
Susan Miller_ Horoscope of December 22, 2021


Today you might be passionate about your work or have some inspiring ideas for your next career. This holiday season can be filled with exciting news as the sun is now in your career field. You might meet someone who will teach you a valuable skill, or an important person will praise you. Your creativity and self-expression may be at their peak, and older relatives may seek your advice or will offer wise advice.


You may be in a philosophical state of mind and feel ready for change. Traveling can be attractive right now, and spending a few days away from your everyday environment can do you a lot of good. Uranus, who is in charge of the unexpected changes, is traveling in Taurus, which may mean there will be some surprises, so you're likely to get out of your comfort zone in the mood. If you're looking for true love, you might meet someone special on a train, bus, or plane.


Sentiment may peak today. The sun is now shining in the transition zone, giving your thoughts and feelings a deep sense of intimacy to the person you love. Uranus, the rebellious planet, is also in the Emotional House, and may you change your relationship for the better. Difficult conversations or decisions can be easier than expected, as everyone involved seems more willing to change. Wills, estates and property-related money will also come into focus.


You may focus on your partner – or looking for love. The cheerful sun will fill your partner's area with new energy, whether you're in a happy relationship or looking to meet someone special. As Uranus, the planet of surprises, is passing through your Friendship Palace, you may find a friend who has a feeling of love for you. Whether you respond or not, you may be surrounded by this self-improvement, and maybe one day you can be together in different situations.


Today you may be surprised by your own ambitions. Uranus, the planet representing innovative ideas, is in the area of your reputation. You may decide it's time to unleash your exciting plans, which may come as a shock to some. This should be a lucky moment to accept a new job or even consider a new way of life. When the sun shines from your health palace, you may feel a surge of energy that will give you a push in the right direction.


Your world will be beyond imagination. The dissident, rebellious Uranus is located in the area of your astrolabe associated with freedom and truth. You may be more open to your lifestyle and decide it's time to make a major change. Your friends and family may be surprised by your decision, but you know intuitively that you're on the right track. The sun is also in the area of hope and creativity in your astrolabe, cheering you on the sidelines.


It's a happy time to focus on family. Decorating your space and spending time with your family may be your priorities. The life-giving power of the sun will focus on restoring the glow of youth to forge a closer connection with those closest to you. As Uranus, the invention of the planet, is being used through an area related to a commonly owned resource that you and partners can also play a role. Maybe it's time to sell or reconsider your investment.


Talking to someone close to you can encourage healing change. Revolutionary Uranus, a planet that encourages creative self-expression, is passing through your partner's palace. Your love life may be a little precarious, but since the sun is now in your communication area, it may be easier to bring up difficult topics with the people closest to you. If you feel uneasy, you may appear more confident than usual, which helps to make your point of view clear to others.


It was a good break. The genius Uranus is in your palace of work and daily affairs, and you may have put extra energy into your work or been busy with health and fitness goals. Changing the pace of your life may be exactly what you need, or it may be a reminder of your own long-term goals. The sun is now illuminating your second financial house, which will also make it a pleasure to buy gifts for loved ones during this time.


Your love life is now full of surprises. This should be a pleasant time to go on a date or tell someone how you feel. Uranus, who is in charge of unexpected events, is in a dazzling area of your astrolabe, which may draw you to people you wouldn't normally be interested in. You may want to break any relationship patterns that have become stale. With the happy sun in Capricorn, you're likely to have the confidence to push your relationship in a new direction.


Today you may want to escape from your daily routine. If you feel spontaneous, it may be because Uranus, the rebellious planet that rules change, is passing through your home palace. You may decide to live with your partner or invite a new roommate to share the space with you. A feeling of uneasiness may encourage you to visit distant relatives, or perhaps someone from overseas will make your world a better place. News from a parent or sibling will also make you smile.


Your friends, siblings, and neighbors will be the focus of your social life. Representing the change and innovation of Uranus in your communication palace, promising vivid dialogue and interesting ideas. This can be a good time to get together, and some close people may share surprising news that proves to be very interesting. This may be a reason to celebrate, as the sun's radiant energy is also in the social area of your astrolabe, so accepting invitations and meeting old friends can be a lot of fun.

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