
Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

This mousse cake alternates between black and white, the whole is simple, clean, the material is mainly chocolate, forked up and sent into the mouth, the mouth is melted, it is not sweet and greasy, the finished product is rich, silky and smooth, so that the chocolate control can not be stopped

By Kexin yk 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Dark Chocolate Mousse: Ingredients: Milk 140g, Light Cream 150g, Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate 60g, Sugar 30g, Gelatin Tablets 6.5g

White chocolate mousse: (leftovers poured into a small cake mold) Ingredients: Milk 145g, Light Cream 150g, Favna 35% White Chocolate 60g, Sugar 15g, Gelatin Slices 6.5g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

1: Heat milk and sugar over low heat to on and off.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

2: Add the pre-chopped dark chocolate to the hot milk and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

3: Add the pre-chopped dark chocolate to the hot milk and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

4: Add dark chocolate milk and stir until dissolved.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

5: Whisk 300 grams of light cream to a state where the lines can flow slowly.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

6: Remove 150g and mix well with the cooled dark chocolate milk.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

7: Pour half of the mixed liquid into a floral mousse ring wrapped in tin foil and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

8: Prepare to weigh 60 grams of Favna 35% white chocolate.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

9: Heat milk and sugar to on low heat and turn off heat.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

10: Add white chocolate to hot milk and stir until completely dissolved.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

11: Soak the gelatin tablets in cold boiled water to soften, add to the white chocolate milk and stir until dissolved.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

12, 12, just the remaining 150 grams of light cream and cooled white chocolate milk mix well. Remove the flower mold from the refrigerator, pour half of the mixture into the already hard dark chocolate mousse, and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

13: Take out the flower mold in the refrigerator and pour half of the remaining amount of dark chocolate liquid onto the already hard white chocolate mousse. Before sending it to the refrigerator, I suddenly made a clever move, poured some white chocolate liquid on the top, and drew the pattern with a toothpick. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

Silky smooth black and white chocolate mousse eggs

14: Remove the mousse that has been refrigerated overnight, remove the tin foil and place on the plate. Blow a little around the mousse ring with a hair dryer, lift the circle upwards to remove the mold. White chocolate garnish.


1, the knife slightly added and then cut the heat will be more beautiful, each cut a knife should be wiped clean. 2, the finished product made of gilliptin will melt after leaving the refrigerator for too long 3, the temperature of the heated milk is not easy to be too high, and the sugar can be dissolved. 4: When the gelatin liquid is cold, mix with the light cream liquid. 5, in order to meet the consistency of taste, this cake is not added to the bottom of the cake, like can be added by yourself.

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