
New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

New energy vehicle premiums have soared, and Tesla has nearly doubled

Recently, the Shanghai Insurance Exchange launched a new energy vehicle insurance trading platform, and the first batch of new energy vehicle exclusive insurance products listed by PICC Property & Casualty, Ping An Property & Casualty, CPIC Property & Casualty and other 12 property insurance companies. At the same time, Chinese Insurance Property & Casualty Insurance and Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance have successfully signed insurance policies for new energy vehicles.

The main difference between new energy vehicle insurance and conventional car insurance lies in the additional insurance, including external grid fault loss insurance, self-use charging pile loss insurance, additional self-use charging pile liability insurance, fire accident limit doubling insurance, holiday limit doubling insurance, additional medical expense compensation insurance, additional new energy vehicle value-added service special clauses, additional medical expense liability insurance, additional wheel separate loss insurance, etc. A total of 13 types of insurance, which are not covered by conventional motor vehicle insurance.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

It is worth mentioning that it is the double insurance of the fire accident limit, which is doubled in the third-party liability insurance of the insured new energy vehicle, and the applicable liability limit is doubled on the basis of the insurance policy. In other words, if calculated according to the current three liability insurance maximum of 10 million yuan, the fire accident limit of new energy vehicles can be doubled by 4 times, and the insurance amount of 40 million yuan can be obtained, in case of real misfortune and spontaneous combustion and injury to other vehicles and finances, it can also meet the compensation caused by the accident.

Now that the insurance is more detailed, will the premiums rise? According to the explanatory information issued by the China Association of Actuaries to property insurance companies, it was mentioned that compared with the current benchmark premiums of traditional car insurance, the benchmark premiums of the three insurances and car damage insurance of new energy vehicles fell by about 0.8% as a whole. Among them, the benchmark premium of the three insurances decreased by 0.1% compared with the current one, and the benchmark premium of the automobile damage insurance fell by 1.2% compared with the current one. , and nearly 80% of new energy car owners can enjoy the benefits of fee reduction.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%
New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

(Image source see watermark)

But, is that really the case? According to the information we obtained on the Internet before the release, most of the new energy models have shown a sharp increase in premiums after the launch of exclusive insurance, including Ideal, Tesla, Xiaopeng, Weilai and Wuling, and only BMW, Roewe and BYD have seen a slight reduction. Taking the Tesla Model Y as an example, the premium increased by 6624 yuan before and after the fee reform, and the premium increased by 80% year-on-year.

Wuling's new MPV interior exposed

In the past, when wuling was mentioned, the first thing that everyone thought of must be Wuling Hongguang, and now Wuling's explosive models are more and more, Wuling Hongguang MINI EV Needless to say, the monthly sales of close to 50,000 vehicles, will soon launch an open-top version. In the field of SUVs, Wuling's first passenger silver label SUV model, Xingchen, also sold 15,600 units in November, a proper big sale, since the momentum is so fierce, Wuling definitely does not want to stop. When we reported the Wuling MINI EV convertible declaration map, we found that Wuling also declared a new MPV model.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

From the appearance point of view, this new MPV adopts a design language similar to that of Wuling Star, and the interior of the front grille is decorated with double-layer chrome trim strips to form a V-shaped structure, and the logo in the middle is the same as the star.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

The tail does not adopt the popular through-line style, but adopts the WULING English logo in the center. The design of the surrounding tends to be simple, and the popular hidden exhaust design is also adopted.

From the declaration data, the length, width and height of the new car are 4785/1820/1760mm, the wheelbase is 2760mm, the wheel hub is 16 inches, the overall size is smaller than that of Wuling Capgemini, closer to the previously launched Baojun 730, I believe the price will be cheaper than Capgemini.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

Recently, someone photographed the relevant interior of this new car, the new car uses horizontal line design, the overall design provides the excellent vision required by the MPV, the steering wheel shape and air conditioning control area are basically the same as the Wuling Star, but there is no central control screen on the star, the instrument is also a traditional pointer type, because it is not clear about the configuration of the shooting car, the actual configuration still needs to wait for the official release of data.

In terms of power, the new car is expected to be equipped with the same 1.5T turbocharged engine of Xingchen, with a maximum horsepower of 147Ps and a peak torque of 250N·m.

Sword finger Hongguang MINI EV, Chery QQ ice cream from 29,900

The popularity of Wuling Hongguang MINI EV has allowed automakers to see the huge market demand for electric cars, and Chery, as the king of small cars that has launched QQ, naturally has rich experience in manufacturing small cars. On December 28, Chery pure electric car Chery QQ Ice Cream was officially launched, and a total of 3 models of the new car were launched, with a total of 120km and 170km endurance versions of NEDC, with a price range of 2.99-4.39 million yuan.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

In terms of appearance, Chery QQ Ice Cream pays tribute to some classic elements of Chery QQ, such as semi-circular headlights like the eyes of two-dimensional animated characters.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

The design of the side refers to the square box design of japan's K-CAR that maximizes space, and the idea is the same as the Wuling Hongguang MINI EV, and the seat layout is also double-door and four-seat, but the size is slightly larger than the Wuling Hongguang MINI EV.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

Like the Hongguang MINI EV, Chery QQ Ice Cream offers a variety of color schemes inspired by ice cream, namely sweet potato purple, sea salt blue, mint green, coconut white, light blue, and lemon yellow.

New energy captive insurance introduced, Tesla premiums rose 80%

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor, with a maximum horsepower of 27Ps and a peak torque of 85N·m. The new car offers 9.6kWh and 13.9kWh lithium-ion batteries, and the slow charging time takes 6 hours and 8 hours, corresponding to 120km and 170km respectively.

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