
Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

You can also make delicious pepperloaf in the oven at home ~ The crust is crispy and crispy to eat, the aroma of sesame seeds and the crispy crust are a perfect match, and the filling has a delicious soup ~ This taste is so addictive ~ ~

By Alare's Baking Time


Dough material

Medium gluten flour 300 g

Caster sugar 21 g

Dry yeast 4 g

Water 165 g

Lard 15 g

Filling material

Hind leg grinding (10 holes) 300 g

Fat oil 150 g

Rice wine 5 g

Salt 3 g

Soy sauce 38 g

Sugar 6 g

Five-spice powder 2 g

Coarse grained black peppercorns 8 g

White pepper powder 2 g

Whole egg 28 g

Sesame oil to taste

Other materials

150 g chopped green onions

Brown sugar water to taste (sugar water ratio 1:2)

White sesame seeds to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

1: Add the pork grinding ➕ salt and whisk in one direction until it is sticky. Add pepper, sugar, soy sauce, rice wine, allspice powder and egg mixture. Add the fat oil and sesame oil and stir well, then put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate. Kitchen Xiaoyi Cook Easy+: The main pot is loaded into the knife head, set the maximum speed for 10 seconds, grind the pork hind leg meat and fat meat separately, take it out for later; replace the stirring paddle, put in the stranded hind leg meat, add salt, set the speed 5, time 30s to stir out the stickiness; add all the ingredients except sesame oil, set the speed 5, time 30s stir evenly; finally add fat oil and sesame oil, set the speed 5, time 30s stir evenly.

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

2, add a little water in advance to dissolve the yeast, pour all the dough materials into the cooking machine, first mix into the dough and then turn to high speed to stir until the dough is smooth. M6: Set speed 1,1min; rotation speed 4,3min. CookEasy+: Pour all the main dough ingredients into the blender, set the time 5min, speed 8, and the main dough will be beaten. Because the amount of puff pastry is relatively small, it can be kneaded evenly by hand.

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

3: Divide the main dough into 10 equal parts (about 50g, roll round. Divide the puff pastry dough into 10 equal parts (about 13 g). Wrap a dough in puff pastry, pinch as tightly as possible and cover with a damp cloth to loosen for 5 minutes.

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

4: Roll out each dough into a long tongue shape and roll it up from top to bottom. Repeat this step 2 times, rolling continuously and then relaxing for another 15 min.

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

5. Press the sides to the middle. Roll out the dough and wrap it in the minced meat. The ratio of filling to skin is close to 1:1.

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

6: Dip a handful of green onion and pinch the pleats. The pepperloaf is covered with sugar water, coated with sesame seeds and placed on a baking sheet.

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

7: Preheat the oven at 220°C in advance, set the heat to 220°C, heat down to 190°C, bake for 18~20 minutes, bake until the surface is golden brown.

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

8, out of the furnace shock plate ~

Taiwan Street Food Pepperread | with detailed preparations

9, pepper cake just out of the oven, hot to eat, the best to eat! Refrigerate for 2 to 3 days. After refrigeration, bake in the oven at 160 degrees for about 6 to 8 minutes before serving.


Freshly baked pepperloaf is the best, don't make too much at once Ha! This recipe can make the amount of 10 pepperloafs, a large one ~ can be adjusted according to your own liking.

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