
Microsoft Teams is about to launch the "Hide My Videos" feature

IT Home December 31 news that microsoft teams can't currently hide their video previews when it comes to video conferencing, but the company is planning to provide this feature soon.

Microsoft Teams is about to launch the "Hide My Videos" feature

Microsoft says constantly looking at your own video previews in Microsoft Teams can cause fatigue, and the new Hide My Videos feature will give users the ability to hide their video footage while others can still see the video without ruining the video experience during a call.

"Seeing yourself puts pressure on your brain because you have to deal with extra information, not to mention distraction — you can avoid that by hiding your videos," Microsoft said. ”

IT House understands that for most users, the feature will begin rolling out in January and will be fully available in February, though MoD and GCC-H users may have to wait until February to March 2022, and the change will only affect Windows and Mac desktop clients.

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