
The "Opinions on Cracking the "Two Skins" Problem and Promoting the Deep Integration of Party Building and Business Work of Central and State Organs" was issued

author:Luohe United Front

On October 16, 2020, the Working Committee of the Central Committee and State Organs issued the Opinions on Cracking the "Two Skins" Problem and Promoting the Deep Integration of Party Building and Business Work of Central and State Organs, requiring all departments of the central and state organs to conscientiously implement it. The full text of the Opinions is as follows.

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Party Building Work Conference of the Central Committee and State Organs and the Opinions of the Party Central Committee on Strengthening and Improving the Party Building of the Central and State Organs, focusing on party building at the center, doing a good job in party building and promoting business, continuously improving the quality of party building in the central and state organs, and building a model organ that reassures the Party Central Committee and satisfies the people, the following opinions are hereby put forward on cracking the "two skins" problem and promoting the deep integration of party building and professional work of the central and state organs.

I. Firmly establish the concept of integrated development of party building and professional work in organs. The problem of "two skins" in party building and professional work in organs is a major stubborn disease restricting the improvement of the quality of party building. Party organizations at all levels of the central and state organs and the broad masses of party-member cadres should stand on the strategic high plane of taking charge of and promoting the great struggles, great projects, great causes, and great dreams, profoundly grasp the positioning of the party building of organs around the central task, building the contingent, and serving the masses, strive to promote the integrated promotion and in-depth integration of party building and professional work in organs, and ensure whether the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee are implemented, whether the work of the department center is completed, whether the functions of party organizations are enhanced, whether the quality of party members and cadres is improved, and whether the entrepreneurial spirit of officials is enhanced. Whether the people are satisfied or not is the fundamental criterion for measuring the effectiveness of party building in organs, and further enhance the ideological, political, and action consciousness of promoting the deep integration of party building and professional work in organs.

Second, implement the requirement of stressing politics in operational work. Strengthen the awareness of political organs, adhere to the correct political direction in implementing major tasks and promoting professional work, integrate the requirements of creating model organs and walking well in the first square into professional work, and set an example of practicing the "two safeguards" with practical actions. Improve the working mechanism for promoting the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, form a closed loop of work for research and deployment, vigorous implementation, supervision and inspection, timely reporting, and tracking of effectiveness, to ensure that it is implemented to the letter. Persist in placing party building in organs in the overall situation of the work of the party and the state to plan and advance, and find the integration point of serving the overall situation. To set policies, grasp work, and promote implementation, we must benchmark the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and often correct deviations. It is necessary to prevent the phenomenon of emphasizing business over politics, and also to prevent problems such as engaging in empty politics outside of professional work.

Third, promote the combination of learning and application, and apply what has been learned. Adhere to the study style of linking theory with practice, implement the requirements of learning, understanding, understanding and doing practical work, and consciously use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work. Establish and improve the departmental party group (party committee) meeting to timely convey and study and implement the spirit system of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions, and transform it into ideas and measures for carrying out work in combination with reality. The theoretical study center group of the departmental party group (party committee) should give full play to the role of leading and promoting study, and pay attention to studying and solving the conspicuous problems facing reform, development, stability, and party building as the focus of study. Grassroots party organizations should focus on improving the theoretical attainment and work skills of party members and cadres, combine theoretical study with professional discussion, overcome the disconnect between learning and application, and promote the mutual benefit of learning and application.

Fourth, give full play to the role of party branches as fighting bastions in promoting professional work. Firmly establish the clear orientation of all the party's work to the branches, closely follow the responsibilities and tasks of the departments to promote the work of the branches, and take the completion of the central work and the implementation of major tasks as the touchstone for testing the organizational strength of the party branches. With the goal of building party branches with "strong political functions, strong branch teams, strong party members, and strong roles", we will comprehensively promote the standardization and standardization of party branches, actively explore ways and paths for party building and business work in organs to work in the same direction and resonate with the same frequency, and continuously improve the quality of party branch construction. Give full play to the role of party branches and party groups in political guidance, supervision and implementation, supervision and guarantee in professional work, and promote party members to base themselves on their own duties, assume responsibilities, and better play a pioneering and exemplary role by creating vanguard posts for party members, setting up areas of responsibility for party members, and carrying out activities to build meritorious posts. Party members of window units should show their party membership and service commitments, provide quality services, and display a good image. Strengthen typical guidance, summarize and promote the typical development of party building and business work in organs, and create a strong atmosphere of benchmarking advanced, learning advanced, and striving to be advanced.

V. Run ideological and political work through the entire process of professional work. Timely understand, grasp, analyze and judge the ideological dynamics and work performance of party members and cadres, and give targeted encouragement, encouragement, reminders and help. Members of leading bodies and responsible persons of grass-roots party organizations should frequently and actively talk with party members and cadres, especially young party-member cadres; in particular, they should grasp important nodes such as job changes, organizational handling, family changes, and discovery of emerging problems to carry out heart-to-heart talks, meet each other frankly, exchange ideas, set strict requirements and show concern for and care, combine the solution of ideological problems with the solution of practical difficulties, and ensure that ideological confusion is solved, spiritual anxiety is relieved, psychological pressure is relieved, and difficulties are solved in daily life, and the party-member cadres and officials are fully mobilized to start their own businesses. Take the initiative to act.

VI. Improve mechanisms for the integrated development of party building and professional work in organs. Establish and improve the operational mechanism of planning, deploying, implementing, and inspecting party building and business work together, forming a "chess game" for party building and business. The departmental party group (party committee) plans key tasks to emphasize the leading role of party building, and deploys party building work to focus on strengthening the orientation of the work of the service guarantee center. The members of the leading body conscientiously perform the "one post and two responsibilities," grasp both professional work and party building work within the scope of their responsibilities, and grasp both hands, hard hands, and two promotions. The executive deputy secretary of the party committee of the organ attended the democratic life meeting of the party group (party committee) of the department, the study of the theoretical study center group, and the relevant meetings. Departments with the capacity to do so may promote party building work and cadre personnel work in organs under the responsibility of the same member of the leading body, so as to promote the party committee of the organ and the organization and personnel department to exert force in the same direction and form a joint force. Persist in the linkage evaluation of party building and professional work in organs, and in annual assessments, tenure assessments, and related assessments, summarize, report on party building, evaluate, and evaluate party building and operational work in organs, especially the party building of organs to promote the central work of their own departments and promote the completion of various tasks as an important content. The selection and appointment of party members and cadres and the evaluation of excellence shall first hear the opinions of the party branch and party group to which they belong. In selecting and commending advanced grass-roots party organizations and outstanding party affairs workers, we must look at the actual results of party building work and the completion of professional work.

Seventh, build a contingent of Party affairs cadres who are proficient in Party affairs and familiar with their work. The party committees of all departments and organs should enhance their awareness of the overall situation, and while conscientiously studying and studying the knowledge of party building in the organs, they should consciously learn and master the professional knowledge related to the duties and tasks of their own departments. In accordance with the requirements of high-quality specialization, we should strengthen full-time party affairs cadres, activate part-time party affairs cadres, and pay attention to enriching the contingent of outstanding cadres who are familiar with professional work and love party affairs work. Implement the requirements of party branch secretaries to be in principle the main responsible persons of party members of their own units, and realize the "shoulder to shoulder" of party building and business. Take the party affairs work position as an important platform for training and training cadres, implement the requirements of incorporating full-time and part-time party affairs work experience into the cadres' resumes, and arrange for backbone business and outstanding young cadres to engage in party affairs work in a planned manner. Promote two-way exchanges between full-time party affairs cadres and administrative and professional cadres in organs, and promote party affairs cadres to understand business and professional cadres to understand party affairs. It is necessary to intensify the training of responsible persons of party committees and discipline inspection commissions of newly appointed organs, party branch secretaries, committee members, and party group leaders, promote the improvement of both party affairs and professional capabilities, and strive to make party affairs cadres become people who understand politics, insiders in party building work, and intimate people for cadres and workers.

The party groups (party committees) of all departments should conscientiously perform the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, attach great importance to cracking the "two skins" problem, and earnestly strengthen organizational leadership and work guidance. Party committees of organs should perform their duties and responsibilities, vigorously grasp implementation, and promote the true integration, deep integration, and comprehensive integration of party building and professional work in organs. The Working Committee of the Central Committee and State Organs regards cracking the "two skins" problem as an important part of the special supervision of party building in the central and state organs, carries out supervision and inspection, and strengthens the follow-up and effectiveness.

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