
Why did he order his men to mix the porridge with sand, but they were praised by the people?

He Yan, I believe everyone is no stranger, he is a famous corrupt official of the Qing Dynasty. His full name was Niu Cobalt Lu He yan, he was a Manchurian Zhenghongqi, his father was the deputy capital of Fujian, Chang Bao, it is reasonable to say that his family was not short of money, so why was he so obsessed with accumulating wealth later? This also starts from when he was a child, when he was 9 years old, his father died of illness, his mother died of difficult childbirth a few years ago, his parents died and he was helpless, fortunately, a family member and his father's remote house protected him, he was saved from being driven out of the house.

Why did he order his men to mix the porridge with sand, but they were praised by the people?

After experiencing a tragic childhood, he became more sensible than before, and he began to be angry and strong, study hard, and become a superior person, so that he would not be bullied by others. Thirty-eight years after Qianlong, at the age of 23, he became the minister of management of the treasury, managing Buku, he managed Buku very well, it was the inventory of Buku that increased greatly, so that he was appreciated by the emperor. Later, his career was smooth sailing, and he was promoted one after another, and finally came out on top and became a big red man in front of the emperor. But as his power grew, so did his desires, and he gradually lost himself and began to take advantage of his position to form parties for personal gain, amass money, attack political enemies, and accumulate a lot of money.

Why did he order his men to mix the porridge with sand, but they were praised by the people?

Do you think the emperor at that time was a vegetarian? Didn't he find the catty in it? Of course, in fact, the emperor discovered the scandal of his embezzlement of money very early, but because he was a relatively capable person and could play a certain role in restricting other officials in the imperial court, he still had a certain use value for the emperor, so he just turned a blind eye and did not intervene. Although he is a greedy person, after all, he has experienced a lonely life since he was a child, so he is actually a delicate person and has a good insight into many things.

Why did he order his men to mix the porridge with sand, but they were praised by the people?

This year, there was a famine in the Qing Dynasty, the peasants had a poor harvest, they could not eat, the people did not have a good life, the emperor could not ignore it, he immediately sent people to help the disaster victims, open a warehouse to release grain, and set up a shed to give porridge, but this matter is not trivial, food is now more expensive than gold, so it is necessary to find a reliable person to do this, so he naturally chose Hezhen. He Yan took a look, and there was oil and water to fish, and naturally he went with joy. But when he actually did it, he encountered a difficult problem, that is, the number of victims was too large, and there was not enough food. He had experienced the feeling of hunger, so he understood what it was like.

He ordered his men to mix a lot of sand into the boiled porridge, and after a while, there were many fewer people who came to receive the porridge. He did this because he knew that some of these victims were not really hungry, but wanted to be greedy. People who are really hungry to the extreme do not care whether there is dirty stuff in the porridge, but it is most important to eat enough. In this way, the saved porridge saved a lot of people who really needed help, and other officials admired him after seeing it.

Why did he order his men to mix the porridge with sand, but they were praised by the people?

It is impossible for him to be able to get to where he is today without pointing out the superiority, but his so-called wisdom and strategy have been used in the wrong place, and if they are used on the right path, they will surely benefit the people of the world and will be prosperous for hundreds of generations, but he is not worthy of the position, and there will be disasters, so the subsequent end is also very tragic. But it was also the end he deserved.

In the fourth year of Jiaqing, Qianlong died, the Jiaqing Emperor announced his 20 major sins, ordered the raid on his home, copied out 800 million taels of silver, and the annual financial income of the Qing Dynasty during the Qianlong period was only 70 million taels, and the property he hid was equivalent to the income of the Qing government at that time for fifteen years, so there was also a saying circulating in the street: "He Yan fell, Jiaqing was full", it was a very ironic sentence, he finally committed suicide at home with white aya, at the age of 49.

Why did he order his men to mix the porridge with sand, but they were praised by the people?

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