
Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

The perfect face, the devil's body, every woman wants to have.

However, staying up late, loving sweets, lack of exercise, dieting to lose weight, and large menstruation can easily make women lack nutrition and become poorly colored, rough skin, and poor energy.

Surveys have shown that although the ingredients on everyone's table are now much richer than they were decades ago, many women are still very "lacking in nutrition".

Based on the results of various studies, Chinese women of childbearing age aged 18-49 are generally susceptible to deficiency of four nutrients, namely calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin D [1-5].

Today's article will talk in detail about how to supplement these 4 nutrients and "eat back" health and beauty.

No.1 钙

Calcium is the main component of human bones and teeth, if calcium deficiency, light bone deformation, long-term calcium deficiency is easy to reduce bone density, with the increase in age easy to increase the risk of osteoporosis, fractures and other risks [6,7].

How much calcium should I supplement?

Adult females: 800 mg per day;

In women in the second and third trimesters and lactating stages: increase to 1,000 mg per day [8].

How should I eat calcium supplements?

Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

Drink 300 grams of milk a day: Dairy products are the best calcium supplements, with high calcium content and high absorption rate. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend drinking 300 grams of milk (or corresponding dairy products) per day, which can supplement approximately 300 mg of calcium [9,10].

Eat a handful of soybeans a day (or corresponding soy products, such as 2 or so tofu), and soybeans are also a good source of calcium.

Eat one serving of green leafy vegetables daily. Leafy greens (e.g., carrot tassels, cumin, kale, rapeseed) also contain more calcium.

Other calcium-rich foods include tahini, algae, nuts, shellfish and seafood, and small fish and shrimp with bones.

No.2 Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can affect calcium absorption and can also lead to symptoms such as osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women can also lead to neonatal hypocalcemia [6,7].

How to supplement vitamin D?

1. Bask in the sun

Sun exposure is a natural, free source of vitamin D, but it is greatly influenced by many factors, including different regions, different climates, different individuals, and different effective skin exposure areas [11].

Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

2. Dietary supplements

Eat fish 2-3 times a week, especially deep-sea fish, and eat animal liver 2-3 times a month.

1 whole egg per day.

If intake is not possible through diet, consider taking a vitamin D supplement with 400 IU per day.

No.3 Iron

Women's "big aunts" every month will increase the loss of iron. If you blindly diet and do not eat meat because of weight loss, it may also lead to insufficient iron intake.

Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, and the manifestations of anemia include pallor, fatigue and fatigue, etc., which is the enemy of "good looks". If you want your skin to be rosy and glowing, you can't be less iron!

During pregnancy, the need for iron increases, but many pregnant mothers do not know the supplement, and it is likely that iron deficiency anemia will develop during pregnancy, affecting the health of expectant mothers and fetuses [6,7].

If pregnant women are iron deficient, it will also affect the fetus's iron reserves, and even increase the risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies.

How much iron should I make up?

Adult females: 20 mg per day;

Women in the second trimester (4 to 6 months of pregnancy): 24 mg per day;

Women in the third trimester (7 to 9 months of pregnancy): 29 mg per day [8].

How should iron supplementation be eaten?

Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

Animal liver 2-3 times a month, 25 grams each time, if in the middle and third trimesters, 1 to 2 times a week animal blood or liver.

40-75 grams of livestock and poultry meat per day (appropriate increase during pregnancy).

40-75 grams of fish, shrimp and shellfish per day (also appropriately increased during pregnancy).

While eating enough fresh vegetables and fruits, vitamin C can promote the absorption of non-heme iron.

During pregnancy, you can refer to the balanced diet pagoda of the second and third trimesters:

Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

(Source: Chinese Nutrition Society "Chinese Pregnant Women's Balanced Diet Pagoda")

Iron supplementation misunderstandings:

Red dates and brown sugar are not good ingredients for iron supplementation!

The iron in plant foods such as black sesame seeds, fungus, and spinach is trivalent iron, and the absorption rate is low, which is not the "main force" of iron supplementation, and can only be supplemented. The sugar content in brown sugar and jujube is high, which is not a good source of iron supplementation.

No.4 Vitamin A

Lack of vitamin A may make the eyes dry and astringent, and the night vision will also decrease, and it will be impossible to see things clearly when it comes to a place with dark light.

In addition to the eyes, dry skin and excessive keratosis of hair follicles [6,7] (rough as "goosebumps") may also be associated with vitamin A deficiency.

If you want smooth skin and bright eyes, how can you not have vitamin A?

Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

(Schematic diagram of hair perimeter keratosis)

How to eat vitamin A supplementation?

Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

Eat animal liver 2-3 times a month for 25 grams each time. (People with high cholesterol are not recommended to eat too much)

1 egg and 300 g milk per day.

Half a pound of dark color vegetables, green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkins, etc. every day.

200 to 350 grams of fruit per day, especially orange fruits such as oranges, oranges, and mangoes.

All kinds of nutrients are replenished, you can try these 3 dishes!

If you're worried about not being able to pair food, we've also prepared three healthy recipes that are simple and practical.

You can usually try to make these dishes at home, or choose similar dishes when eating out or ordering takeaway.

Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking
Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking
Lack of these 4 nutrients makes you grow old fast and your bones are brittle! Most Chinese women are not lacking

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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