
Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?

Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?
Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?

First of all, let's talk about the history of Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province, in the 13th century, after the rise of the Yuan Dynasty in the north, it successively eliminated a series of regimes such as the Western Xia Kingdom, the Great Jin Kingdom, the Dali State, and the Southern Song Dynasty, and established a large empire with a vast territory. Due to the expansion of territorial area, the two-level division of prefectures and counties in the Tang and Song dynasties was not suitable for the Yuan Dynasty. The 15 roads of the Tang Dynasty and the 23 roads of the Song Dynasty belong to the supervision area. The Yuan Dynasty combined the experience of the 23rd Road of the Song Dynasty and the Shangshutai of the Jin Dynasty to launch its own upgraded version of the magic reform.

The Yuan Dynasty divided the country into 10 provinces, of which southern Anhui and southern Jiangsu were subordinate to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, and northern Jiangsu and northern Anhui were subordinate to Henan Jiangbei provinces. The province at that time was very large, much larger than the current province. Although the Yuan Dynasty established provinces, the governing bodies in all aspects were very simple, leaving a series of problems. In 1368, after Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he further improved and adjusted on the basis of the Provinces of the Yuan Dynasty.

Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?

As of the reign of the Yongle Emperor Zhu Di, because the Ming Dynasty had two capitals in the north and the south, the Ming Dynasty formed a regional pattern of two capitals and thirteen provinces. At that time, the northern direct subordinate was the current Hebei Province, and the southern direct subordinate was the current Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province. In the mid-17th century, after the Qing Dynasty established its own rule, it was further refined and refined on the basis of the Provinces of the Ming Dynasty.

In the end, a regional pattern of 18 inland provinces was formed. At that time, due to the decline in the status of Nanjing, Nanzhili was renamed Jiangnan Province. However, Jiangnan Province had a developed economy and a large population, and the Qing Dynasty was very uneasy about it. Thus, in the early days of the reign of the Kangxi Emperor, Jiangnan Province was split into Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province. Among them, Xiao County and Zhongshan County belong to Xuzhou Prefecture in northern Jiangsu, and Jiangpu County belongs to Jiangning Prefecture in southern Jiangsu. This pattern of zoning continued until the 1940s.

Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?

At the end of the Qing Dynasty' rule, Jianghuai Province appeared briefly, but it existed for only 3 months. In 1912, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, China fell into a situation of warlord chaos. The various warlords were so busy competing for territory that they simply did not have the energy to adjust the divisions of various regions. However, in the 1930s and 1940s, as Nanjing was promoted to a special city, the capital of Jiangsu Province was temporarily moved to Zhenjiang. Special cities are similar to today's prefecture-level cities, such as Beiping, Shanghai, and Chongqing, which all belonged to special cities at that time.

In the blink of an eye, in 1949, northern Jiangsu and northern Anhui had been liberated, but the Jiangnan region had not yet been liberated. In order to strengthen the management of northern Anhui and northern Jiangsu, China established the northern Anhui, the northern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu administrative districts, and later, the southern Anhui and southern Jiangsu administrative districts. The administrative district is a kind of division in the early days of the founding of the people's republic, which is equivalent to a province. In addition to these several administrative districts, there are also brigade headquarters areas, Chuandong provincial office areas, etc., which is a kind of temporary zoning.

Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?

Jiangsu Province is divided into several parts, except for the southern And northern Jiangsu administrative districts. In view of the need to manage large cities, Nanjing was temporarily promoted to a municipality directly under the central government, becoming one of more than 10 municipalities in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. With Xuzhou as the core, the 7 counties and cities in northern Jiangsu were temporarily assigned to the administration of Shandong Province. In addition, Xiao County and Yanshan County in the northwest of Jiangsu Province were assigned to the management of suxian special district in the northern Anhui Province, and Jiangpu County in the southwest of Jiangsu Province was assigned to the chuxian special district of the southern Anhui province.

The district belongs to a kind of zoning in the 1950s and 1960s, and its status is equivalent to that of a prefecture-level city. However, the jurisdiction is larger than the current prefecture-level city, and a special district is greater than the equivalent of two or three prefecture-level cities. This zoning model lasted for 3 years. Time has entered 1953, and China's post-war reconstruction and project construction work has been fully rolled out. As an economically developed province on the southeast coast, the regional division is too complicated, which is not conducive to the development of Jiangsu Province.

Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?

As a result, the southern and northern Jiangsu provinces were abolished and re-merged into Jiangsu Province, and Nanjing became the capital of Jiangsu Province again. At the same time, 7 counties and cities, including Xuzhou, which were assigned to the custody of Shandong Province, and 3 counties in northern Anhui and southern Anhui, were successively returned to Jiangsu Province. In other words, after the three counties entered Anhui for 3 years, they were re-assigned to the management of Jiangsu Province. In that year, only more than 2 years later, in 1955, in order to control the needs of Hongze Lake, Jiangsu Province also assigned Xiao County and Yanshan County to Anhui Province.

Anhui Province, on the other hand, has incorporated sihong county and Xuyi county into Jiangsu Province. As for Jiangpu County, it has been successively administered by Nanjing City and Liuhe Special District. Later, with the rapid development of Nanjing, the urban area was further expanded, and Jiangpu County and Pukou District were merged into the new Pukou District. However, due to its location in Jiangbei, there are certain differences with several districts in Jiangnan of Nanjing.

Jiangsu and Anhui zoning adjustment, 3 counties into Anhui for 3 years, why return to Jiangsu Province?

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