
He was the main commander of the Eighth Route Army, and he died heroically at the age of 24.

As we all know, when the Red Army reorganized the Eighth Route Army, Chiang Kai-shek gave only three divisions in total, each with two brigades and one brigade having two regiments. That is to say, at the beginning of the establishment of the Eighth Route Army, there were a total of 12 main regiments. These 12 main regimental commanders, each of them is a great hero who has experienced hundreds of battles, and his later achievements are not small, and when he lives to be awarded the rank, the rank is starting from lieutenant general.

He was the main commander of the Eighth Route Army, and he died heroically at the age of 24.

But some of them sacrificed on the battlefield and failed to award the title of general. Today we are going to talk about Ye Chenghuan, the first regimental commander of the 772nd Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, who died heroically at the age of 24.

Ye Chenghuan, born in 1914 to a poor family in Guangshan County, Henan Province, as the eldest son in the family, began to herd cattle and do various farm work at an early age. In addition, Ye Chenghuan also loves to learn and is the only child in the family who has studied in the "Cheng" generation.

He was the main commander of the Eighth Route Army, and he died heroically at the age of 24.

At the age of 15, Ye Chenghuan joined the revolution and subsequently joined the Eyu-Anhui Red Army. He fought bravely and had outstanding military prowess, and he was promoted on the battlefield. Ye Chenghuan, who served as division commander and division political commissar, became a famous general of the Red Fourth Front, and even Xu Xiangqian praised him.

He was the main commander of the Eighth Route Army, and he died heroically at the age of 24.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the 93rd Division of the Red Fourth Front was reorganized into the 772nd Regiment of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and Ye Chenghuan was also changed from division commander to regimental commander. Subsequently, Ye Chenghuan was ordered to lead his troops to the Taihang Mountains to establish an anti-Japanese base behind enemy lines. At Changshengkou, the 772nd Regiment under his command fought the Japanese army for the first time and won the first victory since the War of Resistance Against Japan. After that, Ye Chenghuan also participated in the battles of Huangyadi and Shentouling, inflicting heavy losses on the Japanese army and making important contributions to the creation of the anti-Japanese base area in southeastern Jin.

In 1938, Ye Chenghuan launched the Battle of Changle, intercepted most of the Retreating Japanese Army, and immediately launched a fierce attack. This battle smashed the "Nine-Way Siege" of the Japanese Army and created a situation in which the Eighth Route Army was in charge of Taihang, which can be described as of great significance. But it is regrettable that in the subsequent battle, Ye Chenghuan was hit by enemy bullets and died heroically, at the age of 24.

He was the main commander of the Eighth Route Army, and he died heroically at the age of 24.

Before Ye Chenghuan's sacrifice, the family had arranged a marriage for him, and his wife was Luo Shi. For the sake of his parents' hard work, Ye Chenghuan had to return to his hometown to get married, but after staying for three days, he had to go to the army. Of course, he did not leave any heirs.

After Ye Chenghuan's sacrifice, in order to let Luo Chenghuan have hope, and also for Ye Chenghuan to have descendants to remember the worship, so he passed on his brother's son Ye Zhili to Luo Shi. Ye Zhili later had two sons and a daughter, all of whom are considered to be the descendants of Ye Chenghuan, and this warrior who gave his life for the revolution not only lives in the hearts of future generations, but also lives in our hearts forever.

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