
The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

Tang Taizong Li Shimin once said: Water can carry a boat and can overturn a boat. Dynasties can flourish and endure not only by rulers, but by the most important cornerstones of the people at the bottom. From this point of view, the people are the foundation of the country, the water that carries the boat far away. But one thing that cannot be ignored is that the people who have no power to bind the chicken are also the most vulnerable people.

Looking at every major social upheaval in Chinese and foreign history, the people will be displaced and hungry when the harm is less serious; if the harm is greater, the people will be brutally slaughtered.

The closest thing we have come to is the killing of Chinese by the Japanese army in the history of modern warfare. During the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese occupation forces captured Lushun on the Liaodong Peninsula on November 21, 1894, and slaughtered the city for four days and three nights, killing more than 20,000 people.

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

And that's just a few of them. From the japanese army's full-scale invasion of China in 1937 to the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, China's civilian casualties exceeded 35 million. This is a particularly heavy number, and it is also a number that we will always remember history!

Miserable Nanjing

Among them, the Nanjing Massacre was one of the most representative atrocities committed by the Japanese army in flagrant violation of international treaties and basic human moral norms! On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army occupied Nanjing. From this time on, the people of Nanjing suffered a terrible disaster!

After the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, their perverted attributes were also stimulated. Matsui Ishigen and Tani Shoufu and others commanded the Japanese army to burn and loot in the Nanjing area for six weeks!

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

The houses in Nanjing City were burned down by the Japanese army, the shops were looted by the Japanese army, the economy of Nanjing City plummeted, and the property losses were countless, but this was not what our people hated the most. And what they did next to Chinese people was simply inhumane.

Everywhere the Japanese went, they gathered the common people, shot them, buried them alive, and so on, and the number of people slaughtered reached thousands at a time!

In less than a month after the Japanese occupation of Nanjing, there were more than 20,000 rapes, and they did not even spare the ten-year-old girl and the sixty-year-old woman! Their crimes are heinous! Women became victims of their atrocities.

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

In order to destroy the evidence, the Japanese army destroyed the corpses of the people. The city of Nanjing soon became a dead city without any breath! More than 300,000 people were brutally murdered in Nanjing!

But in this huge number, there are also many survivors who are witnesses to this tragic history. One of the 14-year-old monks of Jiming Temple, Rong Tong, was a witness, who witnessed the atrocities committed by the Japanese army against a family of three and recorded the incident.

Witnesses of history

On this day, the small house that lived behind the City God Temple on Fuxi Street was integrated, and I went to bed early in the morning after dark. Because since the Japanese army entered the city, Nanjing has become a purgatory on earth, and the people have closed their doors tightly.

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

Just as he was about to close his eyes and go to sleep, he first heard a few sounds of leather shoes, and he knew that it was the Japanese army nearby, so the atmosphere did not dare to come out, and wrapped the quilt tightly.

Later, he heard a woman's cries mixed with the language that the Japanese army could not understand, and RongTong wrapped the quilt tighter, and he understood that another family had suffered. But all he could do at this time was to pray in his heart for this woman. But soon, the woman's voice was gone. Rong Tong was also mixed with fearful emotions and fell asleep.

The next day he got up for breakfast, and as usual he went to clean the yard in front of him, but then he was greeted by something he would never forget.

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

A woman sat naked on the ground, her hair loose, about forty or fifty years old, with words in her mouth: "Son, where are you going?" Mom is waiting for you here, come back quickly, there is no one at home! ”

Rong Tong had some doubts at the time, was she not afraid of the cold without wearing clothes? He looked at the place where the woman was sitting was dried up in blood. Just then, the woman burst into tears. Rong Tong did not dare to look at it anymore, and he immediately ran to find Uncle Han who was in charge of incense in the temple.

When Uncle Han heard about it, he followed RongTong to the courtyard and saw the woman. When he saw it, he said in pain, "She has been ruined by the devil, and she has gone mad." ”

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

They had to help the woman to the room, first gave her some food, boiled water to bathe the woman, and then found clothes for the woman to put on.

After that, Rong Tong and Uncle Han placed the woman in the temple, and after taking care of her for a while, the woman's sanity gradually became clear, and Rong Tong learned what had happened to the woman.

There were only two people in the woman's family, her and her son, and her husband had not returned from the army for many years. Since the Japanese army entered the city, the city has been cut off from water and food, and in desperation, my son wanted to go out to find food.

But three days later, the woman still did not see her son return, and worried about her son, she wanted to go out to look for him. But what she didn't expect was that as soon as she went out, she met the Japanese army. Then that night she was insulted by several Japanese soldiers.

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

After the woman finished speaking, Rongtong's heart was full of grief, and the tears could not be stopped. He was not only the subject of a poor woman, but he also knew in his heart that the son of a woman would probably not come back.

At this moment, the woman offered to go home and wait for her son to return, and the two had no choice but to give the woman some food and water.

After some time, RongTong was not at ease that the woman wanted to see her, so he went with Uncle Han. As soon as the two men entered the woman's house, they felt a death-like silence. He suddenly felt bad in his heart, pushed open the door of the woman's room, and saw the woman hanging on the beam.

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

Melting the grief in his heart, he and Uncle Han put the woman down and buried her simply, praying that she would be happy and healthy in the next life.

On their way back, the two men met the woman's neighbor, who learned that since the woman had returned, she had often sat in the doorway and looked into the distance, repeating her son's name.

But after a few months had passed, she also knew in her heart that her son would not return, and when she thought about her husband who also did not return, she had no hope of living in her heart.

Maybe it was precisely because he thought of his husband and son, who may have encountered an accident, and felt that there was no hope for life, so he committed suicide.

The 14-year-old young monk's nanjing memories: I will never forget, the woman who suffered a hard life

The encounter of this family of three left a deep mark on Rongtong's heart, so that he could never forget the evil deeds of the Japanese army in those years, and recorded this incident.

These tragic histories are indelible wounds in the hearts of our people, and what we need is to remember history, not to forget history.

Recently, Song Gengyi of Shanghai Aurora Vocational College's question in class about the "Nanjing Massacre of 300,000 compatriots killed" caused widespread discussion in the society, this matter has been implemented, and the teacher has also been punished accordingly.

However, it can be seen from this incident that the choice of teachers is not only a requirement for academic qualifications, but also the principle of being a teacher and respecting history. In this statement, she was not only speechless in the face of her compatriots who were killed by the Japanese army, but also became a chinese!

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