
Musk's final stubbornness in 2021 claims that the Earth's low orbit can accommodate "tens of billions" of satellites

Recently, The news of China's official announcement of the "collision" of US satellites against The Chinese Space Station has been pushed on the hot search, and public opinion and media have paid attention to this matter, and extended to the discussion of whether elon Musk's Space X near-Earth satellite project Starlink Satellite will cause obstacles to space low-Earth orbit. Just recently, Elon Musk came forward to respond to the outside world's doubts about his Space X. SpaceX currently has more than 1,900 satellites in space, and they plan to launch a total of 42,000 satellites in the future.

Musk's final stubbornness in 2021 claims that the Earth's low orbit can accommodate "tens of billions" of satellites

Musk responded to questions about Space X

Musk said he doesn't think Space X's Starlink project occupies too much space in Earth's orbit. "Space is huge, and satellites are very small, and we're not stopping anybody from doing anything, and we don't want to do that," he said. In his view, having thousands of satellites in earth's orbit is equivalent to having thousands of cars on earth, which is nothing at all. And in this response, Elon Musk did not mention the "collision" of two space X satellites on the Chinese space station. Obviously, Elon Musk's statement is not accepted by everyone.

Musk's final stubbornness in 2021 claims that the Earth's low orbit can accommodate "tens of billions" of satellites

Satellites in low Earth orbit

Recently, Professor Huang Hai of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics also revealed in an interview with the media that objects in the earth's orbit are running at a high speed of 7.9 kilometers per second, and once two objects collide in the earth's orbit, a serious accident will occur. Professor Huang mentioned that two objects are already very dangerous at a distance of 5 to 10 kilometers in space, and within 1 kilometer it is already extremely dangerous. Therefore, thousands to 10,000, or General Secretary Xi's sentence "to strike iron but also to be hard", only if they have the strength of the people do not dare to "bully" us, the youth is strong, China is strong. Face up to the gap and catch up in order to grow yourself.


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