
Gao Shun and Zhang Liao also refused to surrender, why did the outcome be very different?

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao were both famous generals in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, during the period of the division of the masses, and they were loyal to Lü Bu at the beginning, but because of Lü Bu's obstinate behavior, the chaotic generals who were about to rise fell later. It is said that heroes are produced in the chaotic world, but in the chaotic world, because of the "frequent appearance of talents", this makes the heroes at that time more likely to break the sand, and among these people, Gao Shun is one.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao also refused to surrender, why did the outcome be very different?

Gao Shun

Because of historical and historical reasons, Gao Shun's date of birth is unknown, which may be because he lied about his birth year when he joined the army, just like the famous general of the Qin State. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he worked in Lü Bu's army, and the official was placed as a general. According to historical records, Gao Shun was a man with a clear personality and unparalleled loyalty and righteousness; he not only possessed extremely high military ability, but also had the style of a Confucian scholar in terms of personal restraint and "prudence and independence". When he was managing the army, he was civilized with the word "strict", and he was able to deny his relatives and punish him with the law for the things committed by his subordinates; it was precisely because of this that Gao Shun had always had a high prestige and popularity in Lü Bu's army.

What is more worth mentioning is that he has an elite division in Lü Bu's army, which is the top famous "trap camp", as the name suggests, the connotation of this so-called "trap camp" is the meaning of "charging into the front", to put it bluntly, it is the more courageous troops in Lü Bu's army, daring to fight with the enemy and dare to fight with the enemy, and he once relied on this army to seriously damage Cao Cao and various forces many times.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao also refused to surrender, why did the outcome be very different?

In the end, because Lü Bu was arrested, he was killed by Meng De because he swore to die.

Zhang Liao

Most of the students who love to read the Three Kingdoms know this figure, he was originally a fierce general under Lü Bu's command, but after Lü Bu was killed, he submitted to Cao Cao, and from then on, when people mentioned him again, they would always be known as Cao Wei's famous generals, and they would not mention Lü Bu at that time. After submitting to Cao Cao, he went around with his lord and duke, and because he was brave and fierce, he repeatedly made new achievements.

It is said that when the Cao Wei clique and the Eastern Wu clique were engaged in the "Battle of Hefei" in Hefei, Zhang Liao, in order to demoralize Sun Quan and teach this child in their eyes a lesson, he took 800 dead soldiers he had personally formed to attack and impact Sun Zhongmou's 100,000 troops. When he heard this news, Zhongmou was unremitting, but after the news of Zhang Liao's continuous advancement came, he was also very jealous of this brave man. According to historical records, Zhang Liao's impact went all the way from the foreign army of Eastern Wu to the Chinese army and to the commander-in-chief.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao also refused to surrender, why did the outcome be very different?

Later, he used 7,000 men to attack the 100,000-strong army of the Wu army, and almost captured the Eastern Wu young man alive. Because of the rapidity of the battle, he was also listed as one of the sixty-four generals in ancient and modern times.

After Cao Pi ascended the throne, he retreated to the second line because of illness, but even though he was in poor health, Zhongmou, who had been scared, was still very jealous and afraid of this old opponent. In the third year of Huang Chu, he returned due to the tension of war, and defeated The Wu general Lü Fan with an old age. It was also after defeating Lü Fan that he also died at the age of fifty-four due to the deterioration of his condition.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao also refused to surrender, why did the outcome be very different?

Why did Cao Cao only kill Gao Shun and not Zhang Liao

First of all, everyone should know that Gao Shun's personality is too loyal and fierce, and it is not easy to tame, and he has greater ambitions. We can see the hint from his non-drinking and strict self-discipline, and even if such a person superficially agrees to submit, I think the suspicious Cao Cao does not dare to put him in an important post.

Secondly, Gao Shun's defeat of Cao Cao's army had caused great trauma to him and his army, so after capturing Gao Shun, if he did not correct him, it would be difficult to account to his soldiers and appease his original camp.

The reason why Cao Cao would accept Zhang Liao was because he knew that this person did not want to die, and scolding himself was just to show his loyalty and make an example. Moreover, this person is braver than wise, so to a certain extent, he is better controlled than Gao Shun.

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