
D.H.APP_Horoscope of December 29, 2021


Jealousy is a dangerous and harmful thing. While most people have had experiences of jealousy, they always think that these will cause more trouble than you think. If you are now jealous of someone else's life or lifestyle, dear Aries, put those emotions aside for the time being. Jealousy equals energy, and when you waste that energy on jealousy and jealousy of other people's good fortune, you don't spend that energy on your own good fortune. Try to think like this, and then start creating your own good fortune.


You may feel obligated to put yourself into an emotional mood of celebration, even if you don't feel that way. After all, the year is coming to an end and many people are preparing to celebrate the New Year. However, dear Taurus, you may think you can't think of anything you want to celebrate, or you just aren't in the mood. But no matter what you choose to do, and whether or not you celebrate the beginning of a new year, end the year with a sense of contentment. You have a lot to be proud of – believe that. You are entering a new chapter and will soon feel very powerful.


You might hear two very different statements about the same thing or the same experience from two very different people. As a Gemini, you can understand the diversity of this perspective, but from what you've learned, you may still have a hard time determining the truth. Gather information as much as possible because it's important to understand all aspects of it, but form your own perspective from your own experience. This is a multi-dimensional situation, and communicating with others is important to successfully solve problems.


At this point, you may not be hopeful — though you may wish you were hopeful. In fact, it's probably something you've been thinking about lately. As the new year begins, you may feel caught up in the same problems and concerns. Although the time we stayed here was artificial, it was actually the beginning of something wonderful. Try to record the meaning of the New Year, which is a new beginning for you, and celebrate it in any way that makes you smile.


If you're willing to look, then a poignant moment will open your eyes and allow you to see someone in your life in a new way. This revelation may change the way you get along with this person, who you may have been very critical in the past. But there is no room for judgment in this relationship. If you can see where this person can make changes that will benefit their lives, do whatever it takes to express it. But when you do, you have to do it with compassion and encouragement.


You may be nervous about showing someone a new idea because a lot of things affect your presentation. So, Virgo, instead of focusing on your performance, start focusing on the passion of what you're doing. If you enter that moment and convey to others your strong feelings about the idea you want to pitch, they will feel your enthusiasm and they will become more interested. Your enthusiasm will show how determined you are about what you do. Start working on it today.


You might be thinking if you could sit back and relax, but know that some kind of desire will arise. Libras, the answer is yes. But it's not because anything has happened or been decided, but because once you've done everything you can and let it happen, it's always wise to sit back and relax. It is useless to be upset or nervous about what is about to happen. In fact, this may make it unlikely that you will have a happy ending. So, sit back and relax!


You might think that defending yourself on controversial matters won't work out well. It would be a natural assumption that if you disagree with someone else, you need to be brave enough to say it. But the fact that Scorpio, you may just impress them and they'll respond to you well, could be the start of a better relationship. Someone who is considered strong, brave, and willing to stand up for the right thing will build a strong, invincible reputation over a long period of time.


You may soon come out of a conversation that went from casual or mundane to hostile. You might be wondering what the hell is going on, shooter. Don't blame yourself. If you have no intention of provoking trouble or provoking anyone, then this may have nothing to do with you. You can sort things out simply by expressing your utter confusion about the path that is rapidly darkening. Chances are, the shift in these things has nothing to do with you, but all about what's going on in the other person's life at this moment.


The compliments you receive today may seem a little overdone, but don't assume that it's not true. People you're dealing with may like to show off or use colorful language because they happen to be a fairly passionate person, but that doesn't indicate that their flattery is insincere. Embrace your compliments and take them to heart. It's good to be appreciated, and there's no reason to question how it looks on the surface. And, here's what you deserve.


When a house is under construction, people usually don't gather together to praise the well-laid foundation. They are more inclined to get excited about beautiful arched windows, tiled kitchens, and high-end appliances. But the foundation of that house won't get the same level of attention. However, without it, the house would not exist. You are now trying to lay the groundwork for yourself. Maybe it's not the exciting part, but you're doing a great job. Remind yourself of those good aspects today and you'll soon be celebrating because of them.


You may not want to take sides in an argument between siblings, friends, or even co-workers. You may think that you can see things more objectively from your distance, and you may favor one side over the other. But you may be wrong. Maybe there are things you don't understand and don't understand, and if you do get involved — even if your interest is peace — you may cause a hurt that will never heal because you can't see the heartache felt by the party arguing. You'd better let them handle it on their own.

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