
Why is China rising so fast? Why is China a sleeping lion?

Nowadays, our motherland is getting stronger and stronger, first when visiting Europe, Italy returned thousands of Chinese cultural relics, and then China's 5G technology has been successfully developed, in the world's leading level, so that the United States has to use national strength to resist our technology, which just shows that China's technology is constantly progressing. Our influence is constantly increasing.

Why is China rising so fast? Why is China a sleeping lion?

Come on China

Not only that, the image of goodwill and friendship in our country has also touched many countries, so far many poor countries in Africa have built many basic projects with our assistance, and our country has formed a deep friendship with them; in addition, our military strength is also constantly increasing, weapons and armaments are constantly improving, some people say that our country is constantly strengthening, and some people say that our country is not strong, but constantly revived, we are just repeating the history of thousands of years ago, because as early as thousands of years ago, My country is a world power.

As early as the Tang Dynasty, China relied on continuous troops to fight against the Xiongnu, basically formed today's territory, at that time in the minds of the surrounding nomads, the Central Plains is a fertile land, but the Central Plains government is always very strong, so many years of aggression are finally beaten flowers and flowers. At the same time, the four major inventions also appeared in China, and later spread to all parts of the world, and the four major inventions of our country can be said to have changed the world.

Why is China rising so fast? Why is China a sleeping lion?


The Silk Road is also an important contribution of our country to the world, in order to export porcelain and silk, the imperial court of the Han Dynasty sent a large number of merchants to Central Asia and Europe for trade, not only selling Out China's characteristic products, but also passing on China's image to European countries. In the eyes of Europeans at that time, China was a very rich country, like a paradise.

At that time, in order to protect the smooth flow of the Silk Road, the imperial court even set up a western region protection center, setting up thirty-six small countries in Central Asia as its own vassal states, and many small countries in Central Asia today were in the territory of our country. It's just that for historical reasons, it can't be taken back.

Why is China rising so fast? Why is China a sleeping lion?


For thousands of years, China seemed to be a male lion, and it was the absolute hegemon in the world at that time. Unfortunately, in the Qing Dynasty, the rulers began to immerse themselves in the dream of the supremacy of the Heavenly Dynasty, believing that everything in the territory of our country could be self-sufficient, and Europeans were natural barbarians who disdained to associate with them, so they began to implement a policy of closing the country to the outside world.

However, at that time, Europe was in full swing the Industrial Revolution, and for hundreds of years, various technologies far exceeded our country, so in 1840, our country was forcibly opened by British cannons, and in the next hundred years, our country has been bullied by the great powers.

Until now, after the reform and opening up, China has once again developed with strong cohesion. As stated at the beginning of the article, my country has achieved great success in all aspects. It was as if it was still the lion, but it was waking up a little from its slumber. Today, the rise of our country is unexpected in the eyes of many countries and even our people. I hope that our country will go smoothly on the road to rejuvenation and return to the peak stage of the millennium ago.

Why is China rising so fast? Why is China a sleeping lion?

China rises

China's cultural heritage of thousands of years is comparable to that of some Western countries, from the modern world lagging behind the world for hundreds of years, to the current world before, I would like to ask which country in the world can do it?

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