
The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...

The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...

No doubt

The process of childbirth is long and difficult

But there are always some surprises among thousands of people

The experience of this pregnant mother is surprising

The mother had just arrived at the hospital

The second baby can't wait to come out

The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...

The mother's car broke the water and gave birth, and the outpatient nurse accurately judged

At about 4 p.m. on the same day, a man was anxious to borrow a wheelchair in the outpatient clinic, and after Dong Hailan, an outpatient nurse at Zhongshan Bo'ai Hospital, saw it, with her professional acumen, she asked the man in time about the purpose of borrowing a wheelchair, and the man said anxiously: "Nurse, my wife's amniotic fluid is broken, and I use a wheelchair to pick her up in the parking lot to come to the doctor." Dong Hailan listened, knew that his judgment was correct, the pregnant woman who "broke the water" could not use a wheelchair, and immediately went to the parking lot with her family to push the flat car.

Pull the car door to see, the pregnant woman in the car is still holding a small boy, after settling the little boy, it will immediately assess the patient's situation on the spot: full term second child, regular contractions, fetal membranes have been broken, there is a sense of defecation during contractions. Years of obstetric and emergency experience told Dong Hailan that the second pregnant woman was in labor and could give birth at any time, and it was too late to send the delivery room.

The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...
The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...

Emergency room with temporary delivery room, midwifery emergency team in place

So she instructed the family to quickly park the car and take the child, while comforting the pregnant woman, and quickly sent the pregnant woman to the emergency department rescue room. With the assistance of emergency medical care, the emergency plan is activated, while preparing the position of pregnant women, listening to fetal sounds, preparing newborn rescue equipment, and urgently notifying obstetric clinic midwives.

At 16:24, the obstetric midwives Li Haiyi, Chen Yanxia and Zheng Zhuanping had already carried the delivery bag in place, and the whole journey took less than 5 minutes, and the emergency rescue team of Zhongshan Bo'ai Hospital (Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital) was all in place. After the midwife examination, the uterine opening of the pregnant woman has been fully opened and is ready to deliver the baby.

After proper care, at 16:32 the pregnant woman successfully delivered a live baby girl, the postpartum routine examination of the mother was not special, the baby cried loud, the skin color was rosy, the breathing was smooth, and the Ashi score was 10 points (full score), and the mother and baby were safe. The whole reception to the delivery process takes about 12 minutes, when the husband of the pregnant woman who has parked the car has just arrived at the door of the rescue room, and the mother who needs to go through the hospitalization procedures is escorted into the hospital by a nurse.

The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...
The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...

The delivery process is very different, and the mother of the second child should not be careless

Jian Fengping, deputy chief physician of the obstetrics department of Zhongshan Boai Hospital (Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital), said that the birth process of first-time women and menstrual mothers is very different, in general, the first mother, the labor process is about 10 hours, and the menstrual mothers, that is, mothers who have given birth to children normally, are only five or six hours, and the proportion of emergency births shorter than three hours is about 30% higher than that of first mothers.

In addition, emergency delivery can easily cause maternal delivery accidents, including fetal birth and ground injuries, etc., affecting the safety of mothers and babies. Here, Dr. Jian reminded that with the implementation of the three-child policy in the country, more and more women are pregnant, and for mothers with second and third children, emergency delivery may occur at any time, and I hope that everyone should be vigilant.

The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...

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Source: Zhongshan Bo'ai Hospital

Editor: Shiyu Mai

Second instance: Wu Linping

Third trial: Ye Changzhou

The second-born mother is too late to enter the delivery room, and the "impatient" baby is born in this place in the hospital...

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