
Get to know these 45 young talents

author:Nine Schools of Observation

Life News (Reporter Li Dan) In March 2021, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Youth League Committee issued the "Notice on Carrying Out the Theme Activity of "Upward Toward Good Youth" in Heilongjiang Province in 2020 and Promoting the National "Upward Good Youth"", which widely solicited five categories of good youth from League organizations at all levels. Heilongjiang Province's "Upward Toward Good Youth" selection activity is held once a year, adopting the method of socialized selection, widely mobilizing young people in all fields and industries to actively participate in the activities, and actively finding and finding young role models around them who meet the selection criteria for good youth, practice the core values of socialism, and take the lead in carrying forward the socialist spiritual civilization.

A total of 442 people were registered online for the selection. Through careful evaluation and screening, 45 "upward and good youths" in Heilongjiang Province in 2020 who love their jobs and dedicate themselves to their work, innovate and start a business, are diligent and self-motivated, help the poor and help the poor, and are trustworthy and trustworthy.

In the next step, the Heilongjiang Communist Youth League will continue to deepen the theme activity of "striving to be a good youth in the new era", effectively give play to the role of youth demonstration and leadership, carefully plan and carry out a series of activities to learn from young people's typical models, and create a public opinion upsurge of young people working hard and admiring virtue and benevolence.

【Source: Life Daily】

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