tianhe", "Shenzhou" and "Tianzhou" formed a space home, and "Xihe" took a new step in solar exploration... In 2021, China's aerospace industry ran out of "acceleration". The space-themed XR music show "Flying Dreams" takes the real space pulse sound and the original sound of rocket launch as creative clues, showing the gradual realization of human space dreams from ancient times to the present, and invites Chinese aerospace scientists to come to the scene for interviews and interactions, looking back at zhengrong trekking and looking forward to the sea of stars. In addition to space ground scientific and technological personnel, Nie Haisheng, a Shenzhou XII astronaut who returned from a business trip in space, will also send good New Year wishes to all viewers through Oriental Satellite TV.

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

In 2021, the epic blockbuster "Chosin Lake", which pays tribute to the great spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, triggered a movie-watching frenzy, becoming the box office champion in Chinese film history and topping the global box office in 2021. "Dream of the East • 2022 New Year's Eve Festival" specially presents patriotic theme songs "The Loveliest Man" and "197653". At the scene, the cast and crew of "Chosin Lake" sang with deep feelings to convey the Chinese spirit of the peaceful era, and 3 veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea jointly took the stage to receive collective tribute.

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

2022 is the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Oriental Satellite TV specially set up a branch venue for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong), with the New Year's Eve Festival, an annual cultural event as the medium, not only to show the beautiful achievements of the Greater Bay Area, but also to bless the people of the Mainland and Hong Kong with their hearts and hands, and the prosperity of the great motherland. The sub-venue was hosted by Phoenix Satellite TV, and invited 25-year-old youth representatives from Hong Kong, Hong Kong writer Lee Chun-eun, Representatives of the Hong Kong Police Force and other people from all walks of life to send out the positive energy of Hong Kong in this hot land to the world through rich forms such as individual singing, online duets, and theme interviews.

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

Standing at a new historical starting point, our party has led the Chinese people to embark on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country with a deep sense of mission and responsibility and a strong spirit of historical responsibility. With the theme of "Starting Together in a Beautiful New Era", "Dreaming of the East • 2022 New Year's Eve Festival" integrates the distinct atmosphere of "the times", the value mission of "common", and the beautiful vision of "departure", and uses the pound-thin momentum and rich connotation of the giant ship to ride the wind and waves, singing the sonorous and powerful main theme.

Focus on ordinary heroes and create a feast for the participation of all people

This "Dream Of the East • 2022 New Year's Eve Festival" focuses on ordinary heroes in daily life, allowing "strivers" and "dreamers" to take the center of the stage and create a cultural feast with the participation of the whole people.

We see that on the one hand, Oriental Satellite TV gathers popular people in high-quality programs on the platform, and on the other hand, invites exemplary role models from all walks of life in Shanghai, who are not only representatives of ordinary heroes in Chinese society, but also condense the temperature of the city of Shanghai.

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

The song "As Long as Ordinary" is presented in a heart-warming video, bringing together the touching moments of ordinary heroes. Wu Rongjin, principal of Luwan No.1 Central Primary School in Huangpu District, Shanghai, who won the title of "Model of the Times" of the Central Propaganda Department and "National March 8th Red Flag Bearer" of the All-China Women's Federation, Cao Peng, a national first-class conductor, the eighth national moral model, and the founder of the Shanghai Cao Peng Public Welfare Foundation, "2021 Moving Shanghai Person of the Year", Sheng Xiaohan, a sophomore high school student of Shanghai Gezhi Middle School, the Shanghai Municipal Cadre Liaison Group for Tibet Aid, the Shanghai CDC New Crown Epidemic Prevention and Control Flow Group, the "Story of the Police Station" young police officers Ma Xiaoliang and Zhou Shiqi, Members of the medical treatment team of the Shanghai New Crown Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group, who made nucleic acid for the citizens at Disney, attended the New Year's Eve ceremony to interpret the faith and responsibility of ordinary heroes from all angles. Their silent dedication, diligent cultivation, step by step, gentle thousands of families of quiet good years. The simple voice of "as long as ordinary" is full of enthusiasm of "this heart has no regrets in this life, and the fire of life has been ignited".

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

In the past two years, a song "Mohe Ballroom" set in the background of the "Five-Six Great Fire" accident in 1987 has become popular all over the Internet. The true story of sadness has aroused the awareness of life safety of countless people and the reverence for fire rescue personnel. Liu Shuang was once a criminal police officer in the Shanghai Police Force. At the scene of the grand ceremony, she cooperated with 6 fire commanders and fighters of the Shanghai Fire Rescue Corps in the Oriental Satellite TV documentary "FireLine Rescue" to perform "Mohe Ballroom", using music to convey her thinking about life and her firmness to the mission.

"Pilot" finale, Oriental Satellite TV New Year's Eve ceremony bid farewell to traffic stars, focusing on ordinary heroes

"Dream of the Orient • 2022 New Year's Eve Festival" continues to take the truth as the starting point, in the spiritual pursuit of the era of observation, again and again to complete the empathy, resonance and resonance with the audience, and then work together to knock on the door of 2022, with the style is flourishing, go to the mountains and rivers, and see the future can be expected.

Author: Xuanjing

Editor: Guo Chaohao

Photo courtesy of Oriental Satellite TV

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