
Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

In September and October 1939, our 115th and 120th Divisions successfully set up ambushes at Pingxing Pass and Yanmen Pass, declaring the myth of the "invincibility of the Imperial Japanese Army" completely bankrupt.

In order to further strike at the arrogance of the enemy, boost the morale of the people of the whole country, and temper the troops, in late February 1938, the 386th Brigade of our 129th Division set up an ambush in the Changshengkou area southwest of Jingxing, annihilating in one fell swoop two squadrons of the enemy's Arai Garrison.

First, the map of Shentou Ridge was suspenseful, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the terrain, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

In early March, Liu Deng decided to order the 769th Regiment of the 385th Brigade to attack the enemy in Licheng, luring the Japanese troops from Lucheng to come to their aid, and then having the 386th Brigade set up an ambush between Lucheng and Luhe Village on the banks of the Tuozhang River, and annihilate another enemy unit.

After receiving the task, Brigadier Chen Geng sent people to reconnoiter the enemy situation in Lucheng, and on the other hand, he chose the ambush point on the map, pondered it for a whole day, and did not get his head out; the next morning, he summoned all the leading cadres of the regiments and held a combat meeting in an open room on the edge of the mill.

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

At the meeting, Political Commissar Wang Xinting first briefed everyone on the situation on the battlefield in Shanxi, and then Brigadier Chen conveyed to everyone the instructions and operational intentions of Chief Liu Deng. Immediately after that, the central topic of the meeting shifted to the choice of ambush point location.

As soon as the map was unfolded, more than a dozen pairs of eyes searched between Lucheng and Luhe Village, and finally they all focused on one point- Shentou Ridge.

Looking at Shentou Ridge, everyone talked about it, and some said: "This place is good, the road passes through the valley, and the steep slopes on both sides of the ditch are dangerous, which is convenient for concealing troops and easy to attack." ”

Some said: "It seems that in the whole Handan Long Line, there is no more ideal ambush point than here!" Listening to everyone's discussion, Comrade Wang Jinshan blinked his eyes, did not say a word, and pondered in his heart: Master Liu has repeatedly said that as a commander, he must be bold and meticulous, this is an old map obtained from the Kuomintang, and the targets on the map are accurate?

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

I had just finished drawing this big question mark in my heart and looked up at Brigadier Chen. Comrade Chen Geng did not immediately draw conclusions, and swept everyone with his clothes and asked, "Who has not seen the terrain of Shentou Ridge?" ”

Listening to the brigade commander's question, everyone stopped speaking. Brigadier Chen pushed the map to the side and said: "Talking about soldiers killing people on paper, relying on the old map of the Kuomintang to eat, if you want to go hungry, I see, will temporarily drive here, first go to see if the terrain is good?" ”

When I came to the spot, everyone was surprised. The actual terrain is exactly the same as the one on the map, the road is not at the bottom of the ditch, but is paved on a bald mountain beam several kilometers long, the mountain beam is about one or two hundred meters wide, and the terrain on both sides of the road is slightly higher than the ground, but there is nothing hidden.

Seeing such a scene, Comrade Wang Jinshan did not feel comfortable that he could think of going with the brigade commander, but instead took a breath of cool air and pondered in the clear air: If this had been in the past, if he had chosen the ambush point and chosen it on the map, he would never have run to the spot.

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

Just when Wang Jinshan was staring directly at the highway with his eyes fixed on the highway, Xiao Yongzhi, the political commissar of the regiment, pulled him aside and said: "When you almost didn't get on the map, don't be stunned, the brigade commander asked us to go back to the brigade headquarters to study and study again!" ”

Wang Jinshan just wanted to turn around, but suddenly found the waste fortifications close to the side of the road, ran to the front in surprise, grabbed the brigadier's arm, pointed to the grass inside the waste fortifications, and asked: "Brigade commander, did you see it?" "I saw it earlier, you rough man, how come you're fine now?"

The brigade commander smiled and asked him, but he was embarrassed. Brigadier Chen saw that he did not squeak, and said half jokingly and half praise: "It seems that crazy people are not crazy!" All of a sudden, more than a dozen tight faces opened up happily.

Second, can ShentouLing still fight? Wang Jinshan blurted out: Fight!

When I returned to the brigade headquarters, it was already dark. After dinner, the meeting continued. The atmosphere of the venue was unusually warm, with some advocating fighting here and some advocating fighting there.

When Brigadier Chen saw that Wang Jinshan was "Xu Shu entering Cao's camp" without saying a word, he asked, "Crazy man, where do you see where this battle is being fought?" Jinshan blurted out, "Still in Shentou Ridge!" ”

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

"Still in Shentou Ridge?" Someone threw a surprised look at Wang Jinshan. Someone half-jokingly scolded him for saying crazy things again.

Brigadier Chen and Political Commissar Wang vigorously defied the public opinion, and in a tone of approval, Wang Jinshan continued to speak, and Wang Jinshan only said: "In this way, you can surprise them and attack them unprepared." "The fuller reasons cannot be told. Political Commissar Wang Xinting saw that his face was flushed and the sweat on his forehead was pouring out, and he said mockingly: "This is a bit dialectical. ”

Brigadier Chen seemed to see everyone's thoughts, left his seat and walked to the map and said, "Don't mention the ambush and only think of the deep ditch and steep slope, where are there so many deep ditches and steep slopes under the sky?" Without it the battle is still to be fought. ”

He glanced at Wang Jinshan and then said: "Comrade Jinshan is not talking crazy, generally speaking, it is true that the ambush at ShentouLing is not ideal, but it is precisely because the terrain is not dangerous and the enemy is easily paralyzed that we can strike the enemy unexpectedly." ”

In order to explain the reasoning more fully, he pointed to the abandoned fortifications marked on the map and said: "These fortifications are only a hundred meters away from the road, and only twenty meters near them, the enemy has long been commonplace, and it is full of grass, if we hide the troops in the fortifications, hide them under the nose of the enemy, and effectively disguise them, the enemy will be difficult to detect, the mountain beams are narrow, and the troops are not easy to unfold, but the enemy is even more difficult to unfold." ”

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

Speaking of which, the brigade commander threw his canes on two tables and asked, "Who is in the interest of fighting on a canoe bridge?" Wang Jinshan suddenly remembered Master Liu's words that "the narrow road meets the brave to win", and just spat out a "narrow" word, and the commander of the 771 regiment Xu Shenji preemptively replied: "The first move is to strengthen me, and I see who will take advantage of who will take advantage of the first move." Brigadier Chen then said, "Yes! As long as we are sudden and courageous, this unfavorable condition will only be unfavorable to the enemy and beneficial to us! ”

After listening to Brigadier Chen's words, everyone suddenly opened up, and some people cast envious eyes at Wang Jinshan. At this time, Wang Jinshan did not know whether he was proud or guilty, and he remembered the words spoken by the division commander when they first met: "As a commander, it is not enough to be greedy and die, but it is not enough to have Lü Bu's courage and Xiahou's fierceness, but it is also necessary to have the strategy of the sub-room, the wisdom of Kong Ming..."

"Regiment 772!" Brigadier Chen's loud voice interrupted Wang Jinshan's thoughts, and he looked up to see Brigadier Chen Geng pointing to the map and saying, "If you put the second battalion of your regiment on Shenjia Mountain, can you rush onto the highway in 40 minutes?" The second battalion has always been known for its speed! ”

Commander Ye Chenghuan said with great certainty, "Half an hour guaranteed to rush in!" Listening to the regimental commander's words, Wang Jinshan pondered in his heart: "When the narrow road meets the brave one wins, at this juncture, the commander is not only wise, but also courageous, and if necessary, I will take the second battalion in front to rush to the road." ”

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

Third, Wang Jinshan used Liu Bocheng's tactics to fight a war

On March 15, as soon as it was dark, the troops marched south from Shangyao Village to the south along the mountain path toward Manliuling, Shenjia Mountain, and Shentou Village according to the pre-deployment. Wang Jinshan muttered in his heart: "Commander Liu and Political Commissar Deng made this time a plan to attack the city and provide assistance, how come the 769 regiment has not yet started!" They can't make a sound, how can they lure the snake out of the hole! ”

Just at this moment, suddenly from the direction of LiCheng came the rumbling sound of cannons and fried beans-like gunshots, Wang Jinshan accelerated his pace in front of the team, and from time to time ordered: "Move forward quickly!" Go fast! Come on! Come on! ”

At half past four, the main force of the 772nd Regiment was already in the designated ambush area, concealed and camouflaged. When the sky was bright, Wang Jinshan brushed aside the yellow grass that had just drilled green buds from the bottom for a winter, and looked out, except for the sound of the wind blowing the grass on the position, the death-like silence was so silent that he could hear the heartbeat of the warriors, and the grass rose and fell from time to time, but there was no trace of a figure.

Therefore, he remembered two passages that Master Liu had said in his article "Tactical Observations on Repelling the Enemy's Six-Way Siege on Zhengtai Road": When the enemy attacks, it is best to take advantage of the momentum of its attack, secretly turn to its flank and back to attack it, ambush it, disturb it, and cut off its traffic. This has a lot of significance in coordinating with army-based operations... We will use the terrain and night to conceal the enemy approaching the movement or stop, and to carry out surprise attacks where fire and assault meet. To ensure that the enemy artillery has not yet been put in, the cavalry has not yet been mounted, the machine guns have not yet opened fire, and they are solved at once, this is a good role for attacking.

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

Just as Wang Jinshan was repeatedly chewing and tasting the taste of these words, the brigade commander called and said, "More than fifteen hundred people from Lucheng have already arrived in Weiyu Town." "Get ready for battle!" As soon as the brigade commander's phone was dropped, such an order came from the position of the 771st Regiment.

The three regimental commanders Ye Chenghuan, Xiao Yongzhi, and Wang Jinshan, deputy regimental commander of the 772 regiment, exchanged glances, which meant: Lead but do not send, do not be anxious first. At this moment, a long array of enemy snakes appeared in the direction of Weizi Town, with infantry and cavalry in front, a large convoy in the middle, and infantry and cavalry in the back, a few kilometers away from Lala.

After reaching Shentouling Village, he suddenly stopped. After another half bag of cigarette kung fu, a search team of more than thirty cavalry came out and walked straight toward the position of the 1st Battalion of the 772nd Regiment, and the horseshoe yu saw that it was about to step on the head of the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, the enemy only paid attention to the Shenjia Mountain on the opposite side of the ditch, and did not pay any attention to the fortifications under the nose that were accustomed to seeing, and when he saw that there was no movement on the Shenjia Mountain, he gestured to the back, and the large group of people and horses behind him immediately followed along the road.

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

The enemy swung in, some humming a little song as they walked. Infantry, cavalry, and large convoys came one after another, and the rear guards also followed into our ambush circle, and when Wang Jinshan saw this, it was Master Liu who said: "The enemy artillery has not yet been put ... The machine gun had not yet opened fire", and with his foot, he gave the regimental commander a look, which meant that the time was coming.

The impatient leader of the Ye regiment shouted, "Fight! "This calm mountain beam suddenly became a volcano that had just erupted, and grenades whizzed out of the grass behind the abandoned fortifications, and black crows fell into the enemy's ranks, emitting a series of explosions. The devils were horrified, "Rush! Kill! "The warriors have come out of the fortifications, out of the grass, and rushed to the enemy group, slashing left and right with bayonets, large knives, and spears, and rushing to kill them bravely.

After all, the enemy is some outlaws trained in the spirit of "Bushido.", and in the long drive straight in, most of the Kuomintang troops who fled in the wind were encountered today, and today they encountered some opponents who were even more afraid of death; although their arrogance was not as arrogant as in the past, they easily refused to admit defeat, and when they were on the verge of death, they also fought in a posture of trapped beasts, some rolling into ditches, some lying behind dead horses, and some hiding in the cracks in the stones, still shooting madly at our army.

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

Deng Shisong, commander of the Eighth Company, covered his chest with one hand, blood flowed from the cracks in his hands, and the other hand was still waving grenades, directing the soldiers to charge at the enemy, one soldier in one battalion was wounded everywhere, stabbed wounds with towels, stabbed three enemies in succession, and finally died with the enemy; Du Wangbao, a trumpeter, held a large stone, rushed onto the road, and smashed the devils who were pressed on one of the soldiers into a brain pulp...

This fierce battle, this magnificent scene, Wang Jinshan saw it in his eyes, and several times he wanted to jump out of the fortifications and rush up to fight with the devils to fight for your life, but when he thought of what the division commander said: "The Lord must not be angry and rejuvenate the division, and will not be able to fight with shame, if the little one cannot bear it, and the feelings are impulsive, he will take up his gun and rush up, and throw the entire army out of the cloud of nine clouds, which is the courage of the puppeteer" The teaching of the master suppressed the anger in his heart again and again.

Fourth, Liu Bocheng praised Wang's beautiful play at Shentouling near the mountain

At this moment, the enemy could not stop the impact of our army, and its remnants contracted to the east and west, because the 771st Regiment had preemptively destroyed the bridge on the river to the east, and the enemy could not escape with its wings. More than three hundred enemies in the west took advantage of the gap to occupy the village of Shentouling, trying to rely on houses and cellars to resist, and he took the opportunity to meet the enemy in the east and take the road to Lucheng to escape.

Seeing this, Wang Jinshan suddenly remembered a passage by Commander Liu when he talked about the issue of the battle on the pass: When the enemy army begins to retreat, the attacking troops should take advantage of the enemy's failure to block or destroy the pass, strive to closely follow the enemy, and at the same time reach the main point at the front of the pass, it is best to send a powerful and brisk pursuit team at the right time, from the side to the front of the pass, cut off the enemy's return route, in order to cooperate with the pursuit team going from the front and destroy the enemy within the pass.

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

He pondered for a moment and felt that according to the division commander, the key to whether or not the battle could be completely won now was whether or not he could retake the key point of Shentouling Village. Thinking of this, he suggested to the commander of Ye Chenghuan that a force should be sent to quickly retake Shentouling Village.

While Commander Ye was playing chess irregularly, Brigadier Chen Geng came down from Shenjia Mountain and had arrived at the regimental command post, and he pointed at Ho with his cane, "Which platoon is on the edge of the village?" "Seven in a row." Wang Jinshan and Ye Chenghuan replied at the same time. "Is it The platoon of Pu Dayi?" "Yes!" The brigade commander waved his cane and said emphatically: "This platoon can fight a hard battle, and order Pu Dayi to take down the village at all costs." ”

At the sound of an order, a platoon of twenty or so people, led by the platoon leader Pu Dayi, rushed and drove the enemy out of the village at the cost of only five casualties. However, because the enemy was outnumbered, the devils left the village, adjusted their formation, and rushed back.

Wang Jinshan jumped up and scolded, "Turtle son! "Picking up the gun and commanding the 8th Company to rush to the village, the regimental commander saw that he was covered in blood, knew that he was hanging up the color again, while ordering the hygienist to bandage the deputy regimental commander, while instructing the political commissar and the deputy regimental commander to command in situ, he led the 8th company to pounce on the village, repelled the enemy, and consolidated the position.

Shentou Lingdi formed a doubt, Chen Geng insisted on going to the front line to see the difference, and Wang Jinshan was impressed

After several battles, the remnants of the enemy finally lost the ability to resist, and the victory of the battle was over. This battle played a role in laying the foundation for the 129th Division to gain a firm foothold on the Taihang Mountains, so it was praised many times by Liu Deng's chief.

Once, When Commander Liu saw Wang Jinshan, he said, "Listening to Brigadier Chen and Commander Ye, you are studying very hard now, and you have used a lot of brains at the battle of Shentouling, which is very good, as long as you make up your mind and persevere, you will definitely become Wuxia Amon." ”

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