
She divorced her husband and married a warehouse keeper, and before she died, her husband learned her true identity

As the last emperor of the feudal dynasty, Ai Xinjueluo Puyi's life can be described as ups and downs, twists and turns, and as Puyi's wife, the life of the last imperial concubine Wenxiu is even more legendary, and when we count the literary embroidery, or the legend of Puyi, there seems to be another feeling in our hearts, their life, is also a tragic life.

She divorced her husband and married a warehouse keeper, and before she died, her husband learned her true identity

In 1921, Puyi was already 16 years old, after consulting with the royal concubines and the Qing Dynasty's widows, they decided to choose a concubine for Puyi, an empress, of which two were successfully selected, one was Wen Xiu, one was Wanrong, at first, Puyi chose Wen Xiu as a concubine, but those concubines did not agree, so Wanrong became an empress, and Wen Xiu was chosen as a concubine.

On November 30, 1922, the 13-year-old Wenxiu was solemnly married into the palace by Puyi, from then on, Wenxiu began his tragic life, at first, Puyi was still relatively friendly and harmonious to Wenxiu, after the education of teacher Johnston, Puyi was more interested in many new things, Wenxiu liked to paint, embroidery, Puyi was very pleased with this, when he knew that Wenxiu wanted to learn English, he also specially invited an English teacher to teach her, at that time, Puyi was friendly to Wenxiu.

She divorced her husband and married a warehouse keeper, and before she died, her husband learned her true identity

The good times did not last long, after the outbreak of the coup d'état in Beijing, there was a rift between Puyi and Wenxiu, the warlord Feng Yuxiang drove Puyi and other members of the royal family out of the Forbidden City, Puyi was very angry, under the advice of the minister Zheng Xiaoxu and others, he was ready to seek the protection of the Japanese, Wenxiu saw this, immediately persuaded that the Japanese had wolf ambitions and should not cooperate with them, Puyi was anxious to avenge the warlords who had driven him away, he ignored others, or lived in the Japanese mansion in Tianjin, Wenxiu was snubbed by Puyi because of his different views from Puyi.

She divorced her husband and married a warehouse keeper, and before she died, her husband learned her true identity

At that time, Puyi and Wanrong drunkenly dreamed of death all day, and Wenxiu was indifferent, and then Wenxiu repeatedly spoke to Puyi, asking him to stay away from the Japanese, Puyi was not only unhappy about this, but more and more angry, always spit on Wenxiu, in 1931, Wenxiu fled the residence with the help of his cousin, sued Puyi in court, the two agreed to divorce, after that, they declared in the newspaper that the two ended their marriage relationship, and Wenxiu thus became the first concubine in history to divorce the emperor.

She divorced her husband and married a warehouse keeper, and before she died, her husband learned her true identity

After leaving Puyi, Wenxiu's life is not good, in order to make a living, she once worked as a primary school teacher, even paste cartons, selling coolies in the tile team for a living, the most difficult time, she also sold cigarettes in the alley, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, Wenxiu's life has changed, she became a newspaper proofreader of the North China Daily, when the president Zhang Mingwei because of the seriousness of literary embroidery, she was very important to her, and it was not long before he also took the initiative to introduce an object to Wenxiu.

This man's name is Liu Zhendong, a native of Henan, who was more than 40 years old at the time, still unmarried, was a warehouse keeper in the Kuomintang Beijing camp, loyal and honest, wenxiu and Liu Zhendong met, the two were quite favorable, in 1947, they held a wedding.

She divorced her husband and married a warehouse keeper, and before she died, her husband learned her true identity

Since then, the two have been a plain life, after the founding of New China, Liu Zhendong was assigned to become a worker, in 1953, Wen Xiu died of illness, before dying, she told her husband her true identity, she was Erdet Wen Xiu, once the wife of the last emperor Puyi, Liu Zhendong was surprised after learning about it, after Wen Xiu's death, Liu Zhendong's cleaning team helped nail a wooden coffin, and he buried Wen Xiu in the Gongyi cemetery outside and outside anding gates in Beijing.

After Wen Xiu's death, Liu Zhendong did not remarry, and more than 10 years later, he died of illness.

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