
The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

author:Love Xiqing

At six o'clock in the morning, the early morning wind was much milder than on the weekend, and on the way to the north of the country, the melodious melody of "Fireflies" came from the radio, "Faint light, floating to the sky, in the darkness, who will sing the dawn ... The way you smile is my brightest wish." Outside the car window, the sky is still hanging stars and crescent moon, inside the car window, I have a lot of thoughts, the story of what happened to the brothers and sisters of the Commerce Bureau these days has been flashing in my mind...

An unforgettable day

Today is the 8th day that we have launched the emergency response mechanism to launch the epidemic prevention and control campaign.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

Liu Chunfu and Zhang Ruibin, who were on night duty yesterday, began to prepare for today's breakfast before dawn, making phone calls, registering, sorting out and carrying items... Liu Chunfu, 50, looked a little tired, and this was his fourth night shift on duty in the "sealed control area".

The epidemic is the order, and time is life. In the early morning of December 21, the Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce launched the emergency response mechanism for the first time, quickly gathered capable forces, rushed to the front line of community prevention and control, and threw themselves into the tense and orderly on-site epidemic prevention and control and emergency supply scheduling of daily necessities, and stuck to the scene for 24 hours in the form of "day shift" + "night shift", guiding party members and cadres to write their original intentions in action and put their mission on their posts.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

"December 21, 2021, is a day I will never forget." Liu Chunfu, who is sorting out material products, said. December 21 is the time of Liu Chunfu's third chemotherapy for his severely ill wife, according to the hospital treatment plan, at 6:30 to the hospital to wait, the entire chemotherapy time is expected to be about seven hours. At 2:30 a.m., Liu Chunfu, who was unable to sleep because he was worried about his wife's pain during chemotherapy, suddenly received an emergency assembly order, he hesitated for a moment, or woke up his wife who was struggling to sleep in the pain, and he said to his wife: "I am a cpc preparatory party member, I cannot be a deserter in the face of the epidemic, I must obey the organizational arrangements." I can't accompany you today, can you do it yourself..." And Liu Chunfu's wife, who is also a medical worker herself, immediately supported Liu Chunfu to gather at the scene to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work. Speaking of this, Liu Chunfu was a little choked up.

The food delivery truck slowly drove in, Liu Chunfu rushed over, and moved and unloaded with the food delivery worker, just to grab more time, so that the on-site staff could eat a hot breakfast on this cold winter morning, and his gray hair was particularly dazzling in the cold wind.

The feelings of a veteran

When I arrived at the scene, it was already dark, and the medical staff were wearing protective clothing in the cold by the side of the makeshift tent. In the distance, I saw Wang Keqiang and Wang Zi, who were on night duty last night, standing in front of the food delivery truck to count the number and carry the lunch boxes.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

Wang Keqiang, a 48-year-old veteran who was just discharged from the hospital on December 3, received an emergency call from the unit to carry out the task of guaranteeing the supply of the epidemic, and he immediately rushed to the scene to participate in logistics support work regardless of his physical condition. Constantly have caring enterprises to donate materials for Xiqing, he summoned personnel to help unload the car, due to the small number of people on the scene, afraid of delaying the lunch supply time, he ignored the cold, one after another, so that colleagues around have a sense of solidity and warmth. Continuous working hours range from 19 hours, 21 hours to more than 24 hours.

Because he had just been discharged from the hospital, we were worried that his body would not be able to eat, so we asked him: "It is cold at night, can you stand the night shift in the tent?" He said: "In the battlefield of fighting the epidemic, everyone is a warrior. I was a soldier, how can I do if I don't rush up? In special periods, no matter how difficult it is, you have to carry it up; no matter how tired you are, you have to hold on. Here I found the feeling of fighting..."

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

During the conversation, Wang Keqiang, who was carrying supplies, suddenly felt that he had stepped on something, almost stumbled on his heels, looked down, it turned out that the soles of the shoes had fallen off, he quickly found a rope to bundle the shoes and soles, and bowed his head to continue working. Late at night, he sent hot soup to the police officers and staff who were on duty at night until two o'clock in the morning. We looked at his shoes tied with rope and jokingly said, "You're tired of splitting soles." He smiled, took off his shoes wrapped around the rope, washed them briefly, and prepared to rest. Tomorrow is another uphill battle.

Minor injuries do not fall into the line of fire

"XX store manager, your supermarket immediately started the daily necessities supply mechanism, and prepared the daily necessities on the list!" After a phone call, the emergency support mechanism for epidemic prevention and control living materials in Xiqing District was immediately activated. The person who called was Pan Xiaoqian, head of the marketing section of the Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce.

After the launch of the "Emergency Supply Plan for Daily Necessities of the Logistics Support Group of the Community Prevention and Control Work of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic in Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce (Version 3.0)", Pan Xiaoqian immediately linked up with more than 10 supply enterprises such as nearby Wumart, Tianjin Royal Palace and other large supermarkets and farmers' markets to carry out the supply of daily necessities and meals in key communities, ensure the supply of daily necessities such as rice, noodles, meat, eggs and vegetables, and allocate more than 1,000 tons of daily necessities reserves, and resolutely build a supply line for epidemic prevention and control with the fastest and most resolute measures.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

3 days ago, Pan Xiaoqian went to the hospital due to the old problem of swelling of the lumbar spine. The doctor gave a roasting electric treatment plan. "No, no time. I am a liaison officer in the living materials support group, and the treatment will be delayed. The doctor shook his head and helplessly prescribed plasters and painkillers. By the time the nucleic acid test was successfully completed, more than 160 hours had passed, and Pan Xiaoqian had drunk two boxes of "Fenbide" and slept less than 30 hours.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

In order to ensure the living needs of the masses, Pan Xiaoqian contacted and built 10 on-site sales points, so that the masses can buy all kinds of daily necessities at the entrance of the community, and the living materials guarantee group has accumulated more than 40 tons of various daily necessities for residents in dongxingli area and surrounding Zhongbei Town. "At present, the daily necessities in our district are sufficiently stocked, the variety is rich, and the price is stable, so please rest assured that the majority of residents in the sealing and control area will not have to panic about the purchase of daily necessities." This is the last sentence in the WeChat version of the "Anmin Notice" edited by Pan Xiaoqian himself, and it is also a solemn promise to the masses.

The on-site materials were continuously transferred, and Pan Xiaoqian could not care about the pain to join the handling team, and got up forcefully, Pan Xiaoqian felt the piercing pain in his waist, and the pain made him grin his teeth and continue to work.

Battlefield scarves red

On the evening of December 24, when the lights of Wanjia were lit, accompanied by the ringing of the telephone, Guo Xiaoyu and several other female comrades received a new task of rushing to the frontline to reinforce the prevention and control of the epidemic.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

On December 25, the fifth day after the outbreak, with the arrival of the cold wave, the temperature dropped to minus 11 degrees. As the youngest post-95 party member in the whole world and a newly hired cadre of the organ, Guo Xiaoyu feels both a responsibility and a challenge in the face of such a difficult and special task as the epidemic. She never shook her head in dirty work, counted meal orders, material distribution in an orderly manner, and carried up materials without letting her eyebrows be raised. In order to better understand everyone's actual needs, she went to various intersections to talk to the front-line staff in a timely manner to solicit everyone's opinions and suggestions on the supply of materials. After working continuously for more than ten hours, frequent disinfection made the hands glow with rashes, and the hands and feet became more and more stiff. However, seeing that the materials of the sealed masses are guaranteed, seeing the front-line workers eating hot meals and drinking hot soup, and seeing the continuous donation of materials from caring people from all walks of life, no matter how many difficulties there are, they have enough confidence to overcome, and even the cold weather cannot withstand the heat of people's hearts.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

"Hello, comrades who need Muslim meals, please come to my side to collect them."

"Hello, please register here for what supplies you need."

"The comrades on the night shift are too hard, and you can get some hot porridge here to warm up."


From early morning to late at night, conversations like this have been repeated hundreds of times, and Guo Xiaoyu's story is played out every day among the female comrades of the Commerce Bureau. In the face of the hard battle of guaranteeing supply and facing the most lovely people during the "war epidemic", all the female comrades of the Commerce Bureau took turns to rush to the front line, from the morning star Rob to the stars in the night, they went all out to stick to their posts, carefully and patiently did a good job of guaranteeing supply, rolled up their sleeves and worked hard, and used their own practical actions to make the battlefield more bright and beautiful, and handed over a "war epidemic answer sheet" that satisfies the people.

On-site meeting

Every night at about 9 p.m., the party group of the Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce holds an on-site meeting in the tent to sort out the day's work, deploy the next step, and require all party members and cadres to consolidate their job responsibilities, ensure efficient delivery of supplies, food safety, and stable prices, maintain a stable and orderly life of residents, and build a solid security network for residents' life services.

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

"A party member is a banner." The story of the fight against the epidemic continues, and all the party members and cadres of the Commerce Bureau and countless party members, medical personnel, cadres of sinking organs, front-line police, and community workers in Xiqing District have worked day and night in this battle of epidemic prevention and control, and have given confidence and peace of mind to the vast number of people in the sealing and control areas and control areas with sincerity and sincerity. I believe that there are so many "retrogrades" fighting on the front line of the epidemic, and with the trust and support of the broad masses of the people, the battle against the epidemic will be won!

The Diary of the Sinking Cadres in Xiqing District: The Story of the Fight Against the Epidemic on the Road of Guaranteeing Supply

The night is late, the staff on the scene is still sticking to their posts and duties in the cold wind, I looked up to see the stars at night, and the familiar lyrics in Li Yuchun's "Stars in the Milky Way" sounded in my ears: "The stars in the sky flow up and down, silently guarding, all the bright and clear, soft brilliance through the night, across the clouds, one by one, one hundred million billion, converging into the Milky Way, one heart and two hearts, touching how many seasons for a moment"... My tears were already flowing down my cheeks.

Farewell to the night, the morning light dew, side by side, all the way to the same heart, the footsteps of the New Year in 2022 are getting closer and closer, let us treat the spring of Xiqing infinitely better...

Author: Wang Cuiping, deputy director of the office of the Bureau of Commerce of Xiqing District

Written on December 31, 2021

Please indicate the source "Tianjin Xiqing"

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