
Archaeologists saw the "naked burial" girl in the tomb and couldn't help but scold: the tomb owner's means are really cruel

Archaeologists saw the "naked burial" girl in the tomb and couldn't help but scold: the tomb owner's means are really cruel

The Eastern Zhou tombs unearthed a number of "naked burial" girls, and experts inspected the scene and scolded: the means of the tomb owner are really cruel. So, what exactly did the owner of the tomb do? What happened to these before they died?

In ancient times, people attached great importance to funeral rites, especially those who were not rich or noble, they paid special attention to the future generations of the dead, not only prepared their own cemetery before they died, but also held large funerals after death, and prepared various precious jewelry items as funerary items, and then buried in the cemetery with the deceased. They believe that after death, the soul of a person still exists and will survive in another form. Therefore, they will also prepare a response for their life after death, and many nobles not only need funeral goods, but also prepare for martyrdom.

Archaeologists saw the "naked burial" girl in the tomb and couldn't help but scold: the tomb owner's means are really cruel

Human martyrdom appeared at the end of primitive society, and after entering the era of slavery, it began to prevail, which was a kind of ugly custom of burial with living people, very cruel and barbaric. There are no overly specific rules on the number of people buried, and in general, after the death of the Son of Heaven, hundreds of people are needed to accompany the burial, at least dozens of people. When a person of the rank of general or doctor dies, he can be buried with dozens of people at most, and at least a few talents. Those who were martyred were generally close relatives, courtiers or close attendants of the deceased. The archaeological team once found an ancient tomb with many martyred women in Jiangxi Province, and the most difficult to accept is that these martyred women are not only at a good age, but also almost all of them are "naked burial" when they are buried.

There is a small mountain village in Jing'an County, Jiangxi Province, and outside the mountain village there is a small earth mountain with a height of about 20 meters, which the local villagers call ZhaiLianggang. The village was quiet until the end of 2006, when a group of outsiders suddenly arrived, dressed in special clothes and with utensils in their hands. At first, the villagers did not know what the purpose of these people came to the village, until they later saw that these people had been digging a cave on the fasting post, and then suspected that these people were tomb robbers, so someone went to the police.

Archaeologists saw the "naked burial" girl in the tomb and couldn't help but scold: the tomb owner's means are really cruel

After a period of cleaning and investigation, a total of more than 600 cultural relics have been excavated, including 144 pieces of bamboo and wood ware, 30 pieces of bronze, 13 pieces of jade, 12 pieces of lacquerware, as well as a small amount of gold and a large number of textiles, of which a very well-preserved square-hole yarn was also found, which is also the earliest and largest new textile variety discovered in China so far. According to the clues in the tomb, experts believe that this is an ancient tomb of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there was a princely state named Xu Guo, which once built the capital Xucheng, which is now Sihong County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, but then it was annihilated by the joint efforts of Wu and Chu, that is to say, Jing'an in Jiangxi was the last territory of the Xu State, so that this ancient tomb is likely to be the tomb of the nobles of the Xu State.

Archaeologists saw the "naked burial" girl in the tomb and couldn't help but scold: the tomb owner's means are really cruel

In this tomb, experts found 47 coffins, after opening these coffins, a total of 22 corpses were found, after relevant identification, experts found that these people are all girls between the ages of 15-20, and they do not have any funerary objects around, and in the words of experts, they are all "naked burial".

In the process of examination, the researchers also found many melon seeds of the same type around them and in the corpses, and experts speculated that these girls may be martyrs of the tomb owner, and the reason for their death may be to eat melon fruits containing high poison, which can also explain what happened to the melon seeds next to the girls and in the bones. Thinking of this possibility, the experts could not help but feel sad and indignant for these young girls, and secretly scolded in their hearts that this tomb owner's means were really too cruel.

Archaeologists saw the "naked burial" girl in the tomb and couldn't help but scold: the tomb owner's means are really cruel

You can imagine that a group of young girls who were in their prime were suddenly gathered together one day, and someone gave them the same fruit, and the girls did not know why, but they all happily took the fruit and ate it. However, they soon found themselves in excruciating pain, and eventually fell one by one due to poisoning, after which they were put into coffins and buried underground with the owner of the tomb. This kind of scene is just imaginary and it will make people feel chilling.

How innocent these young girls are, because of the noble status of the tomb owner, these poor girls will give up their lives, no one cares whether they are voluntary, and no one cares whether their relatives will be sad. Only because in that era, their lives were not worth mentioning, and they had no way to decide, but to say that human martyrdom was really inhumane.

Archaeologists saw the "naked burial" girl in the tomb and couldn't help but scold: the tomb owner's means are really cruel

According to the cultural relics unearthed in the tomb and the young girls who were buried, experts believe that the identity of the tomb owner is likely to be the last generation of Xu Wang, but some people believe that the tomb owner is likely to be the owner of the textile factory. However, this statement has not yet been determined, and experts are still trying to study and verify that one day his identity will be revealed.

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