
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces

Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces

Calligrapher Profile:

Peng Lianzhong, alias Wumo, was born in 1956 in Lezhi County, Sichuan. He has successively been a senior teacher and researcher of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Talent Training Center, a director of the World Association of Calligraphers and Painters, a member of the Sino-Korean Art Expert Committee, and a national first-class calligrapher.

When he was young, he loved to learn calligraphy, and he was guided by his local calligraphy predecessors to enter the door of calligraphy for the first time. In order to seek deep understanding, he has successively studied in Shanghai, Guizhou Art College and Tianjin Maolin Calligraphy College, etc., and has been guided by good teachers and diligently studied calligraphy.

He has been awarded the titles of World Famous Calligraphy and Painting Art, Chinese International Art Celebrity, International Silver Medal Artist, International Gold Medal Artist, Excellent Gardener, Excellent Tutor Teacher, Excellent Bole Award, Ink Color Famous Teacher Award, Excellent Calligraphy Teacher, Meritorious Figure of Chinese Literature and Art, and Representative Figure of the Eighteenth National Congress of Literature and Art.

Appreciation of calligraphy works:

Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces
Peng Lianzhong | Fuhu Yingchun Danqing New Year - National Exhibition of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces

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