
Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves

Tang poems often describe the wandering career, some people for wealth, running east and west; some people for the sake of merit, the southern conquest of the northern war. When I was busy, I didn't feel anything unusual, and when I was exhausted, I suddenly found that no one around could say anything to speak. The late Tang Dynasty poet Cui Tu once said that the years and rivers are dark, and the past is clear in the moon. Time is like flowing water, secretly passing; the past is like a bright moon, untouchable.

Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves

Uprooted, in a hurry, running alone in the streets of a foreign country, although the buildings in front of him are golden and brilliant, and the reach is also full of illusions, but when you wake up in your dream, your heart is still so sad. Since ancient times, poverty has been fixed and scattered, but no one wants to be at the mercy of fate.

A talented man of the late Tang Dynasty had this kind of thought, constantly fighting and constantly losing his frustration, but he never gave up hope. The following is Li Shang's hidden detention brigade lyrics, this seven laws are full of sorrow at the beginning, and finally it is even more difficult to help themselves.

Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves


Tang Dynasty: Li Shangyin

The swallow geese flew across the forest, and Gao Qiu looked at the long groan.

The human road has the danger of the Tong River, and the mountains outside the sky are only deep.

The sun leaves a reflection among the flowers, and the clouds form a layer of yin from the city.

Three years have made homesickness tears, and even more into the new year is afraid of it.

Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves

After Li Shangyin entered the career, he only worked as a small official of Jiupin and spent most of his life on the move. Yoshiyama had the honor of marrying a beautiful and kind lady, and although the couple had a deep affection, for the sake of his livelihood and future, he had to separate from his beloved wife and go far away to serve as a shogunate.

The feeling of sending people under the fence made his heart miserable; the situation of sinking into the subordinates made him even more miserable. The poem was written during Yishan's tenure as the shogunate of Zizhou, Sichuan, when Yishan's wife had died, and the poet was so sad that he had been depressed and even thought of becoming a monk. The poem reflects his depressed state of mind at the time and expresses a strong sense of homesickness.

Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves

The opening chapter shows the poet's deep affection for living in a foreign land and missing his hometown, "The swallows and geese are separated from the forest, and the high autumn looks at the long chant." "The author is in Bashu, and his heart is in Chang'an, but the mountains are high and the road is far away, and even the northern geese who pass on the book are difficult to send the message to Shanglin." In the late autumn, the grass and trees are withering, and the poet is even more sad, even if he looks at the end of the world, there is no news from relatives and friends.

Shanglin, originally the name of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, here borrowed to refer to Chang'an. High autumn, that is, late autumn. Winding, describing the way out. The word "partition" not only refers to the separation of Sichuan and Chang'an, but also implies that he has no chance of having a career again. At this time, the poet has reached the twilight of his life, although he has long looked down, but his heart is still a little unwilling.

Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves

Next, the poet lamented that Zizhou is remote and the terrain is dangerous, "There are Tongjiang river dangers on the human road, and the mountains outside the sky are deep. "There are many roads in the world, where there is the danger of the Tongjiang River here; where there are many mountains outside the sky, where there is the depth of the Yulei Mountain in front of you." The Zitong River and Yulei Mountain are all near Zizhou, and the author uses the words "dangerous and deep", which very closely highlights the sinister path of his career and the impermanence of life.

Yishan withdrew his gaze again, hoping to forget those troubles for a while, but "the sun returned to the flowers, and the clouds formed a layer of yin from the city." He was not accustomed to the sunlight shining on the flowers, and in the blink of an eye he returned to the light; he could not bear that the light clouds had just arrived at the head of the city, and in an instant they had accumulated thick shade. The author describes the unique climate of the local area, which makes him unconvinced by the water and soil, and his health is deteriorating.

Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves

The poet expresses the unhappiness in his heart, and also alludes to the difficulties of the world, thus expressing his feelings of wandering and fate. However, Li Shangyin did not want to cut off from the red dust, nor could he live in fantasy all day, at this moment, the poet was like a leaf on a branch, a gust of wind blowing, at any time may fall.

In the end, the poet finally could not restrain his impending emotions, "three years have made homesickness tears, and even more into the new year can not help but be afraid." For three whole years, he restrained his tears of homesickness, but the new year was coming, and the poet was afraid that he could not help himself. The tail link writes about the longing for his hometown and the sorrow of not being able to return home, and echoes the first link.

Li Shangyin traveled lyrically, and created a song of seven laws, full of sorrow, which made people can't help themselves

Looking at Li Shangyin's Seven Laws, the emotion is deep, simple and kind. The author does not use allusions and legends in the whole poem, but uses the most simple language to express his chest, and imagines the scene that may happen in the New Year, which is endlessly evocative.

Yishan is not the kind of person who is free, unlike Su Shi in his twilight years, who can be otherworldly. He is also not like Du Fu in his later years, and he can drink and talk with his neighbors. It is more difficult to imitate the poetry immortal Li Bai, who can not only borrow wine to entertain, but also be sad in the landscape. Therefore, Li Shangyin's sorrow increased day by day, and finally crushed this weak scholar.

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