
Doing these exercises at home after lung cancer surgery shortens the recovery time and doubles the effect!

Surgery is known to be the mainstay of treatment for lung cancer. However, surgery may also lead to a series of respiratory physiological disorders, easy and serious complications, such as atelectasis, respiratory failure and lung infections. It not only brings certain difficulties to the treatment, prolongs the hospitalization time, increases the cost of hospitalization, but also brings a heavy psychological burden to the patient and his family, and even brings irreversible harm to the body!

Doing these exercises at home after lung cancer surgery shortens the recovery time and doubles the effect!

In order to alleviate the damage caused by complications, keep the respiratory tract unobstructed, and promote residual lung reassession, we have helped you to summarize 3 simple, safe and effective home training methods, which can make patients recover faster and better after surgery!

Blow balloons

Studies have shown that the incidence of respiratory complications can be reduced from 38.0% to 7.8% for patients with lung cancer after surgery [1].


First, the method is simple and easy to learn, and the patient is easy to master the operation.

Second, it is a non-invasive operation, with good safety performance and easy acceptance by patients.

Third, there is no invasive procedure, and the chance of nosocomial infection can be reduced compared with nasal cannula suction and fiber bronchoscopy suction.

Fourth, the airway pressure is controlled by the patient's strength, and after the balloon is inflated, it indicates a successful breathing training, which has obvious efficacy and is conducive to enhancing the patient's confidence in cooperating with treatment.


Select the appropriate balloon, maintain a capacity of 800 to 1000 ml, and begin to operate after six hours of anesthesia and awakening at the end of surgery [1].

Doing these exercises at home after lung cancer surgery shortens the recovery time and doubles the effect!

First of all, take a normal deep breath, then take the balloon in the mouth, do your best to blow the gas in the lungs into the balloon, and blow the diameter of the balloon to 3-5 cm as a successful blowing training, and ensure that there is no leakage.

Train many times according to this method, each time lasting 3-5 minutes, 3-4 times a day, and the standard condition is 5 blowing exercises per minute.

Abdominal breathing

First, expand lung capacity, improve cardiopulmonary function, can maximize the expansion of the thoracic cage, so that the lower part of the lungs alveoli can be stretched, so that more oxygen into the lungs, improve cardiopulmonary function.

Second, reduce lung infections, especially the likelihood of pneumonia.

Third, it can improve the function of abdominal organs, improve the function of the spleen and stomach, help to soothe the liver and choleretic, and promote bile secretion. Abdominal breathing can lower blood pressure by lowering abdominal pressure, which is very beneficial for patients with high blood pressure.

Fourth, abdominal breathing can calm the mind and intellect by consciously prolonging the inhalation and exhalation time, and carrying out deep, slow and regular breathing movements with abdominal ups and downs, so as to achieve the purpose of self-physical and mental regulation.

Training begins 3 days before surgery, and can also continue during the recovery of surgery, the patient sits in a position, the head is slightly raised, the left hand is placed on the chest, the right hand is placed on the abdomen, slowly inhaling with the nose until it can no longer be inhaled and paused, the left hand should feel the chest not moving when inhaling, and the right hand should feel the abdomen slowly bulging.

Doing these exercises at home after lung cancer surgery shortens the recovery time and doubles the effect!

Then exhale slowly with the mouth, and the abdomen naturally contracts as you exhale. Slow down and prolong the inhalation and exhalation as much as possible, the inspiratory and exhalation time ratio is 1:2, and the breathing rate is maintained at 7-8 times per minute.

Endurance exercises

It is helpful for the improvement of patients' quality of life, activity endurance, and lung capacity, and the effect is long-term. It has positive clinical significance for the rehabilitation of lung cancer patients.

Different sports training can be selected for different ages and different conditions. You can choose to climb stairs, play tai chi, jog (the distance gradually increases), 30 minutes each exercise, 3-4 times a week.

Be sure to warm up before doing such an activity and don't rush too much.

Doing these exercises at home after lung cancer surgery shortens the recovery time and doubles the effect!

Write at the end

The intensity of exercise depends on the individual's tolerance level, and it is recommended to continue for more than two weeks, and smokers must also quit smoking, so that cardiopulmonary function can be restored to a state suitable for surgery.


1. Liu Meimei, Ruan Qiaoling, Zheng Qunying. The effect of balloon blowing respiratory function training on postoperative rehabilitation of lung cancer patients[J].Sino-foreign Research, 2016.

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