
Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

author:Plant Protection Science

The rakes and oranges that spread over the mountains, such as late-ripening oranges such as unknown fire, are covered with white fruit bags, ready to keep the tree fresh until next year from February to April, which makes many fruit farmers headaches is that the fruit has not yet begun to sell at this time of the year, the tree body has begun to appear yellow leaves, the citrus tree is not as good as a year, the quality is not as good as a year, and the size of the year is becoming more and more obvious.

Fortunately, in recent years, the price of sichuan's citrus can flourish, and fruit farmers are willing to invest, but in the face of the problem of yellowing and premature aging of trees, many fruit farmers are helpless, fruit farmers talk about "yellow" discoloration, citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree.

Tree yellowing, which is common in citrus groves, generally manifests as overall yellowing and local yellowing. Localized yellowing is mainly caused by the lack of medium and trace amounts, but the biggest headache for fruit farmers is the overall yellowing problem.

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

For the overall yellowing, now many fruit farmers also know that the main citrus root system is a problem, the conventional practice is to apply amino acids, humic acid, alginic acid and other rooting products to promote rooting, the number of flushing and the amount of use in the past two years is also increasing, but the effect is less and less obvious.

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this
Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

Why this happens, there is nothing wrong with the problem of the citrus root system, this is a phenomenon that everyone can see, but in order to fundamentally solve the problem of yellowing, we must first know what causes the root system to have problems, symptomatic treatment; secondly, to know where the root system is distributed and whether the location of fertilization is accurate, we have found in many citrus orchards that many of the root systems of the citrus trees that have problems are distributed within the canopy drip line; finally, citrus yellowing is often caused by multiple factors, and comprehensive management measures need to be taken to solve it.

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

The main causes of citrus root problems are:

1. Load: too much fruit hanging tree potential decline yellowing

2. Root diseases and insect pests: root knot nematodes, foot rot

3. Unreasonable fertilization: the use of uncorried organic fertilizer, the use of compound fertilizer is too large or the burning of roots caused by centralized fertilization;

4, climate problems: low temperature frost damage and long-term rainlogging, resulting in rotten roots.

5, soil problems: acidification; low organic matter content; soil compaction, soil problems have become the key problems restricting the high quality and high yield of citrus.

6, herbicides: improper use of the root

7. Excessive circumcision

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this
Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

Under the premise of reasonable load and scientific fertilization, the problem of citrus yellowing needs to be solved together through soil modification, root promotion and nutrition.

As the first biostimulant package nutrition, a bucket of the world improves soil conditions by supplementing water-soluble organic matter and stress-resistant microorganisms, promotes root root growth by adding SF-pollen polysaccharides, and comprehensively replenishes nutrition and improves nutrient absorption and utilization by adding a large number of elements, chelated trace elements and fulvic acid. Seven-in-one, comprehensive nutrition, full of energy, with soil improvement, nutritional supplementation and anti-stress root effect, can solve the problem of citrus yellowing from all aspects of the cause.

Case 1:

Problem: In 2018, the citrus trees in Pujiang, Sichuan province, were severely yellowed

Solution: Use a bucket of 150 times the liquid to apply 1 time.

Effect: After 15 days of return visit, the yellowing was significantly improved, the leaves were thick green, and the growth was good.

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this
Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

Case 2:

Problem: In 2018, guangxi Xiangzhou sugar orange fruit picking problems appeared weak tree potential

Solution: Use a bucket of 150 times the liquid to apply 2 times.

Effect: The tree posture is good after fruit picking in the demonstration field on the right, the spring shoots are strong, and the leaves are oily; the conventional fertilizer on the left side is weak after fruit picking, the leaves are yellow, and the spring shoots are weak

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

Case 3:

Problem: Fangtai Township, Xingguo County, Ganzhou City, 3 years navel orange tree yellowing is serious.

Solution: Use a bucket of 150 times the liquid to apply twice.

Effect: After two strokes, the navel orange tree turned green significantly, and the tree momentum improved, changing from a weak tree and a yellowing tree to a strong tree and a green tree

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this
Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

Case 4:

Problem: Zombie seedlings caused by root problems in citrus seedlings

Scheme: 0.1 kg per plant in a barrel diluted 250 times

The result: After 20 days, new white roots grow and robust new shoots emerge

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this
Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

Case 5:

Question: On April 25, 2020, the honey orange tree in Nanfeng County was endangered by red spiders in the early stage, and the leaves fell off

Scheme: a barrel of the world 0.5 pounds + Shuofeng 48110ml punch

Effect: After applying for 1 month, the shoots and new leaves are rediscovered

Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this
Citrus yellowing is not a disease, yellow up to kill the tree! After a hard year of not seeing money, it is because of this

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