
He was the secretary of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, joined the revolution at the age of 19, and spent his life serving the country and the people at the age of 98

Introduction: The quiet years have given us a stable and uneventful day, facing the traffic and bustling city, full of joy and laughter of different people. Walking to the crowded market, you can't help but think of the previous people who carried our weight forward. In the first half of the last century, our whole country was in turmoil, dissatisfied with the decaying feudal rule and unable to find a real way out for China. In the face of imperialist aggression by the great powers, the Qing government could only be slaughtered by others. The people living during this period were exploited by different classes and could not see a way out of their own front. Countless revolutionaries have emerged, who have sacrificed their blood for our current stability, and the warmth left behind will forever envelop the lives of the descendants of Yanhuang. Jiao Kangshou was such an elderly revolutionary who had aspired to contribute to the country since he was a young man.

He was the secretary of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, joined the revolution at the age of 19, and spent his life serving the country and the people at the age of 98

Jiao Kangshou, in 1919 in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. Jiao Kangshou's birth was accompanied by a turbulent society, and being born in the homes of ordinary people made it even more difficult to maintain an already difficult life. From an early age, we have to worry about livelihood problems, and our lives are constantly threatened by wars. The harsh living environment also honed his stoic will, and he also seized the opportunity to learn in a difficult environment. But enrolling in school was an extremely luxurious thing for that era, and the pressures of life forced him to give up his studies and go out to work odd jobs to earn a living. In the face of busy and complicated work, Jiao Kangshou did not really give up his studies, and secretly bought books to enrich his brain. He saw the way out of the faltering life in a trance, imagining that China would soon be able to establish the ideal world in the book, which provided a steady stream of impetus for his subsequent revolutionary path.

He was the secretary of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, joined the revolution at the age of 19, and spent his life serving the country and the people at the age of 98

The days of working and studying every day are ordinary and not boring, and Jiao Kangshou is a little satisfied with this ordinary life, but he was broken by the japanese invasion. In the face of the cruel acts of the Japanese army, he could only follow his parents to hide in Tibet, and he saw all kinds of evil deeds of the Japanese army against the people in his eyes, and the whole society was filled with thousands of displaced people. The actions of the Japanese army deeply touched Jiao Kangshou's bottom line and aroused a sense of justice to save the people from water and fire. In 1938, Jiao Kangshou, who had just come of age, officially joined the Communist Party of China and opened the revolutionary road.

Most people may not be familiar with Jiao Kangshou's name, but his contribution to the War of Resistance is indelible. Jiao Kangshou, whose main place of work was in Shazhou, was included in the Japanese Army's "Clearance Operation" in 1941. The main content of his work was to unite comrades to deal with the constant intrusion of the Japanese army, protect the lives of the people on one side, and preserve the powerful revolutionary forces. But the arrogance of the Japanese army was too strong, and it disregarded the lives of the people. In order to fulfill his due responsibilities as much as possible, Jiao Kangshou fought with the Japanese army to the death, relying on a sense of faith to fight to the death to open a way of life. He did not show a hint of timidity in the face of the enemy's guns, and protected the lives of the people and party members in the fierce war.

He was the secretary of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, joined the revolution at the age of 19, and spent his life serving the country and the people at the age of 98

In 1945, the achievements of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in cooperating against Japan increased significantly, and with the assistance of other countries in the world, the Japanese army announced its unconditional surrender. After more than three years of the War of Liberation, New China was truly established. Jiao Kangshou was also awarded the post of secretary of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee for his rich combat experience and repeated meritorious service. During his term of office, he also worked diligently and earnestly, seeking welfare for the people in a down-to-earth manner, and cooperating with the implementation of various policies of the state, so that the land under his management gradually became vibrant. Such a veteran soldier who has served the country all his life has also ended his glorious life at the age of 98, and "kangshou" should also contain the wish of "health and longevity", and the old man has lived a long life and is the eternal hero of our party and country.

He was the secretary of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, joined the revolution at the age of 19, and spent his life serving the country and the people at the age of 98

Conclusion: The Slovak people have passed away, and the spirit they left behind is indeed forever remembered. Looking back at Jiao Kangshou's dedicated life, we can't help but silently read that "the people's heroes are immortal." Without the thousands of heroic soldiers like Jiao Kangshou who sacrificed their lives for the revolution, it would be difficult to build a new China. Living in a socialist modern country, we must never forget that it was the burden of our ancestors that created today's tranquility for us, and we should uphold the spirit of our predecessors and forge ahead.

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