
Prevention and treatment methods of citrus yellow vein disease

author:Taste citrus on oranges

Symptoms of citrus yellow vein disease hazards:

The veins of the new leaves in spring and autumn are bright yellow, the leaves are curled and wrinkled, and some of the young shoots are shed, resulting in weak tree strength, rough fruit surface, uneven pigment distribution, and the yield decreases year by year, and finally leads to the destruction of the garden.

Prevention and treatment methods of citrus yellow vein disease

Prevention programmes:

(1) Dig up the diseased tree as soon as possible.

(2) Select healthy virus-free seedlings.

(3) Strengthen the prevention and control of vector insects citrus whitefly, aphids, tianniu, cicadas and meadowsweet aphids in the spring and autumn stages; at the same time, disinfect the branches and scissors with 1:4 sodium hypochlorite solution or soapy water to prevent the spread of the disease with agricultural operations.

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