
We who gradually do not send a circle of friends, the process is very similar to the heart path

We who gradually do not send a circle of friends, the process is very similar to the heart path

"Mira's Conjecture" writes: We are all products of society, and emotions exist exclusively in human relations.

Everyone is not an island, born with a desire to be loved, and naturally needs warmth and communication.

Just like when there was a circle of friends at the beginning, many people like to record their lives in the circle of friends, share their feelings, and also go through the records of friends, give them likes, comments.

Because at the beginning, all the friends were added, and they could say whatever they wanted to say unscrupulously; later, they added relatives, and the circle of friends had to be much more careful when they spoke, and they did not dare to send things that would make their parents worry.

Later, I added the circle of friends to talk more carefully. And sometimes, we will also be involuntarily all kinds of "tasks" and so on.

We who gradually do not send a circle of friends, the process is very similar to the heart path

So I don't know from when, looking at our circle of friends, I found that in addition to advertising or advertising, so we no longer send a circle of friends.

Although there are probably three kinds of people who do not send a circle of friends, the first is that they are born with no desire to share, and there are things that only like themselves in their hearts, do not love hair, and do not want their ideas to be known, such people may not have sent a single one.

The second is the desire to share, but rarely post in the circle of friends, they may be active in other places, updating many times a day.

Another is the gradual disappearance of the desire to share.

Many of us belong to the third type, and we used to love to share, but then gradually felt that there was no point in actively sharing, because we constantly added people in reality, so we no longer took up the mask and was no longer lively.

We who gradually do not send a circle of friends, the process is very similar to the heart path

Later, I gradually found that something was wrong, and the circle of friends not only had friends, but also leaders, colleagues, and many people who knew who it was.

At first, they were grouped, but now the groupings don't know how to divide them, and some people really can't easily define what group they belong to.

Then open the circle of friends, all kinds of advertisements, chicken soup, slowly they are too lazy to send, and there are leaders and colleagues, a lot of things to share out is not good.

The circle of friends has long been not their own circle of friends, so from a certain stage, no longer unscrupulously want to say what to say, began to learn to be silent, simply do not send the circle of friends.

I feel that life is good or bad and there is not much connection with others, sadness and happiness will not be because of a few words and pieces of words can be transmitted to a chicken feather, so it is better not to send it.

We who gradually do not send a circle of friends, the process is very similar to the heart path

As the saying goes: people's sorrows and joys are not connected

Sometimes you send a circle of friends will also receive a variety of interpretations, perhaps "misunderstood is the fate of the expressor", the expression in the circle of friends may usher in the misunderstanding include:

Flaunting himself again at Versailles; is this something worth sunbathing about?

Are you too idle at work and have time to send a circle of friends? Others are forwarding company propaganda, do you dare to just eat and drink?

A bunch of people who are still so arrogant at an old age, who do you say these words to?

Some people have one or two close friend groups that can still send out true feelings, and those who don't have one can only complain in the anonymous community, or hold it in their hearts.

In fact, not sending a circle of friends is also a process of gradually seeing the self and the other party.

I used to think that everything that was interesting would be shared with everyone, thinking that everyone would be able to experience the feelings and emotions they experienced.

But gradually I will find that I am more and more tired of communicating with people who disagree and are very self-centered.

In the past, when I was in a good mood, I was full of morale and wanted to convince each other, in fact, everyone had different ideas, it was better to seek common ground while reserving differences, and others were not willing to be persuaded by you.

Therefore, don't share interesting things with people who don't understand themselves, some things are good to understand themselves.

We who gradually do not send a circle of friends, the process is very similar to the heart path

Especially some very personal ideas or experiences, don't explain it when your brain is hot, and then the relationship becomes worse, and you can't cry too late to cry.

Because there is no empathy in the world, people who have not experienced it do not understand how you feel and feel at that time.

And some people will also use what you have said to hurt you, just the so-called use of your weakness to poke you, can not prevent it.

So not to send it is not to not want to send it, but not to send it again.

Some words are left in the heart, or said to those who understand, rather than shown to everyone.


Interpret emotional confusion, pay attention to marriage problems, and be willing to listen to your sorrow and happiness, along the way

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