
When Zhuge Liang was dying, Ah Dou asked a question, and Zhuge Liang knew that he had been pretending to be stupid!

In our impression, Liu Chan seems to have been unintelligent, and even made a joke of "happy not thinking about Shu", but is Liu Chan really as bad as we think? Is Ah Dou really stupid and weak? In fact, it is not, the following to tell you a story of Ah Dou, this thing also made Zhuge Liang understand a fact, Ah Dou is actually very smart.

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Ah Dou asked a question, and Zhuge Liang knew that he had been pretending to be stupid!

After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang took control of the shu state, and although Ah Dou was a humble fool on the surface, he was also a promise to Zhuge Liang. When the Shu state was stable, Zhuge Liang began the five most important Northern Expeditions of his life. In the Fifth Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang fought all the way to Wuzhangyuan and threatened Chang'an. However, the heavens made a big joke with him, and Zhuge Liang had exhausted his qi and was about to die.

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Ah Dou asked a question, and Zhuge Liang knew that he had been pretending to be stupid!

Before Zhuge Liang died, Ah Dou sent someone to visit Zhuge Liang, who was already terminally ill and close to death. Ah Dou sent Shangshu Li Fu to visit him, and he was ordered to ask Zhuge Liang a question. Li Fu asked, "Your Majesty asks you, if you die, what should your son do?" When Zhuge Liang heard this, he suddenly realized that Ah Dou was not stupid, on the contrary, he was still very smart, and in order to save himself, he only showed a fool's appearance in front of everyone, but he just looked at the wrong eye. Ah Dou asked this question, in fact, he was afraid that his descendants would threaten him. Zhuge Liang replied, "Without bothering Your Majesty, there are still eight hundred mulberry trees in the courtier's house, which can feed him." ”

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Ah Dou asked a question, and Zhuge Liang knew that he had been pretending to be stupid!

After Zhuge Liang's death, Ah Dou revoked the official position of chancellor and took control of the government himself. After that, he married his daughter to Zhuge Liang's son, taking the opportunity to win people's hearts. From this point of view, Liu Chan is not stupid at all!

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