
Lucuma fruit: the flesh is like an egg yolk, but it tastes like durian, what kind of fruit is the lucuma fruit that has been promoted and grown for many years but is still not hot? Why can't the lucuma fruit catch fire? Conclusion

author:Three small hairs

Introduction: The flesh is like egg yolk, which has been promoted and cultivated in the south for many years, but it is disliked because of its bad taste

As the saying goes: turnip greens have their own love, and different people like to eat different foods. The food in our country is also strange, some food is fragrant, some food is smelly baked. For example, the food of stinky tofu is what many people say, "smells bad, eats fragrant".

Lucuma fruit: the flesh is like an egg yolk, but it tastes like durian, what kind of fruit is the lucuma fruit that has been promoted and grown for many years but is still not hot? Why can't the lucuma fruit catch fire? Conclusion

In the fruit world, there are also some alternative fruits that have evolved a special smell to protect themselves from being eaten. These years in the south there is a fruit, its flesh is very similar to egg yolk, and eat it has the taste of durian, in the south has been promoted planting for many years, but still no fire, but also by many consumers disliked, it is lucuma fruit, folk also call it fairy peach.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" what kind of fruit is lucuma >? </h1>

Lucuma, many people will think of the egg yolk pie in the supermarket. But the lucuma is a fruit, and the yolk pie is a cake, so don't be confused.

Lucuma is a small perennial tree in the genus Lucuma in the family Haupelocarpus, a typical tropical fruit native to Cuba and North America. Lucuma has been introduced to China for nearly a hundred years, as early as the early 30s of the last century. However, cultivation was not promoted until the 1950s, when it was cultivated in small quantities in the Guangzhou area, and then sporadically planted in some tropical areas such as Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan and Fujian.

Lucuma fruit: the flesh is like an egg yolk, but it tastes like durian, what kind of fruit is the lucuma fruit that has been promoted and grown for many years but is still not hot? Why can't the lucuma fruit catch fire? Conclusion

Lucuma really looks like its name. The fruit is spherical or oval and green when not ripe. When the fruit ripens in December, it becomes yellow-green or orange-yellow, with a thin skin, egg yolk-like flesh inside, and an oversized core wrapped around it.

Because the lucuma looks like a peach, it is also named "fairy peach" in the folk. But even with such a "charming" name, it still failed to make lucuma popular in China, promoted for many years, it is still a niche unpopular fruit, many people have not heard of it, let alone eaten it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > why can't the lucuma fruit catch fire? </h1>

If it were not for people in South China, lucuma would have been rarely heard of. This fruit has been introduced to China for almost 100 years, and it has been cultivated in the southern region for fifty or sixty years, but it is not on fire, not partially rich in nutrition, mainly due to poor edible taste.

Lucuma fruit: the flesh is like an egg yolk, but it tastes like durian, what kind of fruit is the lucuma fruit that has been promoted and grown for many years but is still not hot? Why can't the lucuma fruit catch fire? Conclusion

Since lucuma can be called "fairy peach", of course, not only because it looks like egg yolk, but it is indeed excellent in nutrition. Lucuma fruit is rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and other nutrients and 17 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body. In terms of nutrition, it is not ambiguous at all, and has high medicinal value, with digestive, refreshing, calming pain, blood pressure and lipid reduction and other effects.

However, its shortcomings are also more numerous. The first point is the restriction of the method of consumption. Although lucuma can also be eaten fresh, its flesh has no moisture and tastes light. It is generally processed into jam, drink, cider or ice cream to eat, so that the taste is better.

The second taste is a bit special. After many people have eaten lucuma fruit, the evaluation given is "not useful in the middle", it looks really tempting, the flesh is like egg yolk, very tempting. However, it tastes very general, smells of durian, and eats a mixture of durian and sweet potato, which is difficult for many people to accept.

Lucuma fruit: the flesh is like an egg yolk, but it tastes like durian, what kind of fruit is the lucuma fruit that has been promoted and grown for many years but is still not hot? Why can't the lucuma fruit catch fire? Conclusion

The third reason is that the rate of edibles is not high. Lucuma fruit is not large, but there are still 1-2 oversized cores in it, so the flesh is very small and the edible rate is not high. At the same time, after the picking of this fruit, it is generally not suitable for direct consumption, and it should be put on for 4-7 days, and it will taste better after it is cooked. And most people can't afford to wait, and they don't have the patience to wait, they eat it in a hurry, they feel that the taste is not delicious, and they will not continue to buy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > concluding remarks</h1>

In fact, lucuma is a fruit that is more resistant to storage and has a high yield. But even if it is very good in nutrition, it is still difficult to accept it.

Lucuma fruit: the flesh is like an egg yolk, but it tastes like durian, what kind of fruit is the lucuma fruit that has been promoted and grown for many years but is still not hot? Why can't the lucuma fruit catch fire? Conclusion

Sometimes in the south of the supermarket, fruit shop can also see lucuma fruit, the price is not expensive, generally is more than 10 yuan a pound, but few people buy. Most people in the south grow lucuma fruit, which is basically eaten by their own families. However, the fruit tree of lucuma fruit has a high ornamental value, so many people also plant it in the garden.

Friends, have you ever eaten lucuma? How does it taste?

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