
Evergrande Automobile's mass production car has finally arrived: Hengchi 5 has successfully rolled off the production line, and a roll-off ceremony will be held in January

December 30 is a memorable day for Evergrande Automobile.

Because on this day, Evergrande Automobile's first mass-produced model Hengchi 5 officially rolled off the production line.

This is a full 12 days earlier than the previously expected offline time.

In this extraordinary period, Evergrande Automobile has finally proved to the world with its own actions that Evergrande not only has the dream of building cars, but also shines it into reality.

When it comes to Evergrande Automobile's road to car building, it can be described as a twist and turn.

Evergrande Automobile's mass production car has finally arrived: Hengchi 5 has successfully rolled off the production line, and a roll-off ceremony will be held in January

From the beginning of Evergrande's high-profile announcement of car manufacturing, a number of new cars in one go, to the later establishment of the General Institute of Automobile Research, and high salaries to hire a number of top experts from around the world, the formation of a strong lineup of R & D team.

At the same time, Evergrande has also acquired some auto parts suppliers.

Although it has not yet been mass-produced, the market value of Evergrande Automobile is in the forefront.

At that time, many people believed that Evergrande Automobile, which had strong strength, was likely to become the only new car company that could benchmark Tesla in the future.

Evergrande Automobile's mass production car has finally arrived: Hengchi 5 has successfully rolled off the production line, and a roll-off ceremony will be held in January

However, there are also some people who are not optimistic about Evergrande Automobile.

After all, Evergrande is not good at building cars, but real estate.

Later, everyone knows the situation.

Affected by various factors, Evergrande Automobile has encountered unprecedented difficulties after entering the second half of 2021.

Although faced with a variety of unfavorable factors, Evergrande Group has never given up on the matter of car building.

In October this year, Evergrande Automobile launched a car-making battle: insist on three months to ensure that the first model Hengchi 5 can be rolled off the production line as scheduled.

Evergrande Automobile's mass production car has finally arrived: Hengchi 5 has successfully rolled off the production line, and a roll-off ceremony will be held in January

In order to continue to realize the dream of building cars, Evergrande Automobile has carried out the greatest degree of open source and throttling, and used every cost as much as possible on the blade.

Evergrande Group also held a meeting not long ago, saying that in the future, Evergrande will shift from real estate to automobile manufacturing.

It is worth mentioning that in order to maximize the "blood transfusion" of the car, as the helmsman of Evergrande Group, Xu Jiayin also sold his personal property.

From this, we can see Evergrande's determination to build cars.

Kung Fu pays off - soon to enter 2022, Evergrande Automobile's first mass-produced model Hengchi 5 has been rolled off the production line in advance.

According to media reports, Evergrande Automobile will hold a roll-off ceremony in early January next year.

Evergrande Automobile's mass production car has finally arrived: Hengchi 5 has successfully rolled off the production line, and a roll-off ceremony will be held in January

The off-line of the first mass-produced model, Hengchi 5, is of milestone significance on the road of Evergrande Automobile.

Of course, the off-line of mass production cars is just the beginning for Evergrande Automobile.

Or rather, the beginning of a new era.

Ahead, there's still a long way to go, come on!

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