
Beijing-style snack 丨 golden cake

author:Beijing Pulse
Beijing-style snack 丨 golden cake

Also known as "hawthorn cake", it is made of red fruit (mountain red) with the removal of the core, skin and sugar and coagulant. Its bright red color, condensed into large square pieces, is cut with a knife in the fruit shop and sold: it can also be cut into small strips or small pieces, as a decoration on the cut cake, sticky (New Year) cake and snacks. However, in the mountainous or semi-mountainous areas of Beijing, farmers often make this thing to eat: wash the red in the mountain, cut it open, remove the core and skin, boil it in the pot, and add sugar, preferably with crushed rock sugar residue, and also add white cotton sugar. When it is almost ripe, add some good starch, preferably aquatic lotus flour or diamond horn powder. After boiling, pour into a large disk or basin, just do. Although the methods are different, the main ingredients used are the same. In the past, every recent year, this was a good thing for the mountain family to give gifts to the plains. The author's predecessor, Professor Lu Chongda, often called it "a good fruit that is delicious under the fire and wine". Therefore, I must buy this thing every year, thinking that it is a wine dish.

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