
At the conferment ceremony in 1955, he announced the names of the ten marshals, why he was not among them

China experienced the arduous struggles of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and finally established a China full of new hopes.

In order to commemorate those soldiers who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China, in 55 years, the government held the largest award ceremony to date, with a total of 10 people awarded marshals and 1,048 soldiers awarded military ranks.

However, there is such a thing, few people know, when conferring titles, a person announces the name of the Ten Marshals, but he is not conferred any title in the army, his name is Peng Zhen.

At the conferment ceremony in 1955, he announced the names of the ten marshals, why he was not among them

He was born in 1902 in Quwo County, Shanxi Province.

At the age of 21, he was inspired by communism and began a loyal communist path.

At the 55-year-old new China title ceremony, he announced the title, but he did not get any title. This is not difficult to understand, because since joining the party, he has been taking care of the affairs of the party and the government, rather than directly engaging in military combat.

Even so, this did not prevent him from becoming a good party member and playing a huge role in the struggle for the liberation of the Chinese nation.

In 1929, he was only 27 years old, only six years after he joined the party.

At that time, due to the bloody repression of the Nationalist army, many of the activities of our Party were secretive and dangerous. In that year, some party fighters could not withstand the pressure and turned to the enemy camp, causing huge losses to the work of our party in Tianjin at that time. Many party fighters were arrested and imprisoned. Among them was the secretary of the Tianjin Work Conference of the Communist Party of China at that time, which is the protagonist of our story today.

The situation is urgent, and the party's cause is in trouble. In order to preserve as much of the strength of our Party as possible, he decided to stand up and shoulder the responsibility of protecting the other captured comrades-in-arms. We all know that engaging in combat is not playing a family game like a child, it can lead to bloodshed and sacrifice. It can be seen that his decision at that time was very fearless.

At the conferment ceremony in 1955, he announced the names of the ten marshals, why he was not among them

In the end, thanks to the efforts of all parties, more than a dozen fighters were acquitted, and he was brutally abused and beaten by the enemy army on charges of crimes.

As long as there is a breath, we will never abandon the revolutionary ideal of communism. With the support of this belief, he not only survived the cruel torture of the enemy, but also established a secret communist organization in prison, that is, the CCP branch of the Third Prison, to organize his comrades in prison to continue to fight.

It is precisely because of this extremely strong revolutionary conviction that he made a great contribution to the revolution.

During the War of Resistance, a great man famously concluded that power came out of the barrel of a gun, which proved to be correct.

Whether it is the Japanese, the Kuomintang, or the Wolf of American Ambition, we must use guns to truly defend our country.

Along the way in the revolutionary struggle, our Party has experienced all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. It can be said that it escaped from death, and it was hard to win the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation with millet plus rifles. In the battlefield, many soldiers performed well, became senior generals of our army, made outstanding contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance, and even some gave their lives.

At the conferment ceremony in 1955, he announced the names of the ten marshals, why he was not among them

Therefore, the Central Military Commission held a huge ceremony in Beijing to award the title of new Chinese general, in recognition of their efforts and contributions to the revolution.

Ten people, including Mr. Zhu and Mr. Peng, were awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. Ten people, including Su Zong, Tan Zhi and Xiao Jinguang, were awarded the rank of General of the People's Republic of China. They are the "Ten Marshals" and "Ten Great Generals" that people talk about lively. They made great contributions to the founding of New China and left their legendary stories in the military history of the world.

At the awards ceremony, he announced his name. At that time, two old leaders were recuperating in Qingdao for physical reasons. Ye Shuai went to Dalian, so they were absent from the ceremony. After that, he personally went to Qingdao and witnessed the ceremony.

At that time, many senior leaders of the party and the state resolutely refused to accept the titles conferred, which reflected the fine qualities of the old revolutionaries who were humble and humble, and could be regarded as a good story that the people relished.

From 55 years onwards, in the decade that followed, our country conferred a total of 1614 military ranks. These outstanding generals made great contributions to the founding of New China and the development of military strength, and became the highest glory of soldiers.

At the conferment ceremony in 1955, he announced the names of the ten marshals, why he was not among them

The ceremony of conferring military ranks in New China originated from the "Regulations on the Service of Officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" promulgated in 1955, which was also the birth of the rank system of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

In ancient times, the military system was judged by the family background, which fully reflected the feudal nature of the old army. The founding of New China has given our country a new look. The new military rank awarding criteria completely abandon the distinction between background and family background. Taking ability and achievements as the standard, this is a major progress in China's military history.

Although the ranks conferred vary, the meaning of the rank symbols of honor as a general is the same. They are all shining, and they represent the supreme glory. No matter what kind of title, this is the lifelong dream of an outstanding soldier and a recognition of his outstanding achievements.

I still remember the white-haired veteran in the parade trembling with his right hand raised in salute to the people, just as he had done when he enlisted years ago. I still remember those steely vows that never fade. I still remember the blind veteran who dreamed of touching the advanced tanks of the People's Liberation Army.

At the conferment ceremony in 1955, he announced the names of the ten marshals, why he was not among them

We see that the ultimate pursuit of Chinese soldiers is not the title of those generals, nor is it to be able to leave a name in history, but to hope that the country will be rich and the people will be strong, peace will last forever, children can grow up safely, and the future of our country will be better and better.

At the conferment ceremony of the Republic, he pronounced one glorious name after another in a loud and dignified voice, but he did not have any rank. This reflects the fine qualities of the humble ambitions of the previous generation of strivers.

As latecomers, we must also clearly understand in our hearts that the success of the battle cannot be separated from the heroic and tenacious struggle of the martyrs on the battlefield, who are not afraid of bloodshed, who are not afraid of sacrifice, who are the first soldiers, and who are also inseparable from the Communists who are working hard for the revolutionary cause on other fronts, without whom we would not have ushered in a beautiful day.

Like those veterans, communists were indifferent to fame and fortune, guided by firm communist convictions, and they worked hard and struggled all their lives for the victory of the Chinese revolution.

Countless heroes have shed their blood on the battlefield in exchange for our harmonious living environment today, and we cannot forget their efforts and pay tribute to the elders!

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