
In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

In the 1970s and 1980s, countries around the world turned their attention to the Sino-Soviet border and watched the great struggle between socialist countries. Since the Sino-Soviet confrontation in the 1960s, the Soviet Union has been even more so


The ground pulled the army near the Chinese border. At that time, countless people watched the hilarity not be too big, watched the Soviet Union on the Sino-Soviet border with millions of troops, and saw how China, a weak socialist country, responded, and the Soviet Union ranked more than 3,400 warplanes and 3,500 anti-aircraft missiles in the sky. The Soviet Union, which had a strong military strength, obviously had a strength comparable to that of the US army, but why did it withdraw its troops when the troops were approaching the city? Why does the big socialist brother bow to "his little brother"? Is it true love, or is there something else hidden?

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

Today, I will take you to see how China forced the soviet union to retreat from a million heroes in the 1970s and 1980s.

New followers remember to like and support it

Many people must have the figure of the United States in their minds when they mention the sworn enemy of socialism, and yes, the United States, as the boss of the capitalist camp, has always looked down on "poor socialism" and even once felt that we were not a climate. But in the 1960s and 1970s, China's greatest external military pressure came from the soviet union, which is also socialist, that is, our amiable and respectable big brother.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

In August 1945, as World War II was coming to an end, the Soviet Union, as the mainstay of World War II, not only broke the myth and legend of Germany's invincibility. With the help of large-scale military production, it also recovered all the land lost in the early stage of World War II and occupied Berlin. After the occupation of Berlin, the Soviet Union set its sights on northeast China. After that, the Soviet army came uninvited, pulled the line of troops to the Sino-Soviet border, and repeatedly provoked China's territorial sovereignty, posing a great threat to China. In just half a month, the Soviet army beat hundreds of thousands of Kwantung Troops stationed in the northeast to the ground. The whole battle process is not dragged with mud and water, the goal is clear, and the means are cruel, which can be called a combat example. The Soviets became famous for defeating Germany and repelling the Kwantung Army. As we all know, the Kwantung Army stationed in the northeast is a hard bone, with a fierce and not afraid of death fighting style resounded throughout the battlefield of World War II, and even the arrogant US Army was subordinate to the Kwantung Army.

At that time, the suffering masses of the entire World War II battlefield were extremely looking forward to seeing the Soviet army on the battlefield, and they were enshrined in the battlefield of World War II. At the end of World War II, the Red Army won the title of "Combat Division" for its outstanding performance. In one fell swoop, it jumped through the dragon gate and became a superpower on a par with the United States. In the world, the advantages of the socialist system were constantly propagated, and it became the hottest "rising star country" at that time. In addition, the Soviet Union also devoted a lot of time and energy to the development of heavy industry and military industry, and built the Soviet Red Army into the most powerful army, and the US army saw that the Soviet Red Army was frightened and involuntarily retreated.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

Therefore, when the Soviet Union sent millions of troops to the Sino-Soviet border, China could not be panicked. Originally, as socialist allies, China and the Soviet Union still had some feelings. After the rupture of Sino-Soviet relations, the Soviet Union also made no secret of its wolf ambitions, repeatedly provoking China on the Sino-Soviet border. Although the Soviet Union's bombers and nuclear weapons are leading the world, China, as a "tough guy country", always keeps in mind the tradition of China's backbone and preferring to die.

The Soviet army pressed the border, and the battle was on the verge of breaking out. Looking at the increasingly arrogant Soviet army, the Chinese soldiers were not angry. To that end, my country has launched a full-scale mobilization. From the elderly to the three-year-old children, they all threw themselves into the preparations without hesitation. Every household dug tunnels and bomb shelters and prepared for battle. Although the Soviet army was strong, Chinese never conceded defeat. During that time, the people of the whole country tensed their nerves and paid attention to the air defense sirens at all times.

"Prepare for war, prepare for famine, for the people"

The slogan resounded throughout the country. But the most desperate thing is the people in the northern part of China on the border with the Soviet Union, who are always ready for a long war.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

A small Spark on the border between China and the Soviet Union can make the hearts of the people of the whole country burst twice. Although the people seem to be fully prepared, no one knows how long China can last. Was there no victory in the exchange of fire between China and the Soviet Union at that time? Can the Soviets really destroy China?

I think: Think beautiful! Although the Soviet army was equipped with world-leading military weapons, it could also defeat Germany, which had an undefeated record, and beat the US Army troops to the ground. But the Chinese military is not vegetarian either! Our army has the following advantages!

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

First, the Soviets have been thundering heavily and raining little. Everyone in the world thinks that the Soviet Union really achieved "chen soldiers" to reach the border between China and the Soviet Union, but in fact, the Soviet army was only 710,000 people at its peak. Not to mention the pressure of a million male divisions, half a million male divisions coming to the Sino-Soviet border to attack China is a fool's dream.

After the Soviet army won the war against Germany with advanced ordnance in World War II, the world deified the Soviet Union. But the facts will not deceive people, in 1965 the Soviet Union began to provoke trouble on the Sino-Soviet border, and by 1980 the Soviet Union was still fighting with China, a total of 25 years. If, as the world says, the Soviet Union has a million strong divisions on the Sino-Soviet border, the Soviet Union has no reason to raise its own million troops on the border and delay.

From 1965 to 1980, the Sino-Soviet conflict went through two phases. In the first stage of strategic stalemate, the Soviet army has been fighting a "conservative war", he wants to use border troops to force China to ask for forgiveness, so he sent Soviet troops to bluff, but in fact did not send many troops to defend the Sino-Soviet border. The second stage of sword-rattling is the climax of the Sino-Soviet conflict. In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union sent a total of 370,000 people from the Far Eastern Military District to the Sino-Soviet border.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

The unit was also equipped with more than 6,000 tanks, more than 8,700 armored vehicles, more than 5,800 artillery pieces of various types and more than 300 helicopters. In addition to the 370,000 people in the Far East Military Region, 70,000 from the Siberian Military Region and 260,000 from the Baikal Military Region, a total of 710,000 people came to the vicinity of China's national border. Looking at the Soviet tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery, and looking at China's air raid shelters and tunnels, no one felt that China could force back the Soviet Union's "million-strong division" under such conditions. But sorry, China has done it! Next, I will follow me to see how China has forced the Soviet Union's "million-strong division" back to the Soviet Union without spending a single soldier and one artillery.

In the late 1980s, China watched the notorious Soviet army and led its million-strong division to the border. Immediately went to find another big tree, the United States. Although China and the United States have different ideologies, they all have a common enemy , the Soviet Union. When the Soviet army was pressing the border, China and the United States quickly established a united front, and opened up the channel of communication between the two countries through the establishment of diplomatic relations. In 1979, when China intended to launch a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the United States learned of this news and simply sold the Soviet Union to the sky in order to save itself.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

According to U.S. intelligence, China learned that the Soviet army ambushed 54 divisions with a total of 430,000 troops on the 7,000-kilometer border line. Together with the Soviet Union's 50,000 troops in Mongolia, the Soviet Union took out a total of about 500,000 troops to attack China. Because we originally estimated that the Soviet Union would come up with 1-2 million troops to attack China. After receiving this information, we breathed a long sigh of relief, it seems that the Soviet Union still has some brains, and did not spend a lot of money to feed the border forces for a momentary success.

And this second is that the 500,000 soldiers sent by the Soviet Union are not all elite soldiers. Most of the troops sent by the Soviet Union stationed on the Sino-Soviet border were "recruit eggs" who had left home halfway. Not only are people new, but weapons are still old, and half of the people do not have the ability to kill the enemy. Take the tank division of the Baikal Military Region as an example, saying that it is a tank unit, but only the IS-3M heavy tanks that were eliminated at the end of World War II, the lethality is extremely poor, let alone able to kill the Chinese army, and it is very good not to starve to death on the border line because of insufficient food.

The third is that the "combat effectiveness" of the Plaster Is that although the Red Army of the Soviet Union has a very brilliant record, the Chinese army is also no different. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China used its weak to fight the strong, using the 38-big cover and millet plus rifles to defeat the US army with a powerful arsenal, and used the backward spoils of war obtained in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation to play a national prestige and help China gain fame. Since the Chinese Volunteers helped the Korean People's Army move the United States back from the Yalu River to the 38th Parallel, the Soviet Union and the United States have never underestimated China.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

In 1950, New China had just been founded, and all kinds of wastes in the country were revived. However, he dared to fight with the United States, which is known as the world's first power, when its arms and equipment are inferior to those of other countries! In 20 years, China will have the same perseverance and confidence to win this battle with the Soviet Union! What's more, in the more than twenty years since the founding of New China, China has long been reborn and reborn. When New China was founded, we were just a big agricultural country. With the support of the Soviet Union, we began to develop heavy industry. By 1970, China had been reborn, established a relatively perfect logistics supply route, and prepared sufficient grain and grass and weapons, although inferior to the Soviet Union, but it could not be underestimated. Therefore, whether it is the Battle of Zhenbao Island or several military conflicts on the Sino-Soviet border, the Chinese side has never shown weakness, and the Soviet Union has not taken advantage of it at all.

In fact, the Red Army of the Soviet Union also had a good idea of the combat effectiveness of the volunteer army. After all, on the Korean battlefield, the volunteer army and the Soviet army were comrades in arms who killed the enemy together. Although Sino-Soviet relations were broken down at this moment and war was about to break out, the Soviet Union was afraid of the volunteer army's fierceness of "fighting in blood and forgetting itself", and did not dare to provoke a war for a long time. Because they know that in the face of strong combat power, everything is a floating cloud. The Soviet Union did not dare to take risks, for fear that it would lose.

The fourth is that In order to deal with the Soviet Union's border "breakthrough line", China sent elite troops to fight. Although China did not want to turn against the Soviet Union, it still made a perfect defense line for self-preservation. The elite forces that formed this defensive line were born entirely to counter the Soviet Union. Not only were there chinese regular troops far larger than the Soviets, but there was also a dense skynet-like defensive line. The regular army was divided into four military regions, arranged in the order of Shenyang, Beijing, Lanzhou, and Urumqi, and connected in a line along the Sino-Soviet border. The Soviet Union wanted to defeat China quickly, and there was almost no chance.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

Although the Chances of the Soviet Union defeating China in a short period of time were slim, the People's Liberation Army treated the "ill-intentioned" Soviet border guards with the greatest sincerity. The PLA has a total of 185 main divisions, of which 97 are scattered in 4 military districts guarding the Sino-Soviet border. Of the PLA's 47 garrison divisions, 22 were sent to the north. Although we have accurate intelligence that the Soviet Union has only 500,000 "old, weak and disabled soldiers", we have sent 1.72 million people to guard the border. Of course, the Pla., which is three times larger than the enemy, is only a precursor, and we have prepared 2.6 million militiamen to fight against the Soviet Army for the ill-intentioned Red Army. As soon as the Soviet army entered China, it immediately beat them to pieces.

China not only despised the Soviet Union with its numbers, but also prepared a "Hongmen Feast" for the Soviet Union, for which our army took out the treasure at the bottom of the PLA's pressure box. Of the 11 tank divisions of the People's Liberation Army, 8 were sent to the four major military regions in the north. Our army has a total of 670 bombers, of which 305 are always ready in the north. Other artillery and armored vehicles were even more of the best, and the best were sent to the Northern Military Region.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

In addition to these, the Chinese side also thought of a seamless trick to use

"Space for Time"

。 Our country is vast, and this time the Soviet Union has made a lot of noise, and it seems that there is no intention of a quick war and a quick decision. Since this is the case, it is better to follow the pace of the Soviet Union, and we should prepare more troops to fight a time war with them. In any case, China has a vast land and abundant grain and ammunition. Fighting time wars with them is also a good idea.

All this China has done, the United States has seen in its eyes and remembered in its heart. Seeing China actively preparing for war, the United States drew conclusions on the spot. The Soviet Union was bound to lose, and with its experience in the Korean battlefield, the United States knew that the Pla.S. Army not only had brilliant achievements, but also had a tenacious willpower. At this moment, the 500,000 troops of the Soviet Union that want to rely on border defense and the 1.72 million people of the People's Liberation Army are tantamount to hitting a pebble with a pebble. The United States also asserted that if the Soviet Union wanted to win the war against China, it would need at least 80 full divisions.

The Soviet Union has always focused on the defensive area in europe, and now it has taken on a considerable amount of pressure to supply china by temporarily forming a million strong troops to fight against China, and now that China and the United States are standing together, they are undoubtedly pushing themselves into the fire pit. If there is a real war with China at this moment, let the United States take advantage of the situation to attack the Soviet Union's power in Europe. That's really picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons. At that time, it will not be as simple as defeat, and it is likely to lose the qualification to compete with the United States for world hegemony.

In 1969, the Swords of China and the Soviet Union were raging, and the United States ridiculed the Soviet Union: Chen Bing millions of soldiers did not dare to go south under the guise

Therefore, Deng Xiaoping was not afraid of the Soviet Union's million-strong border defense army, and said that the Soviet Union:

"It takes 3 to 4 times the current number of troops to really form a threat to China."

As for the nuclear weapons that the Soviet Union is proud of, since he does not want China to have them, he may as well take advantage of this battle to let him see how we, China, have dealt a heavy blow to the Soviet Union with its nuclear arsenal.

The Soviet Union thought that if it had a million troops, it would be able to force China to obey. In the end, it was a bamboo basket to hit the water, not only failed to make China suffer, but also forced by China to retreat, and can no longer threaten China with military strength, which can also be regarded as self-satisfied. It seems that whether it is leading soldiers to fight or doing things as a person, we must not do things too far. Like the Soviet Union, it is ugly to overestimate one's abilities and then lift a stone and drop it on one's own feet!

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