
This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

More than 18 months To say that it is delicious, the meaning is good, suitable for the sweet cake arranged around the New Year, this in my heart, must be the first! It's the kind that my son sees once and can't eat enough.

By Baby Food Supplement Original 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】


150 g red beans

5 cooked egg yolks

Glutinous rice flour 40 g

Butter 40 g

Sugar 40 g (reducable)

Salt 1 g

Oil / cooked sesame seeds to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

1、· Reference month age · Babies over 18 months old who are not allergic to ingredients · Ingredient preparation · 150 g red beans 5 pieces of cooked egg yolks / 40 g glutinous rice flour 40 g butter / 40 g sugar (reducable amount) Excipients: oil / salt 1 g / cooked sesame seeds

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

2: Put the red beans in water and soak them for more than 4 hours in advance. If you want to make it the next day, put the red beans in the cold, soak them overnight in advance, and cook them more softly and better the next day. * A few days ago I just recommended a bean paste sticky rice to you, if you make a lot of red bean paste, then this recipe is directly used, the operation is simpler.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

3: Pour the soaked red beans into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, wait for the water to boil into a medium-low heat, cover the pot and cook for about 1 hour. * Cooking time you should adjust according to the heat at home, to the extent that it can be crushed with chopsticks, pay attention to the water in the pot not to leave too much, otherwise it will take time and effort when frying bean paste later.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

4: After cooling, pour the red beans into the blender and whisk thoroughly.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

5: Pour oil into the pot, stir-fry the stir-fried red bean paste slightly, then add 20 grams of sugar and stir-fry over medium-low heat. * The sugar here belongs to the auxiliary ingredients to flavor the red bean paste, the number of grams does not need to be fixed, and the baby can reduce the amount appropriately, or do not add it.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

6: Continue to stir-fry until the water of the bean paste is dried, and after the balls are formed, they are put out for later. * After frying the bean paste, you remember to cover it with plastic wrap in advance to avoid being exposed to the air for too long and the skin will dry and crack.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

7: Pour glutinous rice flour into a pot, stir-fry over medium-low heat until slightly yellowish, then set aside.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

8: Add 20g sugar and 1g salt to the softened butter and stir them well. * If the butter just taken out of the refrigerator is hard and not easy to stir, you must soften it for a while at room temperature, wait until you press it with your fingers to get out of the pit state, and then add seasoning to stir. Similarly, depending on your baby's age and taste, sugar and salt can be reduced or not added. * For babies to eat I recommend choosing unsalted animal butter is healthier, the butter in this recipe is not recommended to replace it with vegetable oil, otherwise the milk flavor loss is a lot, and the taste is not good.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

9: Sift the cooked egg yolks into butter and stir well. *Sifted once, the taste of the egg yolk will be more delicate. If you think that sifting is too time-consuming, just mash the yolk, but pay attention to the finest possible mash, do not have particles or anything. * The rest of the egg whites can be used to be fried directly to eat, or to make baked snacks, egg whites can make recipes I put at the end of the article, you remember to check.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

10, finally in the cooked egg yolk add the stir-fried glutinous rice flour, stir again, to ensure that the ball, if too thin can be added to the cooked glutinous rice flour for a small number of times to mix. * There is no sister of glutinous rice flour in the family, so they directly change to fried rice flour or low-gluten flour to assist in molding.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

11: Take an appropriate amount of bean paste and put it in the palm of your hand, and first organize it into a small cake.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

12. Then, in the bean paste, wrap the appropriate amount of egg yolk filling, close the mouth and knead the small sweet cake.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

13. Finally, evenly coat the surface with a layer of cooked white sesame seeds to enrich the taste.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

14, to this step can actually eat, if you just have a ready-made mold at home, you can put the bean ball into the mold, press the molding and then release the mold, you get a good-looking bean paste golden cake! *I use the semi-cooked cheese mold at home, you can also use a variety of biscuit molds, mooncake molds and so on, so that the shape becomes more beautiful, sisters without molds, you can directly use your hands to organize into a square Oh.

This "baby food" bean paste golden cake was snatched up as soon as it was served

15, I have to say that this small sweet cake is too delicious, too delicate, the taste is too pure, sweet and fragrant and soft, must be arranged!

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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