
In the war of self-defense against Vietnam, why is it easy to enter Vietnam and difficult to withdraw?

Wen - Xiao Xi

We in China are a peace-loving country and treat any country the same, because we don't want to go through war again, and war costs not only financial resources, but a large number of innocent lives, and the value of these people is far more than anything, so we do not allow such a thing to happen again. But this does not mean that anyone or any country can bully us In China, we are not afraid of those countries that do not love peace and often provoke wars, and we will also take measures if we need war to solve problems. The Sino-Vietnamese War is a good example, in order to teach Vietnam a lesson, we sent a total of more than 200,000 troops to attack Vietnam, and in less than a month, the Vietnamese army collapsed.

In the war of self-defense against Vietnam, why is it easy to enter Vietnam and difficult to withdraw?

Before Vietnam relied on the Soviet Union, it began to be rude to china, and before we started, we didn't want to think about how you got rid of French colonization before, the country's infrastructure construction was all for you to build, it was all China, China, it was really infuriating, I didn't expect to finally move rough with China for a little interest. We in China certainly cannot get used to Vietnam's misdeeds, so we have launched a self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam.

In the war of self-defense against Vietnam, why is it easy to enter Vietnam and difficult to withdraw?

It didn't take long for us to teach Vietnam a lesson, to give them a hard blow to the country, and we are still recovering, but we didn't kill Vietnam at that time, otherwise Vietnam would not know where it is now. But when we withdrew our troops, we faced a problem, it was easy when we entered Vietnam, but it was not so easy when we withdrew.

In the war of self-defense against Vietnam, why is it easy to enter Vietnam and difficult to withdraw?

The reason for such a quick victory was also because Vietnam was in a long period of war at that time, weapons and food shortages, and at that time, our various resources were relatively abundant, and our advantages were obvious at the beginning. Also, the Vietnamese army at that time did not know how to fight regimental warfare, but guerrilla warfare was very good, but these guerrilla tactics were handed over to them by China, and the apprentices used these tricks to beat the master, and naturally they could not win in the end.

In the war of self-defense against Vietnam, why is it easy to enter Vietnam and difficult to withdraw?

Finally, when we withdrew from Vietnam, the Vietnamese army was still very unwilling and always chased after us, because at that time we were very protective of the ordinary people in Vietnam and would not hurt them. Therefore, the Vietnamese army had the opportunity to take advantage of it, often dressed as ordinary people, approaching us and then attacking our army, in addition, Vietnam also instigated local farmers and children to resist our soldiers, and from time to time they were always ambushed by them, which made our army suffer greatly, so it was very difficult to withdraw from Vietnam.

In the war of self-defense against Vietnam, why is it easy to enter Vietnam and difficult to withdraw?

Summary: War is really cruel, once there is a war, the most injured are ordinary people, so cherishing peace is the most important.

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