
The Parenting Guide for New Parents is online!

The Parenting Guide for New Parents is online!
The Parenting Guide for New Parents is online!

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The Parenting Guide for New Parents is online!

Book launch

On the morning of December 26, 2021, the scientific parenting guide created by the team of Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center and Guangdong Economic Publishing House: "Too Difficult! The first year of raising a baby: the new book release ceremony of the "Scientific Parenting Guide for New Parents" was successfully held in Guangzhou.

The Parenting Guide for New Parents is online!

At the meeting, Zhou Duanhua, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission, fully affirmed the significance of this book, believing that this book can provide scientific parenting guidance for young parents, help expand the influence of experts, and promote the better development of childcare services in Guangzhou.

The Parenting Guide for New Parents is online!

Dr. Song Yanyan, Director of the Child Protection Department of Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, and Wang Chenggang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Guangdong Economic Publishing House, jointly lit the new book.

The Parenting Guide for New Parents is online!

Song Yanyan, editor-in-chief of the book, director of the child protection department of Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, introduced the book and looked forward to the future at the new book launch. When referring to why she made this book, Dr. Song Yanyan said that new parents have many problems in parenting, and their lives are easily affected by self-media, resulting in them not being able to distinguish which parenting methods are wrong and which methods are right. At the same time, the state has promulgated the "two-child" and "three-child" policies, even if some parents are not novice parents, there are still some parenting confusions. Therefore, Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center planned to compile this book. This book provides scientific and professional guidance on nutritional feeding, baby care, growth and development, disease and accident protection, early development and vaccination, and many of the issues mentioned in the book are of concern to everyone. Dr. Song Yanyan said that the book has two significant characteristics: one is strong in science, because the author is an expert of the Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, and the content is written by a team of experts; the other is that it is readable, the content of the book is rich in pictures and texts, and according to the preferences of young parents, the hand-book layout is selected. Regarding the future, Dr. Song Yanyan said that after that, according to everyone's needs, the team will consider continuing to write guidelines for the second and third years of raising children, hoping that these scientific parenting guidelines can help new parents walk more smoothly on the road of parenting.

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