
The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

author:Seventeen Kings of poetry and books
The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

Two days ago, a friend sent me a link about a so-called "doll doctor" in Shanghai who was pickpocketed by netizens.

This so-called "doll doctor" in the name of professional repair of damaged plush toys, molded himself into a caring positive energy Internet celebrity, tricked countless netizens into mailing the plush toys that had accompanied him for many years to repair by hand, and then asked for high repair costs.

In fact, most of the plush toys repaired by his hands have become unrecognizable, and netizens have not only suffered huge economic losses, but also lost the plush toys that have accompanied them for many years.

Seriously, I understand the emotions of netizens, a plush toy that has accompanied me for many years, whether it is worn or defaced, it is no longer an ordinary plush toy, more like an old friend who has accompanied me for many years, this emotion can no longer be measured by materials and money. Therefore, they will prefer to spend a lot of money to find someone to clean and repair their plush toys, hoping that they will accompany them for a longer time.

Do you remember the plush toy you cherished the most when you were a kid? Is it still with you now?

When I was a child, I didn't have any beautiful toys, and one year during the Spring Festival, my parents who worked outside the country all year round came home for the New Year and brought me back a yellow bear, which was only about 20 centimeters tall, just right in my arms.

The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

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At that time, I didn't mention how happy I was, I regarded it as my best friend, and I ate and slept with it. After a long time, the bear's coat color gradually became gray, and the circle of white around the lips was about to turn black.

Adults say I'm a big kid and shouldn't play with a plush toy, and it's so dirty that I should have been thrown away. One day I came home from school and never found this bear again. Grandma told me that the family was hygienic and had thrown it away.

Later, I stopped buying plush toys, probably because I always felt in my heart that no one could compare with the yellow bear.

After so many years, I thought I had forgotten about this little bear, but I didn't expect that after reading this "Peaceful Little Pig" recently, the memories of playing with the bear came back to my mind.

The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

"Peaceful Piggy"

"The Pig of Peace" is a novel by J.K. Rowling Rowling) first children's novel. In the book, Rowling creates a completely different wizarding world from the Harry Potter series, taking us on a whole new journey of fantasy.

The little boy Jack has a doll piggy who grew up with him, and he names it "Toot Toot". Toot and Jack not only have countless happy memories, but more importantly, every time Jack feels sad and sad, Toot is with him. Even if Jack didn't say anything, Toot could understand his every annoyance. Toot's body has also left many marks of time, and all kinds of wonderful smells. These marks and smells reassure Jack.

When Jack was in elementary school, his mom and dad separated and he began to live with his mom. Jack accepted it all as if nothing had happened, and he would only cry silently in the dead of night when he was still holding Toot. Toot, on the other hand, will gently wipe away his tears with his little hooves.

Later, Jack's mother took him to live near his grandparents' house, and he also transferred to a new school. In the new school year, Mom meets a new partner, Brandon, who also has a daughter named Holly, whom Jack and I have known before school. But unlike at school, every time Holly came to their house, she was very unfriendly to Jack and her mother.

On Christmas Eve, Grandpa and Grandma took Jack and Holly to dress up as Christmas trees, and Holly accidentally knocked down the Christmas tree, causing the paper tube angel at the top of the tree to be torn apart by the dog. They decided to drive into town to buy a new angel. Jack is upset, and he sneaks up on Toot, hoping to comfort him.

On the way home from buying angels, Holly and Jack have a big fight in the car, and Holly throws Beep out of the open window.

The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

Toot was thrown

Jack is devastated to see Toot being thrown out of the window, and he wants to go out on his own to find Toot, but is stopped by his grandmother. Grandpa pulled over and braved the snow and wind to look for it, but found nothing.

Jack cried all day and dried up all his tears. The thought of Toot lying alone on the highway broke his heart. Holly begged Grandpa to take her out and buy a doll piglet that was exactly the same as Toot Toot, and wanted to give it to Jack as compensation. Grandpa also gave it a name, called "Ping An Piglet".

But Jack doesn't accept it, he feels that Toot is the only Toot in the world, and the new piglet is nothing. At night, Jack climbed into bed, and he decided that when everyone was asleep, he would sneak out to find Toot.

Confused, Jack heard someone in his room talking. He jerked on the light and found that everything around him had come alive, from wardrobes and boxes to toy cars and slippers, all of which had grown eyes and mouths, and The Piglet was no exception. Everyone was talking about saving Toot.

Piggy of Peace tells Jack that in order to retrieve Toot, he must go to a magical country, the Lost Andy Land, which is ruled by the Lost Land, a territory belonging to the East and West, forbidden for humans to set foot. If you want to go, only tonight will have a chance. Because, tonight is Christmas Eve, and Christmas Eve is a night of wonder and hope.

Jack decides to go to the Lost and Found to find Toot Toot, saying, "As long as I can get Toot back, I'm willing to give everything." ”

So, The Little Pig of Peace took Jack to the Lost And Found.

There are three small towns in the Lost and Found, namely Abandoned Town, Need Town and Miss City, as well as a large frozen wasteland.

The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

In the Lost and Found, Jack and The Piglet of Peace have a very tortuous adventure together, they first think that Toot is in need town, so they follow a tin lunch box from abandoned town to need town. However, Toot is not in need of town. They escape from the town of Needs, and with the help of a compass, they cross the dusty wasteland and enter the city of misses.

Miss City is the last territory of the Lost Earth Demon, but they still have not found the shadow of Toot Toot, and they are almost handed over to the Lost Earth Demon by the power king of The Miss City, fortunately the Messenger of Hope has helped them.

The Messenger of Hope flew over the sea with Jack and the Pig of Peace to beloved Island. On Beloved Island, he finally meets his beloved Toot Toot.

Finally, did Jack return to the human world with Toot? You must also be curious about this ending, and I won't spoil it here. I was more touched by Jack and The Peaceful Pig's search than the ending.

The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

In the process of searching for Toot Toot, Jack and the Peace Pig encountered many items, some of which were valuable and delicate, some of which were cheap and rough, some of which were accidentally lost by their owners, and more of which were discarded at random, and finally they all came to the terrible land of lost things.

If the owner is still worried about the lost items, then they will have a relatively good life in the lost place, either entering the town of need or entering the city of thought; if the owner does not care about the discarded items, then they can only enter the abandoned town, or even be driven into the dusty wasteland and eaten by the lost demons.

Only the items that are truly loved by the owner will enter the beloved island and live carefree forever. This is the power of love.

I think everyone has had a time when we poured out our affection for an object, when we thought they were our best friends and would always be there for us. When we're older and have the ability to buy more items, will you still be emotionally invested in what you have?

The Return of King J.K. Rowling! "Piggy of Peace" tells the magic of love and hope to immortalize

In this life, we will face countless losses, sometimes beloved toys and handy daily necessities, sometimes goals and precious opportunities, and sometimes even loved ones.

Perhaps, your heart has also had the reluctance, nostalgia and regret of the lost things in the past, but "the deceased cannot be traced", the lost can no longer be found, rather than chagrin and self-blame, it is better to embrace the courage and hope for the future, love the people who accompany you at this moment, and cherish everything you have at this moment.

Because, love and hope, make everything immortal.

J.K. Rowling's new work "Peace Piggy" ¥49 purchase

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