
Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction

Throughout the ages, the change of countries has been baptized by war. During the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court rule was decadent, and years of natural disasters made the people miserable and miserable. So this made many peasants intolerable and launched wars. Among them, it is necessary to mention such a peasant uprising team, he was led by Li Zi, at that time in the peasant war, this team was the most powerful, it is said that Li Zicheng later led the team to capture the city of Beijing, wanting to claim himself emperor.

But later, because he did those few things, his emperor's position did not last long, and it is true to think that he was not a knowledgeable and strategic person, and it was not easy for Li Zicheng to do this step, so how did he capture the city of Beijing? What did he do to lose his throne? Let's analyze it together.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction

Li Zicheng threw himself into the peasant war

Li Zicheng was originally a small soldier in the Yinchuan Station of the Ming Dynasty. Because in the late Ming Dynasty, the state funds were lacking, the national treasury was empty, and years of war overwhelmed the country. But at this time, those rich families were still unwilling to take out their money and protect the motherland against the enemy. Therefore, it also led to the emperor at that time could only increase the taxes of the people and cut off some of the soldiers, and Li Zicheng lost his job in this situation.

Not only that, after losing his job, Li Zicheng was also deceived by the landlords, who wantonly robbed the property, and finally Li Zicheng could not bear it, and after killing the officials at that time, he threw himself into the peasant war. Because he has a martial art since he was a child, and his kung fu is still quite strong, the most important thing is that he is bold, not afraid of death, and dares to fight. This allowed him to make frequent achievements on the battlefield, and soon his team became the most powerful gang in the area at that time.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction

Since then, Li Zicheng and his troops have conquered one by one from south to north, and have successively taken Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi and other places. In the end, Beijing was besieged, but the fortifications of Beijing were still in place, which also led to a stalemate between Li Zicheng and the Ming army for a long time, and finally led his troops to capture the city of Beijing, but after he entered the city, he stayed for a total of 42 days and fled the city.

Entering the dynasty to claim the title of emperor, burying Chongzhen thickly, and loving the people

After Li Zicheng entered the city of Beijing, his first thought was to buy people's hearts and minds, so that people would support him to sit on the throne. To that end, he first did two things. The first thing was to bury the former emperor Chongzhen Emperor, who was attacked by them, and during the reign of the Chongzhen Emperor, he was also a wise monarch who benefited many people. During the Ming Dynasty, the deficit of the country was too great, and even if another monarch was replaced, the country could not be saved.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction

Moreover, when the Chongzhen Emperor died, he was hanged at Coal Mountain, and the people were very sad to know this news. In this way, Li Zicheng needed to bury the Chongzhen Emperor well. So he ordered that an altar should be set up at the city gate to make public sacrifices to the Chongzhen Emperor, and because of insufficient funds, he also spent a lot of effort to bury the Chongzhen Emperor. Knowing that the Chongzhen Emperor had a most beloved woman before his death, Li Zicheng eventually buried the Chongzhen Emperor with her.

Through this incident, we can also see Li Zicheng's benevolent heart. But he could not show his concern for the people through this one thing alone, and he had to proceed from reality, so he did the second thing, that is, to give orders to all the people, and no one was allowed to disturb the people who invaded the city. Once someone robbed property, or robbed a woman is a capital offense, he also posted a notice in the city, this move ushered in the support of the people in the city, and for a time the order in the city was orderly.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction

The craze for home raids

But the good times did not last long, and such a scene did not last long, because Li Zicheng only considered the people, but forgot the brothers who fought with him at that time. Therefore, weighing the pros and cons, Li Zicheng decided to take his men to divide the concubines and palace women in the palace, and even sealed a palace maid named Dou Meiyi as a concubine, and let his men go down to the officials of the imperial court to raid the house, and if they could not pay enough share at that time, they would be punished with a wooden frame.

Over time, these people could not hold on, and there were not so many gold and silver jewelry in their hands to hand over. They began to oppress the people, but whenever they saw those whose houses were exquisitely decorated and well-dressed, they began to rob and force them to hand over their gold and silver treasures. Some even take their loved ones away, and then they can't do anything about it. According to the historical records at that time, this upsurge of raiding homes caused harm to the people of more than 1,600 households at that time, which was the third thing Li Zicheng did.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction

The surrender of Wu Sangui failed

So what was the fourth thing he did? That is, he pushed away Wu Sangui, a member of the general who was very favorable to himself. Wu Sangui was in charge of the Town Shoushan Customs at that time, which was the most important pass for the Qing army. When Li Zicheng entered the capital, he was ready to recruit Wu Sangui, and Wu Sangui also planned to join Li Zicheng's command at that time. However, unfortunately, at that time, Li Zicheng copied Wu Sangui's family when he was raiding the house, and Wu Sangui's father was severely beaten at that time, and the female relatives of the family were also taken away.

When Li Zicheng learned the truth of this matter, it was too late, and Wu Sangui had already heard of his evil deeds, so he killed the messenger sent by Li Zicheng and opened the Qing army to enter. Li Zicheng was naturally not an opponent of the Qing army, and eventually had to flee Beijing with his own team. The imperial court under Li Zicheng perished after a short period of 42 years, and all this was his own doing. His end may have been preordained from the time he first did it.

Li Zicheng was emperor for 42 days, what did he do in 42 days? Four major events sent him to the brink of extinction


Although Li Zicheng was the emperor for a period of time, he was also very fighting at that time, but the reason why his reign did not last long was because he did not have a long-term vision and only considered the interests of the moment, which caused a series of evil consequences. He did not cherish this hard-won throne. This also reminds us to be cautious when facing things in the future, and to know how to cherish everything in our hands. And be thankful for those who helped us in times of trouble!

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