
How many officers and men did the Yamazaki Brigade in the Japanese army have, and why could several regiments of the Eighth Route Army still not win?

A gentle gust of wind awakens the body that has been sleeping for a thousand years; a gentle gust of wind blows away the mysterious veil of history. Standing on the shoulders of time, I talk to history.

"Poor Wanguo Guanshan Road, year after year war bones and autumn grass." This poem is quoted from the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Shu's "Guan Shanyue", which is used to describe the suffering of the battlefield and the difficulties of the people.

In fact, every outbreak of war is bound to bring about countless wounds. The loss of property, of course, goes without saying, and what is even more tragic is the death of a large number of people. Especially in the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, our country was confronted with a complete industrial power, and we were only a weak country that had just been beaten to the face by the great powers. That big battle was particularly difficult, the weapons were inferior to others, and the logistics were inferior to others.

Perhaps many people are affected by film and television works, and they cannot perceive the strength of the Japanese army at that time, and feel that our army's resistance to Japan is relatively relaxed. But in fact, strictly speaking, even in the frontal battlefield, at least 4 Chinese soldiers are needed to replace one Japanese army. And the battlefield behind enemy lines is even more tragic.

The most tragic battle in the battlefield behind enemy lines was the "Battle of Guanjia'an", which was brilliantly interpreted in "Bright Sword", and the Japanese Yamazaki Brigade actually fought back and forth with the strength of several regiments of the Eighth Route Army. In this way, in the face of a large group of Japanese troops, why can't several regiments add up to win? How many troops does the real Yamazaki Brigade have?

First, the great battle in "Bright Sword".

In the film and television work "Bright Sword", there was such a paragraph. Li Yunlong and the division headquarters were organizing construction, and as a result, they happened to encounter the Yamazaki brigade, and the two sides exchanged fire in a confused situation. But even in the face of a not-so-large army, several regiments of the Eighth Route Army besieged them overnight, but they could not help the other side. Forced to be helpless, he could only let Li Yunlong, the strongest independent regiment, be on the top.

How many officers and men did the Yamazaki Brigade in the Japanese army have, and why could several regiments of the Eighth Route Army still not win?

In the plot, Li Yunlong first suppressed the fire on the opposite side, and could only dig a tunnel, and then used the method of throwing grenades against his face to suppress the fire and end the battle. But even so, in that big battle, Li Yunlong suffered heavy losses and reimbursed all his firepower.

Therefore, from the film and television works, we can deeply feel the strength of the Japanese army's combat effectiveness, only one brigade can resist the large troops of our army, and it is necessary for a strong person like Li Yunlong to solve it.

But perhaps everyone will not think that the film and television works have actually undergone a certain degree of change, because in the real battle, the battle is more miserable, and the number of the other side is not so much, and even they have not been eliminated.

Second, the reality of the "Guanjiayuan War".

According to historical records, in fact, the classic scene in "Bright Sword" is a reproduction of the "Battle of Guanjia'an". The real battle from October 30 to 31, 1940, was not against the Yamazaki Brigade, but against the Okazaki Brigade. At that time, the background was in the third stage of the Hundred Regiments War, and the Japanese army was beaten by Mr. Peng, so the Japanese army was very angry and wanted to retaliate, so it carried out a crazy sweep.

It was in the process that okazaki brigades belonging to the Japanese 36th Division accidentally bumped into the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the famous Huangyadong Arsenal. Therefore, Mr. Peng immediately issued an order to ask the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division to directly participate in the battle to suppress the Japanese army.

But in fact, the war was fought extremely fiercely, and the results were not ideal. According to records at the time, okazaki's brigade was only more than 500 people, and if this unit was organized and disciplined, it consisted of a squadron of the 37th Division, a squadron of the Independent Ninth Brigade, a squadron of the 12th Independent Infantry Brigade, a detachment of engineers, a detachment of the brigade headquarters, plus a combat medical team, a small team of heavy troops, and a mountain artillery squadron of the Ninth Brigade regiment.

How many officers and men did the Yamazaki Brigade in the Japanese army have, and why could several regiments of the Eighth Route Army still not win?

Jane and according to the formation of this unit, they also had three mountain guns, so this unit was well-equipped, although not a top-level unit, but it was also a well-disciplined brigade.

Due to our army's proximity to the arsenal, the weapons and equipment are slightly higher than those of the Eighth Route Army troops in peacetime, but there are no large heavy weapons, and a large number of high-injury weapons carried by our army are made of homemade grenades, and many rifles are also made of soil, and the performance is not particularly good. Therefore, the equipment gap between our army and the Japanese army can be described as very large, but our army has an advantage, that is, it occupies the main field and has a large number of people.

According to records at that time, our army gathered three brigades and two regiments before and after, with a total number of nearly 20,000 people, and the two sides fought bloodily for two days and nights, but only inflicted heavy damage on the enemy army and failed to eliminate them all. Moreover, what is infuriating is that this unit actually set a big fire in the process of retreating, and our army could not catch up with it, which can be said to be a regret.

3. Works and Reality.

In the film and television work "Bright Sword", although our army is backward, it can still concentrate on destroying the enemy army, which greatly encourages those of us who watch the drama. But in fact, the Japanese army is well-equipped, beyond our imagination, and the Japanese army is not alone, but within the cutting line to find the main force of our army. Therefore, there has never been a home for the Eighth Route Army, and it has always been the Japanese army under heavy pressure and then looking for our main force to annihilate.

Therefore, the Yamazaki Brigade was able to fight so fiercely and calmly retreat, but in fact, it was not that our army was unable to fight, but the key was that they had the support of a large force behind them, and our army fought with them in a tricky and hasty manner.

It is worth mentioning that the Japanese army was well equipped beyond our imagination, when a unit of less than 600 people could carry 120 rounds of ammunition and three grenades, and each soldier with a light machine gun could carry 810 rounds of ammunition. Even in the arsenal, every soldier who can get an earthen grenade is already rich, and basically the soldier's bullets do not exceed 20. Like mountain guns and howitzers, and even machine guns, our army was very small in number, and it is said that there were only three machine guns in a regiment at that time.

How many officers and men did the Yamazaki Brigade in the Japanese army have, and why could several regiments of the Eighth Route Army still not win?

Therefore, under such a large firepower gap, as long as the Japanese army occupies the high ground and then organizes it in an orderly manner, it can cause great pain to our army. Therefore, 20,000 people besieged this force, but they could not cross the other side's firepower, which was also impossible.

In fact, the Battle of Guanjia'an is only a microcosm, and the Japanese army has shown itself even stronger than this on a larger battlefield, especially in the first round of the Japanese invasion of China, they have the most elite troops and the fiercest will to fight. Although our army's war behind enemy lines occupies a certain geographical advantage and has rich experience in guerrilla warfare, our army must have made great sacrifices in the face of the devil's artillery towers and large-scale sweeps.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression at that time was definitely not as simple as in film and television works, and most of the time our army had to exchange our lives for a little time and crawl towards the war little by little. The 8-year War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was not an easy play on the enemy, but the enemy was hanging over our heads like the sword of Damox at all times, and it would kill all of us at any time, and even destroy our country at any time.

Therefore, looking back on the war and reflecting on the war, we should read more about the real history, not be paralyzed by film and television works, our peace is really established in blood, and it is not easy to come by.


Looking back at the entire history of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, some of the previous questions should also be explained, why Chiang Kai-shek's millions of troops could not cope with the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Japanese army. It was because the Japanese army equipment at that time was too strong. The key was that the Japanese army was a complete industrial power at that time, they had a complete army training system, and there was a strong reserve system.

Once the war began, the Japanese could guarantee a steady stream of logistics, and every battle was supported by absolute firepower, with well-equipped infantry, aircraft bombing in the skies, and even naval cover and tank support. It was under such extremely difficult conditions that our army faced the Japanese army, and the frontal battlefield was naturally beaten very passively.

In the battlefield behind enemy lines, our army is the same, it has been swept up many times, the base area has been cut many times, and it can only find opportunities to make breakthroughs. But even in this passive situation, our army still lasted for 8 years, and it lasted until the Japanese army collapsed, beating them back to their hometowns. Film and television works can be used as the beginning of interest in understanding history, but many of them have been adapted and processed, I hope we can all understand the real history, see what our predecessors have done, their common experience with the motherland, to remember them, inherit their brave struggle and the spirit of not fearing hardships!

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